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Unbelievable Political Gambit: Pheu Thai’s Multi-Billion Baht Ploy to Reignite The Economy- Is This the Upside Down of Thai Politics?

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This coming Friday, the Parliament is set to assemble for a united session that is specifically dedicated to selecting the next premier of the nation.

“If we want to see the nation progress and the establishment of a new government in the near future, it is essential to temporarily put to rest discussions on Section 112 [of the Penal Code],” expressed Srettha during a recent Tuesday address.

“Presently, Pheu Thai places the greatest emphasis on issues concerning the economy and the welfare of the general populace. Instead of focusing on other areas, it is crucial to focus on economic enhancement and ensuring that the populace has access to essential and basic necessities,” he added further.

The hallmark economic revitalization policy that Pheu Thai pledged during its election campaign season was the initiation of a 10,000-baht digital wallet scheme, which is expected to set the government coffers back by approximately 560 billion baht.

As per the proposed scheme, every Thai citizen who is 16 years or older will be entitled to receive 10,000 baht in the form of a digital wallet. This digital currency can be expended at stores situated within a 4-kilometer radius of the recipient’s registered residence. The granted money is to be utilized within a span of six months solely on necessaries of life.

A political shift was observed recently when Pheu Thai emerged as the frontrunner in forming the forthcoming government following Move Forward’s withdrawal in the wake of its leader and sole prime ministerial candidate, Pita Limjaroenrat, failing to garner sufficient votes for the PM’s position.

Srettha was also addressing the criticism leveled at him concerning a video clip that portrayed him expressing an intention to modify the lese majeste law while soliciting votes. There have been certain senators who have shared that they do not intend to endorse a PM candidate known for supporting the defamation of the monarch.

Srettha communicated last month that the amendment of Section 112 should not be adopted as a policy endorsed by the Pheu Thai-led coalition, as it can compromise its chances of receiving votes from a significant number of MPs and senators.

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