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Torsak Sukvimol’s Strategy for Harmonizing Royal Motorcade and Public Rights in Bangkok Streets

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Imagine cruising along a bustling Bangkok expressway, the city alive with its usual hum of activity, when suddenly, you find yourself amidst an event that feels part cinematic, part real-life royalty drama. Torsak Sukvimol, the individual orchestrating the delicate balance between the execution of police duties and public convenience, stands at the helm of ensuring the safety of the royal motorcade—no easy feat in a city teeming with vibrant life and unpredictable traffic.

His directives are clear and come with a vision. Collect evidence before, during, and after these high-profile processions, he instructed, emphasizing the meticulous care needed to uphold justice and fairness. Imagine investigators, with an eye for detail, ensuring that every piece of the puzzle is placed perfectly, safeguarding the dignity of the procession while keeping an eye out for the city’s heartbeat—the public.

But why this sudden emphasis on precision and public education? The answer lies in an incident as unexpected as it is illustrative of the challenges facing Bangkok’s streets. Last Sunday, as the motorcade of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn glided across an expressway, an audacious chase unfolded. An unidentified car, honking persistently, dared to disrupt the serene passage of royalty.

The scene might have been lifted straight from a high-stakes drama. Police form a barrier, a car insists on breaking through, and amidst the tension, Tantawan Tuatulanon, an anti-monarchy activist and the impassioned passenger of the vehicle, finds herself in a heated exchange with an officer. The contention? The urgency of her journey versus the apparent “preferential treatment” of the royal convoy.

What makes this scene more intriguing is the police’s response. No road was closed for the royal passage; the convoy was merely being led and followed by police vehicles, ensuring the public’s right to the road wasn’t infringed upon. Yet, the incident raises thought-provoking questions about coexistence on Bangkok’s roads, sparking a broader conversation on public and royal domains sharing the same space.

In the aftermath, Tantawan was issued a summons, marking the beginning of a legal ballet. Her non-appearance led to a second summons, dangling the threat of an arrest warrant—a subplot adding layers to this unfolding narrative.

Torsak’s suggestions, born from this incident, are more than operational directives; they are a call to harmonize the dance between royal traditions and public rights. Educating the masses on safe practices, establishing standards for ensuring safety while minimizing disruption, aims to weave a fabric of mutual respect and understanding—transforming potential conflicts into opportunities for coexistence.

In essence, Torsak is writing a guidebook for a new Bangkok—a city where the royal motorcade and the everyday commuter can share the streets not just with tolerance, but with respect for each other’s roles in this grand, bustling metropolis. The last Sunday’s incident, while minor in disruption, was monumental in lessons learned, prompting a reevaluation of how tradition and modernity can coexist in harmony on the roads of Bangkok.

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