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RackCorp Launches Sovereign AI Platform in Thailand: Revolutionizing Local Industries

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RackCorp, a powerhouse in global cloud services, celebrated a monumental leap forward on August 30, 2024, with the grand launch of its trailblazing Sovereign AI Platform,, in the vibrant city of Bangkok. Hosted at the prestigious JW Marriott Hotel, this landmark event drew a stellar lineup of industry moguls, government luminaries, and media bigwigs, underscoring a pivotal moment in Thailand’s tech odyssey.

The gala heralded the premiere of—a sleek, secure, and compelling AI solution crafted to dovetail seamlessly with Thailand’s stringent regulatory landscape. Fueled by the advanced engines of Katonic AI, this platform allows enterprises to dive into the AI revolution without fretting over data integrity or the pitfalls of foreign AI dependencies. Welcome to a Sovereign AI realm, nestled on an exclusive cloud bedrock.

In cahoots with Treasure Hub, the local maestro championing in Thailand, the platform is poised to catapult the Thai market into an AI renaissance. By offering businesses pathways to supercharge productivity, automate mundane tasks, and elevate customer experiences, holds a golden ticket to the future. With a power-packed coalition featuring RackCorp Secure Cloud, Katonic AI, Hitachi Vantara, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and NVIDIA, the platform pledges AI solutions that are Local, Dedicated, Private, Secure, and Sovereign.

Let’s zoom in on the key perks:

  • Data anchored within Thailand’s precincts
  • Rock-solid data privacy and compliance protocols
  • Top-notch support teeming with AI frameworks, libraries, and productivity arsenals
  • Tailor-made LLMs meeting diverse business requisites is set to be the magic wand transforming sectors like agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing—each a cornerstone of Thailand’s economic tapestry. This tech marvel dovetails snugly with the nation’s digital transformation roadmap and fuels Thailand’s ambitions of becoming an ASEAN AI titan.

The roll-out of is more than just a tech upgrade—it’s an economic game-changer. It’s forecasted to supercharge Thailand’s GDP, galvanize job creation, and ignite innovation across the board. By weaving into their operational tapestry, Thai enterprises can leapfrog into enhanced efficiency and fierce competitiveness, dovetailing perfectly with the digital economy vision of Thailand 4.0. And by setting Thailand on the AI map, the platform is a magnet for global investment and top-tier talent.

Thai enterprises, here’s an invite to delve into the bespoke AI solutions from Get hands-on with free trials and POCs (Proof of Concept) to fathom how AI can untangle your specific business knots and unveil new horizons. Curious? Connect with us at

The event was a carnival of insights featuring heavyweights like Lawrence Michael, CEO of RackCorp; Tapat Yuvaboon, Co-Founder and CEO of Treasure Hub; Parminder (Lucky) Singh, Partner Director of RackCorp; Prem Naraindas, CEO of Katonic AI; George Dragatsis, CTO of Hitachi Vantara; Shankar Raghavan, Senior Director at Hewlett Packard Enterprise; and a special keynote from an NVIDIA luminary. These thought leaders underscored the imperatives of data sovereignty and AI’s pivotal role in cementing Thailand’s digital destiny. Riveting panels dived into sovereignty, actionable use cases, and horizons for SMBs (small and medium-sized businesses).

“The advent of RackCorp’s Sovereign AI Platform in Thailand is a watershed moment for our tech ecosystem,” declared Lawrence Michael, CEO of RackCorp. “We’re equipping Thai businesses with the digital tools they need to shine in today’s landscape, all while ensuring their data stays secure and homebound.”

Echoing this sentiment, Tapat Yuvaboon, co-Founder and CEO of Treasure Hub, added, “This alliance is a quantum leap for Thailand’s AI frontier. With, we’re not merely importing cutting-edge AI; we’re harmonizing it with our local ethos and norms. Our mission is to arm Thai enterprises with unshakable confidence to harness AI within a secure, sovereign sphere.”

Prem Naraindas, Founder and CEO of Katonic AI, chimed in, “Our synergy with RackCorp has birthed a truly holistic, top-tier sovereign AI ecosystem. By fusing pioneering hardware, sophisticated software, and tailored services, we’ve sculpted an end-to-end AI powerhouse that primes Thai businesses while staunchly defending data sovereignty. This isn’t just about piecemeal troubleshooting—it’s about reshaping how enterprises embrace AI, from groundwork to groundbreaking insights.”

With its fortified AI solutions, the ecosystem tackles the pressing issues of our data-saturated era, offering ironclad AI partnership to Thai enterprises and government bodies that squarely meet local regulations. The applications are vast—touching healthcare, education, government services, agriculture, and business, with vistas wide open for burgeoning sectors as new collaborators join the fray.

So why wait? Be part of the AI revolution. Dive into the future with and together, let’s usher in a new era for Thailand! Learn More About Today!


  1. TechGuru123 September 2, 2024

    I’m skeptical about Sounds like another corporate gimmick to me. How can we trust that our data stays within Thailand?

    • Anna Nguyen September 2, 2024

      Interesting point, but they have partnered with local companies and emphasize strict compliance. Seems pretty legit to me.

      • TechGuru123 September 2, 2024

        Partnering doesn’t guarantee full security. We’ve seen data breaches from ‘trusted’ companies before.

      • Dr. Kamonchai September 2, 2024

        Furthermore, data sovereignty is a complex issue that involves more than just local partnerships. What about the long-term risks?

    • Sunny_Day90 September 2, 2024

      Seriously? It’s a huge development! It’s about time Thailand steps up its game in AI. Always negatives first.

  2. Praew September 2, 2024

    This could be a game-changer for agriculture. Imagine the possibilities!

    • Krittikorn September 2, 2024

      Yeah, but will small farmers even have access to this? It sounds expensive.

    • TechGuru123 September 2, 2024

      Exactly. Not everyone will benefit. We need more inclusive solutions.

  3. Larry D September 2, 2024

    Bringing in AI will definitely boost our economy, but aren’t there privacy concerns?

    • Joe September 2, 2024

      I’m concerned too. Companies might misuse the data under the guise of ‘innovation’.

    • Anna Nguyen September 2, 2024

      The article mentioned rock-solid privacy protocols. Let’s give it a chance before casting doubts.

    • Larry D September 2, 2024

      True, they might have protocols, but we’ve seen loopholes before. Vigilance is key.

  4. Somchai September 2, 2024

    Finally, a solid plan for AI integration in Thailand! This is huge for tourism too!

    • Mara September 2, 2024

      Tourism is already such a tech-savvy sector worldwide. Thailand needs this to stay competitive.

    • TechGuru123 September 2, 2024

      Competitiveness should not compromise our cultural essence. Tech should enhance, not overshadow.

  5. IntelPro September 2, 2024

    Why is there so much focus on Thailand alone? This seems like a limited strategy.

    • Sammy September 2, 2024

      Maybe because the local focus ensures compliance with specific regs and provides tailored solutions.

    • IntelPro September 2, 2024

      True, but AI is global. Focusing on one country might hinder their real potential.

  6. Rina September 2, 2024

    What about people losing jobs because of AI? Automation isn’t always good for everyone.

    • TechGeek45 September 2, 2024

      Good point. Job displacement is a valid concern. Upskilling should be part of the plan.

    • Praew September 2, 2024

      Automation can lead to more innovative jobs though. It’s about adapting and evolving.

    • Rina September 2, 2024

      Sure, but the transition period can be harsh. Not everyone adapts so easily.

  7. Riken September 2, 2024

    I think this AI launch is just what Thailand needs for its digital future.

  8. Ellie T September 2, 2024

    Super thrilled to see local emphasis on AI. Finally, some recognition for homegrown talent!

  9. DotNetFan September 2, 2024

    How will small businesses benefit? Large corporations always get the best tools and support.

    • Mee September 2, 2024

      They mentioned SMBs specifically, so hopefully there’s a plan. Free trials could help small businesses test it out.

    • DotNetFan September 2, 2024

      Yeah, but free trials only go so far if regular pricing isn’t accessible for SMBs afterward.

  10. Chai123 September 2, 2024

    I’m excited to see advancements in healthcare with AI! This could really help.

  11. Samwat September 2, 2024

    This is more than a tech upgrade! It’s a whole new era for Thai industries!

    • IntelPro September 2, 2024

      As long as it’s managed well. Mismanagement could turn this golden opportunity into a lead balloon.

  12. BigDataBob September 2, 2024

    I just hope they have enough infrastructure to support this ambitious project.

  13. Ariya P. September 2, 2024

    What are they going to do to ensure rural areas aren’t left behind?

  14. ChatPandit September 2, 2024

    Given the names involved, this is bound to succeed. They have a strong team.

  15. TechSavvySue September 2, 2024

    Wonder how this will impact regulations and policies in the broader ASEAN region.

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