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Srettha Leads Futuristic Cruise Terminal Project to Boost Koh Samui’s Economy by 2029

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On a bright Sunday morning, at precisely 10:30 AM, the charismatic Srettha stood on the edge of what could soon transform into a bustling gateway to paradise. The Laem Hin Khom cape, with its gentle breezes and the whisper of waves, became a witness to a promise destined to shape the future of Samui, a jewel in the crown of Surat Thani province’s tourist destinations.

Embarking on a pivotal journey from Saturday to Monday, Srettha’s mission to Koh Samui and Nakhon Si Thammarat was marked by anticipation and hope. Stepping off at the Samui airport on a serene Saturday evening, the delegation, led by Srettha, chose to merge with the island’s nocturnal peace, opting for a night’s stay to soak in its tranquil vibes.

Joining him, a team of visionaries including Tourism and Sports Minister Sudawan Wangsuphakijkosol, Deputy Transport Minister Manaporn Charoensri, and Deputy Agriculture Minister Chaiya Promma, prepared to unravel a dream that could usher in an era of unprecedented growth for the island. The spark for this vision? A project proposed by the venerable Marine Department, currently under the meticulous scrutiny of a feasibility study.

At the heart of this monumental initiative stood Kritphet Chaichuay, director general of the Marine Department, ready with details that painted a future as vibrant as the island’s sunsets. With discussions suggesting the project’s execution through the esteemed public-private partnerships law, it was clear that upon Cabinet approval, Samui’s landscape would embark on a transformative journey between 2027 and 2029.

Spanning a generous 47 rai, including both land and sea, this ambitious terminal project seemed to emerge from the realms of a maritime dream, with a potential investment boiling down to an awe-inspiring 12.172 billion baht. The prize for the victorious private sector collaborator? Thirty years of operating a cruise terminal destined to become a cornerstone of Koh Samui’s allure from 2029 to 2059.

Kritphet envisioned a terminal that wouldn’t just be a docking point but a vibrant hub attracting 120 cruise ships yearly, leading to an influx of approximately 180,000 tourists. With each visitor predicted to contribute around 5,000 baht to the local economy, the ripples of prosperity could soon touch every corner of the island.

Srettha, immersed in the potentials of this project, envisioned more than just a terminal; he saw a haven where tourists could indulge in duty-free shopping, transforming the island into a bustling marketplace of joy and exchange.

With stars in his eyes, the prime minister reminisced about the glorious year of 2018 when Koh Samui welcomed 74 cruise ships, a record he believed was on the brink of being shattered. The terminal, for him, was more than concrete and steel; it was a beacon of hope, a dream of surpassing records and setting new benchmarks for hospitality and warmth.

Meeting the eyes of the locals gathered to catch a glimpse of the future, Srettha’s question was met with an overwhelming “yes” – a testament to the shared dreams of prosperity and growth. With a promise to turn this vision into reality by year-end, the terminal project was set to become a New Year’s gift, redefining milestones and orchestrating a symphony of development for the islanders.

But the grandeur didn’t end there; with aspirations of marinas for yachts and sailboats, and dreams of seaplanes connecting the dots across the archipelago, Srettha’s vision painted skies and seas in hues of progression and possibility.

And as if to ground the dreams in the island’s rich soil, the delegation’s next stop was a demonstration durian orchard, a living testament to the fertile promise of Samui. Owned by the diligent Chainarong Thongsuk in the lush Tambon Na Muang, this orchard was more than just land; it was a symbol of the island’s potential, a precursor to the prosperity that awaited, thanks to visions of terminals, tourists, and tales waiting to be told on the enthralling island of Koh Samui.


  1. IslandHopper April 7, 2024

    This initiative by Srettha is exactly what Koh Samui needs to elevate its presence on the global tourism stage. The cruise terminal could be a game-changer, bringing in revenue and jobs.

    • EcoWarrior April 7, 2024

      But what about the environmental cost? Introducing such a large-scale project could potentially harm the local ecosystem, especially with an influx of tourists. We need sustainable tourism, not just growth.

      • TechieTraveler April 7, 2024

        There are ways to balance development and environmental conservation. If the project incorporates green technologies and strict environmental policies, it can serve as a model for sustainable tourism infrastructure.

    • IslandHopper April 7, 2024

      I see your point, EcoWarrior, but consider the economic boon. Yes, we must tread lightly on our ecosystems, but modern engineering and planning can minimize negative impacts. Plus, the community needs this.

  2. SamuiNative April 7, 2024

    As a local, I’m torn. The prospect of job opportunities is tantalizing, but I fear our island losing its soul to commercial tourism. We cherish our quiet paradise.

    • MarketMogul April 7, 2024

      Economic development often requires some trade-offs, but it’s about the long-term benefits. Besides, a successful project could put Koh Samui on the map, leading to more high-value opportunities for locals.

      • SamuiNative April 7, 2024

        I understand the economic arguments, but our culture and environment are priceless. I just hope the planners will genuinely incorporate local voices and safeguard our heritage.

  3. GlobalVoyager April 7, 2024

    This is great news! I visited Koh Samui back in 2018, and it was an incredible experience. A cruise terminal could make access even easier for international visitors like myself.

    • IslandSanctuary April 7, 2024

      While I get the excitement, let’s not turn every beautiful island into a tourist magnet. Over-tourism can ruin the very essence of what makes places like Koh Samui special.

      • GlobalVoyager April 7, 2024

        Good point. I do hope they manage the balance correctly. It would be a shame to see such a gem lose its luster to overcrowding and pollution.

  4. FinanceGuru April 7, 2024

    A 12.172 billion baht investment is massive! The fiscal implications could be immense for both the government and the private sector. Wondering what kind of ROI they’re forecasting from this.

    • SkepticalSam April 7, 2024

      Yeah, and who’s footing the bill until then? These projects often promise the moon but leave taxpayers with the tab. We need transparency around funding and realistic expectations.

      • PolicyPal April 7, 2024

        Great point. Public-private partnerships can be beneficial, but the details matter. It’s vital that taxpayers are not left vulnerable to covering cost overruns. Fiscal responsibility and clear contractual terms are key.

  5. CulturalGuardian April 7, 2024

    We must not forget the cultural impact. Introducing a wave of tourists through a cruise terminal could dilute our rich local traditions. How do we protect our cultural heritage amidst this rapid development?

    • InnovatorIan April 7, 2024

      Adaptation and preservation can go hand in hand. With the right planning, educational programs, and community involvement, it’s possible to enrich tourists while safeguarding and even revitalizing local culture.

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