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Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin Addresses Urgent National Issues Following High Public Satisfaction Survey

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Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin prepares to attend a cabinet meeting on Tuesday. (Photo: Government House)

The bustling corridors of Government House echoed with anticipation as Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin poised himself for another crucial cabinet meeting on Tuesday. Though the government basks in the glow of high public support, the Prime Minister emphasized that there’s still more heavy lifting to do—particularly in the realms of education, drug eradication, and alleviating household debt.

During his reaction to a recent opinion survey conducted by the National Statistical Office (NSO), which revealed soaring levels of public satisfaction, Mr. Srettha advocated for heightened efforts to tackle these pressing issues. “Education remains the country’s top concern, and we must not lose sight of education development. As for household debt, we’ll come up with measures to reduce that. It’s also a priority task,” he declared with resolute determination.

Beyond these key areas, Mr. Srettha highlighted the government’s ongoing plans to attract foreign investment, stimulate the economy, and create more job opportunities. The NSO survey, which canvassed the opinions of 6,970 individuals aged 16 and above from April 22 to May 15, found that a staggering 44.3% of respondents were “highly satisfied” with the government’s performance, 39.6% were moderately satisfied, and a mere 14.1% were slightly satisfied.

When asked about their favorite government policies, an impressive 68.4% of participants lauded the universal health care program. The debt suspension for farmers was the second most popular policy, receiving a nod from 38.9% of respondents, while 33.1% praised the tourism stimulus measures.

However, the poll also revealed areas in desperate need of attention. A significant 75.3% of participants expressed an urgent desire to see the government address the rising prices of consumer goods. Meanwhile, lowering power bills was a priority for 46.6% of those surveyed.

In the face of criticism, Digital Economy and Society (DES) Minister Prasert Jantararuangthong remained unfazed. Some detractors suggested that the NSO survey was a strategic move to counteract a recent opinion poll indicating a steep decline in the popularity of the ruling Pheu Thai Party. This inconvenient KPI survey, conducted by King Prajadhipok’s Institute, predicted a loss of 36 House seats for the coalition-leading Pheu Thai Party, projecting only 105 seats if an election were to be held soon. Conversely, the opposition Move Forward Party would win 208 seats, up from the 151 seats it secured last year.

Mr. Prasert was quick to defend the NSO survey’s timing and purpose. “The NSO survey was carried out to evaluate the government’s performance after six months in office. The results indicated that the government was on the right track, and these findings will be instrumental in fine-tuning our work,” he explained, projecting confidence in the face of political turbulence.

With a nation watching intently, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin and his team march forward, aiming to convert public confidence into tangible improvements in education, economic stability, and public welfare. While the road ahead is fraught with challenges, one thing is clear: the government is committed to walking the talk.


  1. Sam B. June 4, 2024

    I’m skeptical about these satisfaction surveys. Seems conveniently timed to boost the gov’s image.

    • Mary Jones June 4, 2024

      I agree, Sam. Politicians always seem to have the stats they need at the right time.

      • John D June 4, 2024

        Maybe so, but the issues he’s focusing on are real. Education and household debt need urgent attention.

      • Sam B. June 4, 2024

        True, but prioritizing real issues doesn’t negate the possibility of manipulation in how stats are presented.

    • truth_seeker45 June 4, 2024

      But isn’t it normal for any government to push positive survey results?

  2. Ella R. June 4, 2024

    At least they’re addressing concerns like education and debt—even if the timing of the survey is dubious.

  3. TechSavvy June 4, 2024

    I’m more interested in how they plan to tackle the rising prices of consumer goods. That’s affecting everyone now.

    • Joe June 4, 2024

      Right, if they can’t manage inflation, all this other stuff won’t matter much.

  4. Anna Lum June 4, 2024

    The universal health care program is impressive, though. More countries should follow suit.

    • Greg Simms June 4, 2024

      Yes, but healthcare isn’t enough. People need jobs and affordable goods too.

      • Anna Lum June 4, 2024

        True, Greg, I just think health care sets a strong foundation for everything else.

      • Kay Milen June 4, 2024

        It’s a delicate balance—focusing on several key areas without overcommitting. Let’s see how they manage it.

  5. Jack June 4, 2024

    Can’t help but feel all these surveys are just political theater.

    • Dan W. June 4, 2024

      You’re not alone, Jack. It’s hard to take anything at face value these days.

    • PoliticoG June 4, 2024

      Do you have a better way to measure public sentiment, Jack? Surveys are a standard tool for a reason.

  6. Sophie Lee June 4, 2024

    Glad to see household debt on the agenda. Too many families are struggling to make ends meet.

  7. Alex123 June 4, 2024

    Foreign investment is great, but I hope it doesn’t come at the cost of local businesses.

    • Mark T June 4, 2024

      Absolutely, Alex. Supporting homegrown industries is essential for sustainable growth.

  8. Naj June 4, 2024

    Why wasn’t anything said about environmental issues? That’s a glaring omission in my book.

    • eco_warrior_7 June 4, 2024

      Exactly, Naj! Ignoring environmental sustainability is a huge mistake.

    • Sophie Lee June 4, 2024

      Environmental issues intersect with other concerns like health and economy. Surprised they missed that.

  9. Jane June 4, 2024

    The tourism stimulus measures are a good idea. That sector was hit hard by the pandemic.

  10. Li M. June 4, 2024

    Improving education is crucial, but how are they planning to do it? Budget increases? New policies?

    • Phil_67 June 4, 2024

      Great question, Li. Simply stating goals without a clear plan is just lip service.

    • Jane June 4, 2024

      Totally agree, Phil. Details matter more than vague promises.

  11. Hank_the_Tank June 4, 2024

    Debt suspension for farmers is good, but what about long-term solutions?

    • FarmerJohn June 4, 2024

      As a farmer, I can tell you debt suspension helps a lot, but we do need sustainable, long-term strategies.

  12. David K. June 4, 2024

    Lowering power bills should be top priority. Energy costs impact every aspect of life.

    • Sam B. June 4, 2024

      Agreed, David. High energy costs indirectly inflate prices on everything else.

  13. Zara June 4, 2024

    Education development is a long-term project. Governments need to keep their focus even amidst criticism.

    • Sam B. June 4, 2024

      True, Zara, but long-term projects often just get kicked down the road.

  14. Peter R. June 4, 2024

    The Prime Minister seems committed, but let’s wait and see if actions back up the words.

  15. Lucy L. June 4, 2024

    Stimulating the economy is vague. Need specifics on how they plan to create more jobs.

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