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Srettha Thavisin Reassures Commitment of Auto Giants in Thailand Amid Suzuki’s Exit

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Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin took to the streets of Lamphun in a charming sam lor ride to the provincial hall on Saturday. (Photo: Government House)

On that busy Saturday, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin confidently reassured the nation that despite Suzuki Motor Corporation’s recent decision, other automobile manufacturers remain firmly committed to their production bases in Thailand. “We’ve spoken with the giants like Toyota, Honda, Isuzu, Mazda, and Mitsubishi,” Srettha remarked, emphasizing the importance the government places on Japan’s combustion engine vehicles.

These top-tier car manufacturers have actively engaged in discussions with the government, outlining the precise measures they need to sustain and grow their operations in Thailand. “On December 17 last year, during the ASEAN-Japan 50th anniversary celebration, meetings with automotive industry leaders operating within Thailand cemented their confidence in increasing their investment in our country,” Srettha added.

While honoring Suzuki’s decision—which he noted was partly due to its smaller market share and the misalignment of its car production with Thailand’s demand—Prime Minister Srettha pointed out that Suzuki remains dedicated to manufacturing motorcycles and maintaining service centers for parts and maintenance throughout the region.

Conversely, Suwanna Khantivisit, the vigilant director of the Chachoengsao Labour Protection and Welfare Office, raised red flags about the deteriorating labor landscape in her province. She highlighted that the automotive industry, which employs a remarkable 39,321 workers across 137 sites, is undergoing tumultuous times. The rise of the electric vehicle (EV) market is partly to blame, as it nudges the traditional combustion engine vehicle industry towards a standstill.

Adding another layer to this multifaceted issue, Isares Rattanadilok na Phuket, the insightful deputy chair of the Federation of Thai Industries, pointed out the strains on the sector brought about by government policies. “With low economic growth, industries are being forced to navigate new risks,” he said. Policies like the minimum wage hike and the aggressive promotion of EV imports aren’t helping either, seemingly eroding the industry’s competitive edge.

Reflecting on crucial numbers, Isares highlighted that in the first half of this year alone, over 360 factories have shut their doors, resulting in a staggering investment loss of 9.4 billion baht. This has, regrettably, led to the terminations of over 10,000 jobs—a figure significantly higher than the average over the past two years. He warned that if a proposed 400-baht minimum wage increase were to be implemented nationwide, the number of factory closures could soar to 700, as some employers fear the adjustment could make their plants uncompetitive.


  1. Liam93 June 8, 2024

    Why is the government so focused on keeping combustion engines when the future is clearly electric? They are just delaying the inevitable.

    • Sarah H June 8, 2024

      Probably because the infrastructure and workforce are still heavily dependent on combustion engines. Changing overnight isn’t feasible.

      • John Doe June 8, 2024

        True, but shouldn’t we be investing in those changes now rather than clinging to the past?

    • Mitsubishi_fan23 June 8, 2024

      It’s not just about the future; we have to manage the present too. Thousands of jobs are on the line.

  2. Jenny P June 8, 2024

    The minimum wage hike is absolutely necessary! Workers have been struggling for too long.

    • Chris L June 8, 2024

      But if factories close, it will lead to more unemployment. It’s a double-edged sword.

      • Jenny P June 8, 2024

        True, but how long can we sustain a system where people can barely survive on their wages?

    • EconomicsExpert June 8, 2024

      Higher wages could stimulate the economy by increasing consumer spending. It’s not just about factory closures.

  3. NomadTraveler June 8, 2024

    Suzuki’s exit is just the beginning. Other manufacturers will follow if Thailand doesn’t adapt to the global EV trend.

    • Tonya W June 8, 2024

      Agreed! The world is transitioning and Thailand risks being left behind.

    • PracticalThinker June 8, 2024

      But still, some companies like Toyota and Honda are investing more, which means they see potential here.

  4. Somsak T. June 8, 2024

    Srettha’s optimism might be misplaced. The challenges highlighted by Suwanna and Isares are real and concerning.

    • HopefulCitizen June 8, 2024

      Leaders must show optimism to keep morale up. They also need to back it with solid action.

    • Somsak T. June 8, 2024

      Agreed, but let’s not turn a blind eye to the issues at hand. Ignoring them won’t make them go away.

  5. ChiangMaiSteve June 8, 2024

    Combustion engines are not dead yet. There’s still demand, especially in sectors like heavy transport and agriculture.

    • GreenFuture June 8, 2024

      True, but that demand will drop as technology and policies evolve. Diversification should start now.

    • OldTimer June 8, 2024

      People have been saying combustion engines are dead for years, but they’re still going strong. EVs aren’t the only solution.

  6. MaeMae June 8, 2024

    I’m worried about the rise in unemployment. How will families cope if more factories close?

    • ConcernedParent June 8, 2024

      The government should have a safety net or retraining programs in place for affected workers.

  7. Yuki Honda June 8, 2024

    It’s ironic that despite these reassurances, there’s a clear trend towards electric. Policies should catch up.

  8. Anon123 June 8, 2024

    Why isn’t anyone talking about the environmental impact? Combustion engines are terrible for air quality and health.

    • EnviroNut June 8, 2024

      Exactly! We should be pushing for cleaner alternatives and not sticking to old technologies.

  9. Pauline Z June 8, 2024

    Maybe Suzuki’s leaving because they couldn’t keep up with the competition here?

  10. Traveler87 June 8, 2024

    I hope the government’s efforts can stabilize things. It’s crucial for the economy and the people.

    • SkepticalSam June 8, 2024

      Stability is important, but also innovation. You can’t prioritize one over the other.

  11. Harry B June 8, 2024

    The EV market is the future, but transitioning needs careful planning to avoid massive job losses.

    • TechyTom June 8, 2024

      Exactly, training programs and phased transitions are essential!

    • Harry B June 8, 2024

      Hopefully, the government is planning something like that. It’s crucial for long-term success.

  12. Jake Browning June 8, 2024

    Sometimes I think these big auto companies just use their influence to get favorable policies.

  13. DynamicDaisy June 8, 2024

    The decline in combustion engines can actually be a pathway to a more sustainable and technologically advanced economy. Embrace change!

    • OldSchoolLeo June 8, 2024

      Change is great, but it needs to be manageable and inclusive. Not everyone can adapt quickly.

  14. Eduardo S. June 8, 2024

    The rise of EVs is a good thing, but it will definitely hit the workforce hard. We need transition plans.

    • SustainableSara June 8, 2024

      Transition plans should include education and community support, not just corporate interests.

  15. MotorheadMike June 8, 2024

    Combustion engines aren’t going anywhere soon. There’s still a gigantic market for them globally.

  16. FutureAnalyst June 8, 2024

    Why isn’t Thailand capitalizing more on the EV trend to make it a regional hub for electric vehicle manufacturing?

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