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Tragic Crane Collapse in Nakhon Sawan: Cambodian Worker Killed, Homes Damaged

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A dramatic and tragic event unfolded on Thursday afternoon in the bustling Muang district of Nakhon Sawan province, sending shockwaves through the local community. (Photo: Chalit Poomruang)

NAKHON SAWAN – A heart-wrenching accident has gripped the construction site of a condominium project when a massive crane, towering several stories high, unexpectedly gave way. This devastating collapse, which occurred amidst the busy activity of the work site, led to the untimely death of a Cambodian worker and caused extensive damage to eight homes in the adjacent area.

The scene was nothing short of chaotic around 3:30 PM, as the eight-tonne behemoth of machinery came crashing down while hoisting materials destined for the fourth floor of the ambitious 19-storey condominium project. The construction site is situated on the bustling grounds of the Central Department Store Nakhon Sawan, in the locale known as tambon Nakhon Sawan Tok. Eyewitnesses described a horrifying symphony of metal clanging and tiles shattering as the crane collapsed.

The victim of this tragic incident has been identified as Laim Pech, a 33-year-old crane operator whose life was abruptly cut short. The accident has not only taken a precious life but also left a scar on the community of Bang Rao Rakkanjing. The affected houses endured a barrage of debris, ranging from heavy metal fragments to splintering tiles, which also damaged three cars parked nearby, emphasizing the widespread impact of the incident.

Law enforcement officers are meticulously piecing together the events leading up to the crane’s collapse. The investigation is focused on determining the factors that precipitated such a catastrophic failure in machinery that is typically seen as a symbol of structural safety.

In the wake of the calamity, Central Pattana Residence Co, the developer behind the condominium project, stepped forward with a heartfelt statement. They expressed their deepest condolences to Laim Pech’s grieving family and committed to bearing full responsibility for the repercussions of the disaster. Demonstrating a proactive approach, the company has deployed teams to assess and address the damage inflicted upon the affected community, assuring residents that their concerns and losses are being treated with the utmost seriousness.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the inherent risks associated with construction work and the critical importance of stringent safety protocols. As the investigation continues, the community remains united in its call for better safety measures to prevent such tragedies in the future.

The atmosphere in Nakhon Sawan is one of somber reflection as residents come together to support those affected by this unexpected tragedy. The reverberations of this loss will undoubtedly linger as both the community and the construction company navigate the challenging process of recovery and rebuilding.


  1. Marcia G. September 13, 2024

    This is horrifying! How could something like this happen in the first place?

    • construction_guru23 September 13, 2024

      It sounds like a massive oversight in safety protocols. Companies too often cut corners to save money.

      • Liam O’Reilly September 13, 2024

        True, but we don’t know the full details yet. Maybe there was an unexpected failure that was hard to foresee.

      • Marcia G. September 13, 2024

        Even so, it’s the company’s job to ensure that unforeseen failures don’t lead to deaths. It’s a lack of responsibility on their part.

  2. Sky2024 September 13, 2024

    I live near that area. You should have seen the chaos! My heart goes out to the worker’s family.

    • Tanya M. September 13, 2024

      So sorry you had to witness that. It’s just devastating for everyone involved.

      • Sky2024 September 13, 2024

        Thank you. I’m mostly shaken up, but nothing compared to those directly affected. It’s just such a sad event.

  3. BobFromAccounting September 13, 2024

    Why was a Cambodian worker running the crane? Do they not hire local talent?

    • Anna Vazquez September 13, 2024

      That’s pretty insensitive. It shouldn’t matter where the worker was from; a life was lost, and that’s tragic.

      • J. Michael September 13, 2024

        Agreed. His nationality has nothing to do with the tragedy. Imagine what his family must be going through.

    • BobFromAccounting September 13, 2024

      I’m just wondering about the employment practices. Companies should ensure they hire skilled labor, period.

    • Ryan_P September 13, 2024

      Regardless of nationality, the focus should be on why the crane failed and how to prevent such incidents in the future.

  4. Lana K. September 13, 2024

    This happened right near my friend’s house! They were lucky no one in their family got hurt.

    • Tom D. September 13, 2024

      That’s terrifying! But what does it say about the safety regulations if something like this can happen in a residential area?

      • Lana K. September 13, 2024

        Exactly. The company needs to be held accountable. Someone has to pay for the damages and the loss.

      • Sue-Ellen September 13, 2024

        Agreed. I hope the company actually follows through on their promises and doesn’t just forget once the media attention dies down.

  5. Engineer2022 September 13, 2024

    As a professional in the field, I can tell you that maintaining these machines is no small task. The crane’s collapse could have been due to a myriad of factors.

    • Jonny September 13, 2024

      So if it’s so complicated, companies should be putting more resources into checks, right?

      • Engineer2022 September 13, 2024

        Absolutely. Regular maintenance and rigorous safety checks are crucial. If they were overlooked, it’s a big issue.

    • Cindy September 13, 2024

      If they know it’s complicated, there should be no room for corner-cutting on maintenance. It’s a matter of life and death.

  6. TravelBug September 13, 2024

    Such a dreadful incident. I’ve visited Nakhon Sawan, it’s usually a peaceful place.

    • NomadX September 13, 2024

      It shouldn’t take a tragedy like this to highlight safety issues. Every construction site should be following the highest standards.

    • Juliana R September 13, 2024

      I agree. Safety regulations must be enforced everywhere, not just in big cities.

  7. Chris L. September 13, 2024

    The company says they’re handling the aftermath, but I’ll believe it when I see it. Promises are easy to make when you’re in hot water.

  8. Madison T. September 13, 2024

    This is heartbreaking. How will the community recover from such a traumatic event?

  9. JoanZ September 13, 2024

    Heads need to roll for this negligence. Someone’s responsible, and they must face the consequences.

  10. Leo H September 13, 2024

    Hopefully, they learn something from this disaster and put better safety measures in place going forward.

  11. Harvard Dan September 13, 2024

    The structural integrity of construction sites is paramount. A collapse like this speaks to systemic flaws within the industry.

  12. Skeptical39 September 13, 2024

    Big construction firms always talk a big game but fail to deliver when it counts. Mark my words, they’ll find a scapegoat and carry on as usual.

  13. Jill September 13, 2024

    At the end of the day, a human life was lost. We need more compassion and less finger-pointing.

  14. Phil M September 13, 2024

    Just an awful event all around. The government should step in to ensure this kind of thing doesn’t happen again.

  15. Annabelle Lee September 13, 2024

    I can’t believe something like this could happen in broad daylight with so many people around. Terrifying.

  16. MarkySharky September 13, 2024

    Another case of profits over people. When will these companies learn?

  17. Local_vox September 13, 2024

    Living here means dealing with such risks daily. The community needs more security measures.

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