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Tragic Passing of Infant in Nakhon Nayok Sparks Urgent Calls for Child Protection Measures

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Nakhon Nayok: In a heart-wrenching tragedy, a one-year and nine-month-old infant has tragically succumbed to her injuries after being sexually abused and beaten by a 50-year-old man in the Ongkharak district. The sorrowful story began on Saturday night, when the child’s aunt, Sukanya (surname withheld), was devastated by news from a neighbor that the child had been found unconscious after allegedly falling down some stairs.

When Sukanya rushed to Nakhon Nayok Hospital to see her niece, she was hit with an unbearable scene. The tiny girl was in a coma, suffering from a brain hemorrhage, with bruises covering her fragile body. Suspicions immediately aroused in Sukanya’s heart. It was clear to her that this wasn’t merely an unfortunate accident. The hospital’s examination confirmed her worst fears: the child had been brutally beaten and raped.

Sukanya shared that the girl had been living under the care of a neighbor since the child’s parents had separated and her father relocated to another province for work. Sukanya, despite her best efforts to provide love and care, had to entrust the child’s care during the day to the wife of Pichit (surname withheld), the neighbor and suspect in this heinous act.

On Tuesday, justice began its slow march as Pichit was taken into custody. Initially, Pichit vehemently denied the disturbing accusations; however, under the weight of evidence, he eventually confessed. His excuse was that he had been infuriated by the child’s innocent cries. More horrifyingly, he admitted to raping the girl while under the influence of methamphetamine pills, commonly known as ya ba.

The details only grew more grim, as the police revealed Pichit’s long-standing addiction to ya ba, spanning over 20 years. Law enforcement swiftly moved to detain him at Nakhon Nayok Provincial Court, denying him bail as the investigation continues. The charges against him will be pressed in due course.

Before the break of dawn yesterday, the brave little girl’s fight for life came to a deeply sorrowful end at 6 AM. Her passing marks a heart-wrenching moment, stirring cries for justice and heightened awareness about the vulnerability of children and the monstrous behaviors lurking in what should have been a safe haven.


  1. Sarah July 10, 2024

    This story is absolutely horrifying. How can anyone do this to an innocent child?

    • James M. July 10, 2024

      It’s sickening. The justice system needs to enact harsher penalties for such heinous crimes.

      • Mary W July 10, 2024

        But will harsher penalties really deter someone who’s already so depraved and deranged? I doubt it.

    • Tom_S July 10, 2024

      Agree, there should be a death penalty for monsters like this.

      • Sarah July 10, 2024

        I don’t know if the death penalty is the answer. We need more preventative measures in place.

  2. Max84 July 10, 2024

    This breaks my heart. How can people who are supposed to be responsible and caring fail so miserably?

    • Kathy B July 10, 2024

      Sadly, this isn’t new. Child protection services need more resources and oversight.

      • Henry D July 10, 2024

        It’s not just about resources, it’s about people caring enough to do something. Most people just look the other way.

      • Max84 July 11, 2024

        True, Henry. Community vigilance can make a huge difference.

  3. Alice July 10, 2024

    How can society allow a known drug addict to be a child’s caretaker? This reflects deeper systemic failures.

    • George July 10, 2024

      It’s easy to blame the system, but the real fault lies with the individual who committed the crime.

      • Alice July 11, 2024

        Yes, George, but isn’t the system supposed to prevent monsters like him from having access to children in the first place?

    • JD July 11, 2024

      Both the individual and the system failed here. It’s a complex issue that needs a multifaceted approach.

  4. Nadine_90 July 10, 2024

    I can’t even imagine the pain of losing a child like this. My heart goes out to the family.

    • John P July 11, 2024

      Same here. It’s unimaginable. We need to support victims’ families more.

  5. Educator101 July 10, 2024

    This is why education on child safety must be a priority in schools and communities. Teach kids to speak up.

    • Teacher_L July 11, 2024

      Absolutely. Education can empower children and create a safer environment for them.

      • Ben July 11, 2024

        But can you really teach a one-year-old to recognize and report abuse? We also need to train adults to spot signs.

      • Educator101 July 11, 2024

        True, Ben. It’s about a combined effort from both children and adults.

  6. Rayjay July 11, 2024

    What a sad state of affairs when children aren’t safe in their own homes. Society needs an overhaul.

    • Diane K July 11, 2024

      Indeed. Starting with better mental health and addiction rehab programs.

      • Rayjay July 11, 2024

        Good point, Diane. Fixing these roots could prevent many future tragedies.

  7. Luna_L July 11, 2024

    There should be mandatory background checks for anyone who cares for children. Period.

  8. willow_tree July 11, 2024

    This is why I always tell people to be wary of who they trust with their kids.

    • Sam T July 11, 2024

      Absolutely, you can’t be too careful these days.

  9. old_timer_joe July 11, 2024

    In my day, communities were closer, and we looked out for each other. Nowadays, everyone’s too busy.

  10. Lily R July 11, 2024

    Reading this makes my blood boil. That monster deserves no mercy.

  11. Michaela K July 11, 2024

    I hope he’s locked away forever. Justice needs to be swift and severe.

    • Jasmin F July 11, 2024

      Agree, although no punishment could ever bring peace to the child’s family.

  12. ConcernedParent July 11, 2024

    We need more community outreach initiatives to educate about child safety and drug prevention.

  13. Rick S. July 11, 2024

    It’s heartbreaking that this happened. The system seriously failed this little girl.

    • Eva G July 11, 2024

      Agreed, we need systemic changes to protect the most vulnerable.

  14. Charles B July 11, 2024

    Stories like this are tragic reminders of why vigilant governance is essential.

    • Annette July 11, 2024

      Every level of society must take responsibility. Tragedies happen when we become complacent.

  15. social_activist_007 July 11, 2024

    We need to rally for stronger laws and better support systems for child protection now!

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