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Thailand’s OTT Evolution: National Platform Reshapes Future of Broadcasting

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Imagine a world where your favorite TV shows, that thrilling sports match, and that new advertisement that’s been the talk of the town, all find a home on one spectacular online platform. That’s the vision Pirongrong Ramasoota, a visionary NBTC commissioner with her finger on the pulse of broadcast innovation, has embarked upon. With digital terrestrial TV broadcast licenses set to wave goodbye in 2029, Pirongrong is steering the ship towards the digital horizon, and she’s just getting started.

The bright future for television in Thailand isn’t just any streaming service – it’s a grand national over-the-top (OTT) platform. This digital powerhouse intends to bundle up terrestrial channels, sprinkle them with advertisements, and tie them up with audience insights into a single, seamless experience. It’s all about synergy, and let me tell you, lounging on your couch flipping through channels has never looked this promising.

But why this sudden leap into the arms of the internet, you ask? Well, take a seat as I tell you a tale of the modern-day gold rush. The International Telecommunication Union is on a quest for more frequency bandwidths – and these aren’t for catching the latest episode of a soap opera, but for the very lifeline of today’s world, telecommunications. With data consumption skyrocketing, TV is graciously taking a step back, curtsying out with a slice of its frequency spectrum reduced by over a third. Talk about big moves!

And oh, just a heads-up, when we talk about future TV broadcasts, we’re talking about eye-popping 4K resolutions. But with the current bandwidth playing hard to get, we’d be lucky to squeeze in five channels, rather than the decadent platter of 25 we have today. Pirongrong, with an eye on tomorrow, underscores that digitized streaming isn’t just a trend, it’s the new king of the broadcasting realm.

So, what’s on the agenda? Pirongrong is leading the orchestra, harmonizing tunes with terrestrial TV broadcasters, advertisers, and tech maestros from the telecom and Smart TV industries. The melody they’re composing? A consensus to study the blueprint of a national OTT service, with aspirations to make it the centerpiece for advertising and viewer analytics – a veritable gold mine of information.

She envisions a platform that not only showcases dazzling advertisements but also plays a pivotal role in keeping the economic currents of ad revenue flowing within Thailand’s shores. It’s a formidable stance against the mighty tide of international platforms that have been sweeping away all the advertising wealth.

Navigating the current waters, where terrestrial TV operators are casting their nets on diverse streaming platforms, advertisers are left without a compass – how can they find the true treasures of audience engagement? But fear not! Pirongrong has an ace up her sleeve. She’s talking about wielding artificial intelligence like a high-tech trident to measure the content’s current and monitor the ecosystem for the better content.

Backed by the stoic Digital Platform Business Supervision Act as of August 21, the NBTC has been anointed the guardian of all things OTT. The commission is ready to don the armor of regulation – safeguarding children and audiences, banishing the specters of pornography, and ensuring that advertisements for food and drugs are nothing short of righteous.

In short, the NBTC’s quest, led by Pirongrong Ramasoota, is a colossal leap towards redefining television as we know it. Buckle up, readers, for we’re in for an electrifying ride into the future of streaming, where the boundaries of pixels and possibilities are ever-expanding.

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