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Thai Union CEO Thiraphong Chansiri Leads Global Effort in Collecting Over 11 Tons of Trash on World Oceans Day

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Over 470 enthusiastic Thai Union employees from Thailand, the United States, Africa, and Europe came together on World Oceans Day, making a significant impact by collecting over 11 tons of trash. This commendable effort aligns with the company’s ambitious target of diverting 1,500 tons of ocean-bound plastic by 2030. Volunteers from nine strategic locations spanning four continents rolled up their sleeves and pitched in to clean up various sites.

The tireless Thai Union teams amassed an impressive 11,036 kilograms of trash from diverse clean-up sites, including mangroves, rivers, beaches, and urban areas in Thailand, the U.S., Ghana, the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, France, and Italy. Among the haul were common pollutants such as plastic bags, plastic bottles, foam, old fishing gear, and a staggering 10,000+ cigarette butts.

Thai Union CEO Thiraphong Chansiri remarked, “As a global seafood company, protecting the ecosystems we operate in is fundamental to our purpose. Our business depends on healthy oceans and thriving ecosystems, which is why we have committed to the broadest-reaching sustainability plan in the industry. Our aggressive goals impact the entire seafood value chain on a global scale but being a responsible community member is equally vital to us. We have four more clean-up events planned and will continue these efforts year-round.”

In Thailand, a dedicated group of 26 volunteers from Thai Union Group, Thai Union Manufacturing, Okeanos Food, and Thai Union Feedmill, supported by 224 local volunteers from organizations and four schools, gathered 2,237 kilograms of trash at the Mangrove Forest Research Centre in Samut Sakhon. Their efforts not only cleaned the environment but also fostered a sense of community and responsibility.

Across the vast United States, 47 volunteers demonstrated their commitment by collecting 65 kilograms of trash from two locations. They organized clean-ups near their commercial office in Los Angeles, California, specifically at the Manhattan Beach Roundhouse Aquarium, and near their manufacturing facility in Lyons, Georgia, at the Bullard Creek Wildlife Management Area in Hazlehurst. The team’s contributions showcased the power of corporate responsibility in preserving the planet.

Meanwhile, in Ghana, where Thai Union operates Pioneer Food Cannery (PFC), a remarkable 97 employees, alongside community members and partner organizations, tackled the canoe landing beach and its vicinity near the PFC factory in Tema. They managed to collect an incredible 8,600 kilograms of trash and old fishing gear. In a heartwarming addition, PFC facilitated blood donations for the Tema General Hospital, extending their commitment to community wellness.

A concerted effort in Europe saw 77 volunteers from Norway, the UK, the Netherlands, France, and Italy joining forces to clear 134 kilograms of trash from urban areas, rivers, and beaches. This initiative underscored the unity and determination of diverse teams working towards a common goal.

Adam Brennan, Chief Sustainability Officer at Thai Union, highlighted the company’s broader commitment, stating, “100 percent of our branded products will be in sustainable packaging by 2025, eliminating non-recyclable plastic from our brands. We also advocate for at least 60 percent of private label products to be in sustainable packaging. We are addressing plastic on multiple fronts: within our operations, through our Global Ghost Gear Initiative partnership to recover and repurpose abandoned fishing gear, and through major collaborations to divert 1,500 tons of plastic from our oceans by 2030.”

The trash collected on World Oceans Day was meticulously sorted and recorded in compliance with International Coastal Cleanup guidelines. Recyclable items were processed by local waste handling companies, while non-recyclables were managed by local waste organizations, ensuring a comprehensive approach to waste disposal.

Since the inception of Thai Union’s global cleanup campaigns, volunteers worldwide have amassed a whopping 25,171 kilograms of trash. These efforts not only contribute significantly to environmental conservation but also inspire a collective sense of duty and action towards a cleaner planet.


  1. Amanda B. June 11, 2024

    It’s amazing to see companies take real action for the environment. Kudos to Thai Union!

    • vegan_luver June 11, 2024

      I agree! They set a great example for other corporations.

      • John65 June 11, 2024

        Let’s not forget that corporate motives aren’t always pure. Is this just to look good in the public eye?

      • Amanda B. June 11, 2024

        Even if there are ulterior motives, the result is still positive. 11 tons of trash removed is no small feat.

  2. Ethan June 11, 2024

    Why can’t all companies be like this? Imagine the positive impact if everyone chipped in!

    • Xylia June 11, 2024

      True, but the cost might be prohibitive for smaller companies. Large corporations like Thai Union can afford these initiatives.

  3. Dianne C. June 11, 2024

    What good is their trash cleanup if they still exploit marine life for profit?

    • MikeTunaFan June 11, 2024

      They’re working on sustainable practices, though. That counts for something!

      • GreenFuture June 11, 2024

        Sustainability has to be genuine and not just a marketing gimmick. Actions speak louder than words.

        • MikeTunaFan June 11, 2024

          Valid point, but I think they’re actually trying. Any improvement is better than none.

    • Dianne C. June 11, 2024

      We need to push for bigger changes in their core operations, not just these side projects.

  4. Sarah W June 11, 2024

    Every piece of trash picked up makes a difference. Proud of the volunteers worldwide!

    • EcoWarrior98 June 11, 2024

      Absolutely! Someone has to start. It’s a global effort.

      • JuliaK June 11, 2024

        I participated in a similar cleanup in my city. It’s really enlightening to see the amount of trash we generate.

      • Sarah W June 11, 2024

        That’s great to hear! We need more community involvement like this.

  5. Ravi Patel June 11, 2024

    Why didn’t other big seafood companies join such a noble cause?

    • FishyBiz June 11, 2024

      Good question. Maybe Thai Union can inspire their competitors to follow suit.

      • Nina June 11, 2024

        Would be great if the entire seafood industry got behind these efforts.

  6. Bianca34 June 11, 2024

    Imagine if they put as much effort into eliminating single-use plastics entirely.

    • LucasM June 11, 2024

      Adam Brennan did mention they aim for 100% sustainable packaging by 2025. That’s a step in the right direction.

  7. teacher54 June 11, 2024

    This would be a great case study for my students on corporate responsibility and environmental science!

  8. Kyle T June 11, 2024

    11 tons seems like a lot, but is this really making a dent in the grand scheme of things?

    • Liam B June 11, 2024

      Every bit helps, Kyle. It’s a cumulative effort that matters!

    • Eco_Advocate June 11, 2024

      Small actions lead to big changes. If more companies took similar steps, we could see significant improvements.

  9. Olivia S. June 11, 2024

    It’s impressive to see efforts on such a global scale. Truly inspiring!

  10. justiceforall June 11, 2024

    It’s good to see these actions, but we should be wary of corporations green-washing their image.

    • Conner June 11, 2024

      Fair point. Ultimately, transparency and genuine commitment are crucial.

      • Tina_G June 11, 2024

        Yes, and more people need to be educated on how to spot green-washing.

  11. Mila K. June 11, 2024

    I think it’s fantastic they are also engaging local schools in Thailand. Early education on these topics is essential.

  12. Sammy June 11, 2024

    What about the communities that still rely on fishing? Do these cleanups benefit them directly?

    • OceanWatcher June 11, 2024

      Cleaner waters mean healthier fish populations. It’s beneficial in the long run.

  13. Grower134 June 11, 2024

    It’ll be interesting to see how the 1,500 tons target pans out. Seems quite ambitious.

    • OptimisticOllie June 11, 2024

      Ambitious but achievable! We need to aim high if we want real change.

      • Grower134 June 11, 2024

        You may be right. If they can pull it off, it’d be groundbreaking!

  14. Jones June 11, 2024

    The blood donations in Ghana show a deeper commitment to community welfare. Standing ovation to Thai Union!

  15. Skylar June 11, 2024

    Every company should have a Chief Sustainability Officer. Let’s hope more companies value sustainability at this level.

    • Eduardo R. June 11, 2024

      Totally agree. Makes you think how many companies still don’t have this role.

  16. E-Monster June 11, 2024

    11 tons of trash? Maybe we should focus on reducing waste instead of just cleaning it up. Prevention is key.

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