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Thammasat Advanced Medical Center: Affordable Premium Healthcare Launches in Pathum Thani

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Thammasat Advanced Medical Center (THAMC) in Pathum Thani province is now poised to deliver top-notch yet affordable medical services to patients. The soft opening of THAMC was celebrated last week by Thammasat University Hospital, coinciding with the 90th anniversary of Thammasat University’s founding.

Nestled within a sprawling 53,965-square-meter, 10-storey building in Khlong Luang district, THAMC is set to offer one-stop services through a team of seasoned specialists and dedicated staff, all subscribing to a “patient-centric approach.” The 150-bed medical center has been designed to provide seamless and swift treatments that prioritize convenience for its patients.

The architectural marvel of THAMC was awarded a platinum rating for its commitment to sustainable energy and environmental conservation. By focusing on reducing the energy and water required to operate, the center aims to cut down on pollution and uphold eco-friendly practices.

THAMC aspires to achieve excellence in specialized treatments, health promotion, and cutting-edge medical research and innovations. Offering top-tier medical care at around 50% less than the cost at premium private hospitals, the center is making quality healthcare accessible to a broader range of patients.

Among its specialized clinics are those dedicated to orthopedics, surgery, skincare, and child health, all of which are equipped to serve up to 1,500 outpatients daily. This ensures that a wide array of medical needs can be met under one roof, providing comprehensive care to the community.

Full services at the center are slated to commence by mid-November, marking a new chapter in premium yet affordable healthcare for the region.


  1. Jane Doe July 5, 2024

    This looks like a great initiative! Finally, affordable yet premium healthcare.

    • CriticalThinker88 July 5, 2024

      Affordable healthcare you say? Let’s see how long that lasts before prices start creeping up.

      • Jane Doe July 5, 2024

        We have to start somewhere, and if they keep to their mission, maybe prices won’t rise.

      • Alex July 5, 2024

        Exactly! As long as they maintain transparency, it should be fine.

  2. Dr. Raj July 5, 2024

    I hope THAMC emphasizes preventive care. That’s often overlooked in most hospitals.

    • Susie Q July 5, 2024

      You’re so right! Preventive care can save so many lives but is rarely focused on.

    • NavigatorJohn July 5, 2024

      I read their mission includes health promotion, so we might see some good initiatives there.

    • Dr. Raj July 5, 2024

      Fingers crossed! It’ll be interesting to see how they follow through.

  3. Melody July 5, 2024

    Why build such a big center in Pathum Thani? Shouldn’t this be in Bangkok?

    • SimpleSimon July 5, 2024

      Not everyone lives in Bangkok. It’s nice to see facilities spreading out to other regions.

    • George R July 5, 2024

      Plus, land in Bangkok is super expensive. Pathum Thani is a strategic choice.

      • Melody July 5, 2024

        I didn’t think of that. Makes sense now.

  4. HealthcareFan25 July 5, 2024

    The eco-friendly design is a major plus. Our planet needs more of this!

    • Peter P July 5, 2024

      It’s great, but how effective is it really? Sometimes these ‘eco-friendly’ tags are just for show.

      • EcoWarrior July 5, 2024

        I totally disagree. A platinum rating isn’t handed out easily. This is a big deal!

  5. Naomi July 5, 2024

    Do they offer services for mental health? That’s usually lacking in hospitals.

    • Paul M July 5, 2024

      Not mentioned in the article, but since their approach is comprehensive, I hope they do.

  6. Lucas July 5, 2024

    150 beds? That seems small for such a large facility.

    • BrightSpark July 5, 2024

      Many of the services might be outpatient. Hence, fewer beds needed.

    • Cynthia L July 5, 2024

      Exactly. Modern healthcare is moving towards more outpatient care anyway.

  7. Rizwan July 5, 2024

    Is this backed by the government? Otherwise, maintaining low costs could be a challenge.

    • Katrina S July 5, 2024

      It’s affiliated with a university. Maybe there are some government funds involved.

  8. Ben July 5, 2024

    1,500 outpatients daily is impressive. But can they handle the load efficiently?

    • Jenna B July 5, 2024

      The article says they have seasoned specialists. Let’s hope they hire enough staff too.

  9. Emerald July 5, 2024

    I live nearby! Can’t wait for the full services to start in mid-November.

  10. Mike July 5, 2024

    I wonder if the quality of care will be compromised due to the lower costs.

  11. Veronica July 5, 2024

    Great news! Will definitely consider this place for my family’s medical needs.

  12. SoloMystery July 5, 2024

    What’s the catch though? Affordable usually means something’s got to give.

    • Raven July 5, 2024

      Exactly my thoughts. But let’s wait and see. Maybe it really is what it claims to be.

  13. CareforHealth July 5, 2024

    Kudos to Thammasat for this launch. Good healthcare should be a right, not a privilege.

    • Eli T July 5, 2024

      Hear, hear! Health is a basic human need.

    • CareforHealth July 5, 2024

      Exactly. This is a promising step in the right direction.

  14. Leslie L July 5, 2024

    I just hope they have some international standards in place. Quality varies greatly in many regions.

  15. Jacob S July 5, 2024

    Can’t wait to see the innovations they come up with. Medical research is so vital.

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