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Thaksin Shinawatra’s Lese Majeste Drama: A Political Thriller Unfolds in Thailand

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Amidst a flurry of camera flashes and the palpable buzz of anticipation, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra made quite the comeback in Nakhon Ratchasima last Saturday. His presence not only turned heads but also reignited discussions far beyond the city limits, as all eyes now turn towards a pivotal decision pending this Wednesday. This isn’t your everyday political saga; this has the makings of a high-stakes drama worthy of its prime time slot.

The spotlight is on the attorney-general, with the pressing question being whether Thaksin Shinawatra will face indictment for lese majeste. The air of suspense thickened back on April 10, when Attorney-General Amnat Chetcharoenrak decided to hit the pause button on this decision, signaling a need for a bit more detective work, in the form of an additional interrogation report from the police.

The plot thickens as Prayut Phetcharakhun, the deputy spokesman of the Office of the Attorney-General (OAG), sheds some light on the behind-the-scenes action. Apparently, the police investigators have been playing a bit of a tantalizing game of “keep away” with a complete report. The attorney-general, in a quest for clarity (and perhaps a dash of dramatic tension), has called for more information, echoing Thaksin’s own chorus for fairness.

Prayut notes that the police provided some snippets of the required info to the OAG, yet it seems the puzzle is missing a few critical pieces for the attorney-general to call “checkmate.” Since his parole on February 18, the lese majeste case has hung over Thaksin like a cloud. The Technology Crime Suppression Division, guardians of digital realms, took reins of the case, granting him a temporary reprieve from the storm.

The heart of this political thriller traces back to 2015 when Thaksin allegedly made comments during an interview with the South Korean Chosun Ilbo newspaper that stirred the pot. He suggested that privy councillors were cheerleaders of the 2014 coup d’état that unseated the government of Yingluck Shinawatra, his sister and fellow political heavyweight. These comments have landed him in hot water, potentially violating the sacred lese majeste law, alongside the Computer Crime Act.

Meanwhile, at the Justice Ministry, Pol Col Tawee Sodsong steps into the limelight to remind us all of the OAG’s independence. It’s a solo act for public prosecutors, free to chase down justice as they deem fit. But the plot doesn’t end here; cue the activists, who brought their own narrative twist this Tuesday.

A group of steadfast activists made their presence known outside the government complex on Chaeng Watthana Road, not with pitchforks and torches, but with a letter for the OAG. Their demand? Speed up the indictment process against Thaksin. Arnon Klinkaew, the chairman of the Thai People Protecting the Monarchy group, stood as their spokesperson, making it clear that they’re in it for the long haul. Should the OAG postpone its decision, they’ve promised a demonstration outside the government complex that could stretch to the end of July.

In a world where political machinations unfold with the suspense of a thriller novel, the saga of Thaksin Shinawatra is a chapter that captivates and divides. As Wednesday’s decision looms on the horizon, Thailand waits with bated breath. Will it be a turning point, or just another twist in the tale? Only time will tell, but one thing is for certain: in the realm of political drama, the story of Thaksin Shinawatra is guaranteed to be a bestseller.


  1. AnnaK May 28, 2024

    Isn’t it ironic how Thaksin is being targeted for something he said years ago? This feels less like justice and more like a political witch hunt.

    • BangkokSoul May 28, 2024

      Agreed, this has nothing to do with justice. It’s all about silencing opposition and consolidating power.

      • Patriot235 May 28, 2024

        But don’t you think the law is the law? If he violated it, shouldn’t he be held accountable no matter how long ago it was?

    • AnnaK May 28, 2024

      My point is more about the timing and motivation behind it, not the legality. It feels opportunistic.

  2. HistoryBuff May 28, 2024

    I think it’s dangerous to underestimate the impact of Thaksin’s comments, especially in a country where the monarchy is revered. What might seem like a political move could also be seen as protecting the nation’s moral fiber.

    • FreeThinker77 May 28, 2024

      I respect your viewpoint, but don’t you think ‘protecting the nation’s moral fiber’ is often used as an excuse to suppress dissenting voices?

  3. ThaiPride May 28, 2024

    Thaksin and his family have been a thorn in the side of Thailand for too long. It’s time for justice to be served, and if that means using lese majeste laws, so be it.

    • AnnaK May 28, 2024

      Isn’t that a dangerous precedent, though? Using such laws to settle political scores could backfire and stifle free speech.

      • LegalEagle May 28, 2024

        Free speech in Thailand is complicated, and while I understand the concerns about a slippery slope, these laws are meant to protect the monarchy as an institution, which is a key part of our national identity.

    • JusticeForAll May 28, 2024

      This isn’t about free speech. It’s about accountability. Thaksin knew the laws and chose to ignore them.

  4. NeutralObserver May 28, 2024

    What strikes me is the strategic timing of this case. Bringing it up now, years later, suggests there’s more at play than just legal proceedings.

    • CuriousMind May 28, 2024

      Do you think this is aimed at diverting attention from other issues facing the government? Seems like a classic political maneuver.

      • NeutralObserver May 28, 2024

        That’s one possibility. Political distractions are a time-tested strategy. It keeps the public and the media focused on something other than perhaps more pressing problems.

  5. grower134 May 28, 2024

    Everyone seems to be missing the point. It’s not about Thaksin; it’s about a system that allows for such discretion in the application of the law. Maybe it’s time to reevaluate the lese majeste legislation altogether.

    • TraditionKeeper May 28, 2024

      Reevaluating lese majeste laws is a slippery slope to losing respect for the monarchy, which is the cornerstone of our country. Be careful what you wish for.

    • ReformNow May 29, 2024

      It’s exactly because the law is so controversial that it needs reform. It’s been weaponized politically, and that’s not healthy for democracy.

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