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TCMA Wins Prestigious Awards for Leadership in Net Zero Cement Innovation – Dr. Chana Poomee

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In recognition of its groundbreaking efforts to slash greenhouse gas emissions and spearhead the cement industry’s movement toward Net Zero 2050, the Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA) has clinched two prestigious accolades: the “Excellence Trade Association 2024” and the “Outstanding Leadership of Trade Association 2024,” both bestowed by the Ministry of Commerce. 🌿🏆

Dr. Chana Poomee, Chairman of TCMA, emphasized the association’s unwavering dedication to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, as mapped out in the Thailand 2050 Net Zero Cement and Concrete Roadmap. This ambitious roadmap is perfectly aligned with the national policy on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. TCMA is not only fostering collaboration among Thai cement producers but is also partnering with diverse sectors, both domestically and globally, to focus on climate action and the collective drive towards Net Zero 2050. This strategy seamlessly integrates the Thai cement industry into a global framework, promoting international cooperation, resource sharing, and the channelling of green funds into Thailand to achieve the coveted goal of Net Zero 2050. 🌍💪

The relentless commitment and effective coalition-building efforts of TCMA have garnered widespread recognition. The association’s prowess in mission accomplishment, management efficiency, stellar service quality, and organizational evolution played crucial roles in its triumph in securing these top-tier awards for 2024. 🎖️📈

It is a moment of immense pride for TCMA to be honoured with these two esteemed awards, continuing its tradition of excellence from 2023, where it was similarly recognized for its mission accomplishment and service quality. These accolades serve not just as morale boosters but also as a glowing testament to the unwavering dedication of the TCMA committee, staff, working groups, and members, all united by a singular mission: to drive the cement industry towards net zero carbon emissions by 2050. 🙌🛠️

TCMA extends heartfelt thanks to the Ministry of Commerce for this distinguished recognition and expresses deep gratitude to all supportive agencies, crossing the spectrum from governmental to industrial, professional, academic, and social sectors, for their steadfast support and unwavering cooperation. 🤝💚

“TCMA is dedicated to motivating all Thai cement manufacturers to adhere to principles of robust governance and to make consistent strides towards the Thailand 2050 Net Zero Cement and Concrete Roadmap,” declared Dr. Chana Poomee. “Our vision is to set a benchmark, aiding other industries in responding adeptly to global megatrends and the escalating climate crisis. Additionally, TCMA will persist in its collaboration with the government and various sectors to expedite the ‘SARABURI SANDBOX LOW CARBON CITY,’ a pioneering model of a low-carbon city, grounded in the 3P principles: Public-Private-People Partnership, and the 3C principles: Communication, Collective Action, and Conclusion, taking one step at a time. Furthermore, TCMA plans to integrate world-class cooperation models, support systems, and green funding into Thailand to ensure a smooth transition to Net Zero by 2050.” 🏙️🔄🌱


  1. Linda K September 17, 2024

    This is incredible news! The cement industry is one of the worst polluters and seeing the TCMA take such drastic steps towards Net Zero is inspiring.

    • Mike September 17, 2024

      Hold on a minute, Linda. Cement is a small fraction of global emissions. Shouldn’t we focus more on big industries like fossil fuels first?

      • Linda K September 17, 2024

        Every bit helps, Mike. Small actions accumulate into big impacts. The cement industry making strides could influence bigger players too.

      • GreenEnthusiast September 17, 2024

        Exactly, Linda! The domino effect is real. If every industry waits for the biggest polluters to act first, nothing gets done.

  2. John D September 17, 2024

    While it’s great to celebrate TCMA’s achievements, I’m curious about the specifics of their Net Zero strategies. Are they transparent with their methodologies?

    • EcoWarrior September 17, 2024

      Transparency is crucial. Without it, how can we ensure these initiatives are more than just greenwashing?

      • John D September 17, 2024

        Exactly! We need detailed reports and third-party audits to verify these ambitious claims.

      • Dr. Science September 17, 2024

        I agree. Detailed methodologies, transparency, and peer-reviewed validations are necessary to substantiate their claims of carbon neutrality.

  3. Karen S September 17, 2024

    This is just an award. Awards don’t always reflect real effectiveness. How do we know the TCMA is genuinely making a positive impact and not just aiming for good press?

    • Tony M September 17, 2024

      Karen, awards often come after thorough evaluation. While skepticism is fine, let’s appreciate their efforts.

    • Environmentalist123 September 17, 2024

      True, but we must also be vigilant about corporations using awards as a facade for minimal actual change. Due diligence is essential.

  4. Greg September 17, 2024

    It’s refreshing to see such collaboration across different sectors for a common cause. Public-Private-People Partnership seems like an excellent model to follow elsewhere.

    • Skeptic99 September 17, 2024

      Sounds good in theory, Greg, but such partnerships can also lead to conflicts of interest and lack of accountability.

      • Greg September 17, 2024

        I get your point, but when all parties are equally committed and transparent, these models can achieve more than fragmented efforts.

  5. Jane September 17, 2024

    The ‘SARABURI SANDBOX LOW CARBON CITY’ initiative sounds promising. Is there any information on how it has performed so far?

  6. EcoGeek September 17, 2024

    Brilliant move by TCMA! Cement industries worldwide should replicate this. The environmental benefits could be enormous.

  7. Tom September 17, 2024

    I’m wary about how realistic these Net Zero goals are. 2050 is great as a target, but how actionable are these steps in the short term?

    • ClimateCrusader September 17, 2024

      Tom, it’s a good point. Long-term goals need immediate actions. Hopefully, they break down these goals into achievable milestones.

    • SustainPaul September 17, 2024

      Absolutely. Hope changes start showing as early as possible. These targets are only good if there’s continuous progress.

  8. Lisa W September 17, 2024

    I applaud TCMA’s collaboration with international sectors. Global issues like climate change need a united front.

  9. FisherMan September 17, 2024

    Great, but what about the pollution caused during the transition period? Will we see an increase in carbon footprint initially?

  10. NaturalNell September 17, 2024

    True commitment! TCMA setting such a model for other industries is commendable. We need more such proactive approaches.

  11. GreenGuru September 17, 2024

    Awards are nice, but what true environment-centric changes are happening on the ground? Can someone verify?

  12. Olivia September 17, 2024

    Good job, TCMA! Next step should be pushing for stricter regulations to make sure these goals are legally binding.

  13. Alex T September 17, 2024

    It’s nice to hear such positive news amidst all the climate crisis talks. We need more stories like these to inspire hope.

  14. CynicSam September 17, 2024

    Cement companies know they have to change their ways to survive long-term. These awards are just part of their survival strategy.

  15. HappyHarry September 17, 2024

    Impressive! Such awards can motivate more companies and industries to follow suit.

  16. Techie September 17, 2024

    Does anyone have detailed information on the technological innovations TCMA is leveraging for these goals?

  17. RealistRick September 17, 2024

    While aims for Net Zero are noble, the cement industry still has a long way to go. Continuous audits and public pressure are essential.

  18. FocusedFred September 17, 2024

    TCMA’s roadmap should be a blueprint for other countries. Excited to see how they push this forward.

  19. Jill September 17, 2024

    Yes, these awards are great, but how does this impact the local communities around these cement plants right now?

  20. Nina September 17, 2024

    It’s wonderful to see them aiming so high, but let’s ensure they walk the talk.

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