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Thai Smile Bus Leads Green Transit Revolution with Electric Fleet Expansion

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Imagine the bustling streets of Bangkok, where the symphony of horns and engines melds into the daily rhythm of the city. But tune in a bit closer, and you’ll notice an environmental symphony playing its part: Thai Smile Bus (TSB) Company is orchestrating a monumental shift in public transportation. Their fleet of 350 natural gas-fuelled vehicles (NGV) buses is taking a final bow, with the ensemble set to retire gracefully by the month’s end. This poignant move by TSB echoes their unwavering commitment to serenading the skies with cleaner air and environmental sustainability.

Leading the green parade is none other than Kulpornpath Wongmajarapinya, TSB’s visionary chief executive officer. With the precision of a maestro, she’s ensured that a resounding 95% of these NGV buses have already exited stage left. The latest act saw 58 buses bidding adieu just this Monday. Their departure, akin to notes fading from a musical score, leaves only 16 buses to complete their tenure by this month’s curtain call. Yes, you heard it right: this isn’t merely transportation; it’s TSB’s sonnet to net zero emissions.

But don’t think the melody ends there—far from it! Ms. Kulpornpath unwrapped an encore that’ll make electric hearts race: the procurement of 1,000 more electric buses within this year alone! This electrifying addition is set to boost their electric vehicle (EV) chorus to an impressive 3,100. Currently, 2,100 electric buses glide elegantly along 123 routes throughout Bangkok and its neighboring provinces. Every day, they carry 250,000-280,000 passengers, who partake in both the comforts of modern transport and the benefits of a greener commute.

As if syncing to the rhythmic waves of the Chao Phraya River, Thai Smile Boat company, a cousin to TSB, is also making waves with its own eco-friendly act. The “Metro Line”—a shuttle passenger boat service—will be setting sail again between the scenic docks of Sathon pier and Rama VII pier. As of now, 35 electric boats cruise the river’s currents, ferrying over 5,000 daily passengers. And, akin to a crescendo, nine additional electric boats are anticipated to join the fleet, totaling a formidable 44.

And there’s still more! Drawing inspiration from the charm and allure of Bangkok’s waterways, Ms. Kulpornpath hinted at the company’s aspirations to make tourist boat services a staple, year-round attraction. So, as the sunset reflects off the skyscrapers and the Chao Phraya River mirrors the twinkling city lights, Thai Smile isn’t just a name—it’s the joyous reflection of a company dancing towards a greener, more sustainable future. Hop on board and be part of the ride that’s not only transforming transportation but also humming an eco-friendly tune that the world desperately needs to hear.

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