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Thailand Simplifies Diesel Offerings: B7 and B20 Fuel Standards Set for May Kickoff

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Picture this: a bustling petrol station with an orchestra of fuel pumps, each offering a symphony of diesel options. Amidst this fuel cacophony, a glimmer of simplicity emerges, thanks to the astute decision-making of Nanthika Thangsupanich, the director-general of a renowned energy department. The date is set – as the first day of May dawns, diesel offerings at petrol stations will undergo a transformative simplification, putting an end to public head-scratching and furrowed brows.

Regulatory gears shift, and lo and behold, the humble B7 diesel oil now must proudly feature a biodiesel content snugly between 6.6% and 7%. Not to be outdone, the robust B20 sibling raises the bar with a stout 19-20% biodiesel incorporation. Ah, the industry dances to the tune of evolution, and these precise standards are leading the waltz.

Ever wondered what’s behind the enigmatic ‘B’ in these oil designations? It’s not a secret code, but rather a clear label showing the percentage of biodiesel each variant blends with your traditional diesel. So a B7 winks at you with 7% biodiesel content, while B20 flexes with a full 20%.

Now, let me assure you, this symphony is composed with utmost care. The maestro Nanthika herself proclaimed that our new hero, the 7% biodiesel blend, gracefully glides alongside the revered Euro 5 oil standard. This blend wins the approval of illustrious vehicle manufacturers worldwide, ensuring your diesel engines purr rather than cough.

In a further twist, the committee orchestrating these changes gave a resounding nod to the continued presence of our friend B20 diesel – a plush alternative fuel with a green heart. And fear not, the cessation of B10 diesel sales isn’t some Shakespearean tragedy for palm oil demand. Rest assured, our director-general is confident that palm oil’s partnership in crafting the B7 diesel ensures its starring role on the stage of sustainability.

Let’s delve into the origin story of biodiesel – a renewable resource with as many sources as a detective novel has suspects. Be it the secret oils of vegetables, the unassuming fats from animals, or even the mysterious algae lurking in the deep – biodiesel’s roots are as diverse as the eco-conscience is deep.

Are you ready for some numbers that sound more like lottery winnings than fuel consumption stats? Currently, the daily guzzling of biodiesel and palm oil are at a hefty 4.33 million litres and 3.77 million kilograms, respectively. But hold onto your hats, for these figures are but the opening act. Next year, Nanthika forecasts a grand crescendo to 4.66 million litres and 3.88 million kilograms daily, respectively. Magnificent!

Indeed, as the world spins, so does our pursuit of harmony between energy and environment. Nanthika Thangsupanich, our esteemed director-general, orchestrates a grand performance of innovation and environmentally conscious progress, where diesel oil isn’t just a commodity, but a steward of clarity and green futurism. So here’s to the simplicity in diesel oil offerings – an ode to a cleaner, greener tomorrow!

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