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Thailand Tightens Online Market Oversight: TISI’s Mission for Consumer Safety

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In the bustling bazaar of the digital age, where virtual storefronts brim with a myriad of gadgets and gizmos, a clarion call for consumer safety rings out from Thailand’s corridors of industry. At the helm stands the vigilant Industry Minister, Pimphattra Wichaikul, her sights set on protecting citizens from the lurking threats of subpar merchandise. “The stakes are high, as these products don’t just imperil a single purchase, but potentially life and hearth,” she articulates, underpinning her directive to the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI).

Enter the “Quick Win” mission—an octet of robust strategies designed by the TISI to keep an eagle eye on the distribution of goods, spanning the traditional alleys and the sprawling digital marketplace alike. Their mandate? To ferret out and purge substandard wares before they reach unsuspecting consumers.

The TISI’s operatives are diving deep into the digital realm, scouring through online emporiums and examining every nook and cranny—from dazzling reviews to glossy brochures. “No stone shall be left unturned, for we must safeguard the journey from production line to palm of the hand,” declares the minister with unwavering determination.

Yet the plot thickens, as Wanchai Phanomchai, the deputy permanent secretary, unveils a concerning trend. On reconnaissance through the labyrinth of online marketplaces, the TISI sleuths have uncovered instances of rogue retailers peddling their wares without the hallmark of safety—the standard mark and its digital sentinel, the QR code. This cryptic puzzle leaves customers grappling in the dark, questioning the trustworthiness of their coveted acquisitions.

With the roll call of online vendors reading like a who’s who of digital commerce giants—Shopee, Lazada, TikTok, to name just a few—the TISI has extended an olive branch to over 300 vendors. They gather not for mere talk, but to weave a tapestry of solutions that fortify the bulwarks of public safety. The spotlight falls on domestic staples: electric pans and grills, convection ovens, and even the humble fan, all ensnared in a net of compliance dodging.

Traders, take heed! The TISI’s pronouncement rings clear: examine your goods under the magnifying glass of regulation. For those treading the line with controlled products, a TISI-issued license is your shield, granting you the privilege of promotion and sale. But let it not be without clarity, for each advertisement must bear the mark and the code that whisper of quality.

The clock ticks toward January 1, 2024, heralding a new era of scrutiny. This date marks the onset of the TISI’s grand inspection crusade. Woe betides the platforms that fail to align, for swift and unyielding justice will be dealt. It’s a clarion call to all: when it comes to public safety, the watchful eyes of the TISI leave no virtual stone unturned and no shady merchandise unchecked.

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