Imagine the heart of a nation as a vast treasure chest brimming with gold, filled to the brim, yet always anticipating the unexpected twist of fate that could come knocking. That’s precisely the picture Srettha painted as he stood before the House, a masterful orator weaving a narrative of prudent fiscal planning and bold forward-thinking.
The air was thick with anticipation as the debate on the fiscal 2024 budget bill commenced. Politicians gathered, their voices set to echo through the halls from Wednesday dawn to Thursday dusk, each side armed with a hefty 20-hour arsenal for verbal jousting.
It wasn’t a scene for the faint-hearted. Opposition MPs launched their inquiries with the precision of seasoned archers, but Srettha was no mere bystander. He rose, embodying the unshakeable confidence of a government steadfast in its quest. He was there to champion a bill that was more than a mere allocation of funds; it was a testament to vision.
With an air of grandeur, he unveiled the figures: 3.48 trillion baht in expenditures for government agencies, against the backdrop of 2.787 trillion baht in projected revenue. A deficit? Certainly—a staggering 693 billion baht chasm that would be artfully bridged by the silent partner that is borrowing.
“My dear colleagues,” Srettha’s voice resonated, “this budget is the rudder of our government’s ship, guiding the policies we’ve promised to this Parliament.” He drew a vivid picture of a budget meticulously crafted, reflecting the economic currents, the robust financial stance of the nation, and interlinking with grand national development strategies right through to the 13th national development plan and beyond to national security imperatives.
As of the latest tally, at the close of October, the nation’s coffers—the treasury balance—stood proud at 297.093 billion baht. But the true jewel in the crown? An awe-inspiring 211.75 billion US dollars in foreign reserves, a veritable fortress of financial might standing 2.74 times taller than the country’s short-term international debts.
Yet this tale is not without its dragons. The public debt, a towering figure of 11.125 trillion baht, stands at about 62.1% of the gross domestic product (GDP). But fear not, for this number is carefully cradled below the steadfast ceiling of 70% of GDP—a boundary set by the wise sages of fiscal discipline in the 2018 State Fiscal and Financial Discipline Act.
One might wonder, what has fed this debt dragon? Srettha’s response was clear: a horde of government-guaranteed loans, amounting to 10.537 trillion baht. Yet, there is a method to this perceived madness—a strategic allocation that considers potential adversaries such as the insidious El Nino, the relentless drought, the churning sea of household debts, the lurking shadow of a global economic slowdown, and the ever-present specter of geopolitical tensions expanding like a dark cloud on the horizon.
In sum, this budget stands not just as a ledger of numbers, but as a bold declaration of a nation’s resolve to navigate the unknown, a financial epic written with the ink of foresight and the quill of preparedness. So let us all take our seats, for the debate rages on, and only time will tell the legacy of fiscal planning that shall unfold.
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