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Urs Fehr Acquitted of Assault in Phuket: Controversial Court Case Divides Community

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During a recent press conference at the Phuket provincial hall on March 1, Urs Fehr and his wife Khanuengnit addressed the media regarding the controversial incident that had consumed local and social media alike.

PHUKET: On Tuesday, the Kwaeng Court acquitted Swiss national Urs Fehr of charges stemming from an altercation involving him and a woman doctor on a beach outside his rented villa back in February. Details are scarce, but the court decided to give the benefit of doubt to Fehr, 45, according to insider information.

The incident in question involved Dr. Thandao Chandam, a 26-year-old physician who claimed Fehr kicked her in the back while she and a friend sat on steps leading down to Yamu Beach to enjoy the full moon on the evening of February 24. The steps, it turned out, weren’t part of Fehr’s rented property but had been illegally constructed. Not long after the incident, the controversial steps were demolished.

Initial reports indicate that following the altercation, Fehr and his Thai wife made a public apology, stating that they had believed Dr. Thandao was trespassing. Fehr claimed he had slipped on the steps and accidentally struck the doctor as they approached her. This explanation did little to quell the ensuing public outcry.

Local residents were incensed, calling for Fehr’s immediate expulsion from the country. Immigration officials took the demands seriously, revoking Fehr’s visa and labeling him a societal threat. Fehr quickly moved to appeal the decision, hoping for a reversal in his immigration status.

Adding fuel to the fire, reports emerged of Fehr’s involvement in a separate road rage incident with an ambulance driver. Furthermore, an investigation into Fehr’s elephant foundation revealed additional questionable activities. The authorities revoked licenses for both a pistol and a rifle that were registered to him under the foundation.

Despite the myriad issues surrounding Fehr, the Kwaeng Court ultimately found him not guilty of the kick that ignited the local fury. Dr. Thandao’s father, Kasem Chandam, confirmed the court’s ruling but noted that his daughter was deeply upset by the outcome. Her legal team plans to obtain a full copy of the court’s judgment in the coming days to explore possible next steps.

The ruling has left the community divided, with some members siding with the court’s decision and others feeling justice was not served. As Phuket continues to be a hotspot for both tourism and expat life, incidents like these not only affect the individuals involved but also shape the public perception of safety and harmony within this picturesque locale.


  1. James L September 3, 2024

    I can’t believe the court acquitted him! This sets such a bad precedent for how expats can treat locals.

    • Sophie September 3, 2024

      Accidents happen, and sometimes it’s just a matter of misunderstanding. The court probably made the right call.

      • James L September 3, 2024

        A misunderstanding doesn’t explain why he was involved in multiple incidents. There’s clearly something off here.

      • Martha T September 3, 2024

        The guy has a pattern of behavior. No way was this just a simple accident.

  2. Ravi2020 September 3, 2024

    Why is nobody talking about the illegal steps? Does Dr. Thandao hold any responsibility for that?

    • Lily D September 3, 2024

      Good point, Ravi. If the steps were illegal, why were they there in the first place? The focus seems too one-sided.

      • Tom E September 3, 2024

        Even if the steps were illegal, it doesn’t justify kicking someone in the back. That’s just wrong.

      • Ravi2020 September 3, 2024

        Of course, but it does highlight a broader issue of property rights and enforcement in Phuket.

  3. Sarah Lee September 3, 2024

    I’m more concerned about the allegations regarding his elephant foundation. It sounds like this guy has way too many skeletons in his closet.

    • greenearth September 3, 2024

      Agreed. If those activities are shady too, it just adds to the narrative that he might not be as innocent as he claims.

  4. John September 3, 2024

    Everyone’s quick to condemn, but we need to remember that it’s innocent until proven guilty. The court ruled in his favor for a reason.

    • Angelina32 September 3, 2024

      But what about his other behavior? The road rage incident, for example? It all paints a bigger picture.

      • John September 3, 2024

        Incidents should be judged separately. Otherwise, it’s just mob justice.

    • Evelyn K September 3, 2024

      Justice might not always be clear-cut, especially in such murky situations.

  5. Henry Wong September 3, 2024

    This entire case is a mess. From illegal constructions to expat privileges and local justice, it’s a microcosm of everything wrong in Phuket.

  6. Tina Pham September 3, 2024

    Dr. Thandao’s dad said she’s really upset by the outcome, and I feel for her. Imagine being attacked and then seeing the perpetrator walk free!

    • Marcus P September 3, 2024

      True, but court decisions aren’t about feelings. They’re about facts and evidence.

    • Tina Pham September 3, 2024

      But emotional trauma is real and matters. Courts should consider the human aspect too.

  7. Lucas93 September 3, 2024

    I’m just glad the illegal steps were taken down. Maybe this will encourage better zoning laws.

  8. Patricia September 3, 2024

    This case makes me worried about the safety for expats and tourists in Phuket. Can we trust the local justice system?

    • Bob S September 3, 2024

      Every justice system has its flaws, but it doesn’t mean you should lose trust entirely.

    • Patricia September 3, 2024

      True, but incidents like these shake my confidence.

  9. Xander September 3, 2024

    Can we talk about how immigration revoked his visa so fast? Shows that public opinion can sway decisions quickly.

    • Anna September 3, 2024

      Yeah, that was pretty swift. It’s almost like they were waiting for an excuse.

    • Xander September 3, 2024

      Exactly. It’s unsettling how quickly things can change.

  10. EcoWarrior September 3, 2024

    I’m more worried about what this means for local wildlife. The investigation into his elephant foundation shouldn’t be glossed over.

  11. Julia L September 3, 2024

    Public outcry over this shows how divided the community is. We need to come together and find a balanced viewpoint.

  12. Russ N September 3, 2024

    It’s just another example of how complicated life can get on a tourist island. Everyone’s got their own agenda.

  13. Lucy September 3, 2024

    The court might have acquitted him, but the court of public opinion sure hasn’t.

  14. Eddie September 3, 2024

    As an expat myself, I’m really disturbed by this whole incident. It’s not painting us in a good light at all.

    • Monica September 3, 2024

      Exactly. It’s hard enough to blend in without these kinds of stories making the rounds.

  15. JazzLover September 3, 2024

    I just want to know what happens next. Will Dr. Thandao’s legal team push for an appeal or something?

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