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US Ambassador Robert Godec Highlights Thai Media’s Role in Reporting US Presidential Elections

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US Ambassador Robert Godec speaks at the opening of a workshop on US presidential elections for Thai journalists on Saturday. (Photo supplied)

Thai media will be pivotal in fostering informed discourse within Thailand regarding the United States presidential elections and engaging the Thai public in understanding the US electoral system, according to US Ambassador Robert Godec.

Speaking at the commencement of a workshop on the elections held on Saturday, Mr. Godec highlighted the initiative’s significance, particularly in the current media landscape, where disinformation and fake news flourish, manipulated by those aiming to undermine democracy globally.

“Your role as journalists, in upholding accurate reporting and championing transparency, is therefore more vital and relevant than ever for democracy,” he emphasized.

Mr. Godec underscored the crucial role journalists play in ensuring transparency in a democracy, especially during critical junctures like elections. “Take the time to verify information with reliable sources, including contacting our press team at the embassy. We are here to help answer your questions or direct you if something doesn’t seem right,” he advised.

He also stressed that democracy cannot be taken for granted. It must be shielded and nurtured by engaged and informed citizens who understand their democratic systems, its processes, and their rights.

During the workshop, Mr. Godec met with a group of 42 Thai journalists eager to deepen their knowledge of US presidential elections and its electoral process. The event, a collaborative effort between the United States Embassy and the Thai Journalists Association (TJA), provided participants with a valuable opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of US elections and insights on how to effectively report on the topic.

When asked about the potential impact of the 2024 election, which is slated for November 5, on Thai-US relations and Southeast Asia as a whole, Mr. Godec noted that US foreign policy can shift between different presidential administrations. However, the core principles guiding US foreign policy—promoting security, democracy, prosperity, and development both domestically and internationally—remain constant.

“The Indo-Pacific region has consistently been a focal point for the United States’ efforts in all these areas,” he remarked, adding that Thailand, as the United States’ first friend in the region, with a relationship spanning two centuries, will continue to be a key partner.

Anucha Charoenpo, a TJA vice-president overseeing international affairs, expressed that the workshop aimed to enhance Thai journalists’ grasp of the implications of US elections on policy. “The outcome of the US election will have repercussions for Thailand,” he asserted.

“I aspire for this workshop to act as a catalyst in promoting broader cooperation on a range of issues moving forward,” he added, expressing gratitude towards the US Embassy in Thailand for collaborating with the TJA in organizing such an educational and beneficial workshop for Thai journalists.


  1. Larry D August 17, 2024

    It’s great to see the US Ambassador focusing on the role of Thai media in understanding US elections. Democracy thrives on well-informed citizens everywhere.

    • grower134 August 17, 2024

      Sure, but why should Thai media care so much about US elections? They have their own issues to deal with.

      • Larry D August 17, 2024

        Understanding global politics is important, especially with the interdependence of nations. US policies affect global trade, security, and more, including Thailand.

      • Annie J August 17, 2024

        Absolutely, Larry! Thai journalists need to be astute about global affairs to offer comprehensive reporting back home.

    • Tommy August 17, 2024

      I agree! The more we understand each other, the better our international relationships can be.

  2. Marie August 17, 2024

    Can we just talk about how the media should be accurate? Fake news is everywhere, and it ruins trust in journalism.

    • Sam P. August 17, 2024

      Marie, that’s a huge issue. Verification is key, but the speed of news cycles often compromises quality.

    • Pete August 17, 2024

      Journalists have a responsibility to fact-check, but readers also need to be discerning. It’s a two-way street.

    • Marie August 17, 2024

      True, Pete. But sometimes it feels like most people just believe whatever aligns with their views without questioning.

  3. Katie B. August 17, 2024

    Why are we involving journalists in our decisions? They’re just supposed to report, not influence outcomes.

    • J.P. August 17, 2024

      Katie, journalists report facts that sometimes highlight issues needing public attention. That’s not influence, that’s transparency.

    • Sarah L August 17, 2024

      Exactly. A well-informed society makes better decisions. Journalists are crucial in presenting the facts.

  4. Gary August 17, 2024

    Democracy can’t function without informed citizens. Workshop initiatives like these should be more common!

  5. Anna August 17, 2024

    It’s good to see a push for better understanding of US elections, but what about raising awareness on democracy in Thailand itself?

    • John August 17, 2024

      Anna, that’s a valid point. Maybe Thailand can learn and adapt some positive aspects of the US electoral processes.

    • Sophie August 17, 2024

      But every country’s democracy is unique. It’s crucial not to impose one system over another, but understanding different models is beneficial.

  6. davey98 August 17, 2024

    So tired of hearing about fake news. People just can’t handle the truth anymore!

  7. Lisa August 17, 2024

    Workshops are fine, but journalists should use them to ask hard questions and hold leaders accountable, not just follow the narrative.

    • ReporterJane August 17, 2024

      Agreed, Lisa. It’s essential to be critical and comprehensive in journalism.

    • Lisa August 17, 2024

      Glad someone agrees! Too often, the media seems like it’s just echoing those in power.

  8. Michael R August 17, 2024

    Thai media learning about US elections? Just another way for the US to spread its influence.

    • Dan August 17, 2024

      That’s a bit cynical, Michael. Sharing knowledge and promoting transparency is not necessarily about influence. It’s about better understanding.

    • Elena August 17, 2024

      Both of you have points. The US does have a large influence, but educating journalists benefits everyone.

  9. journalistMark August 17, 2024

    I’ve attended similar workshops, and they are invaluable for understanding international contexts better.

  10. Billy August 17, 2024

    Why focus just on journalists? Civics education should start in schools if democracy is to be truly understood.

  11. Susan August 17, 2024

    It’s good to see collaboration between different countries promoting a better understanding of electoral processes.

  12. Chloe H August 17, 2024

    Will this process really help reduce fake news, or just shift the type of propaganda we’re exposed to?

    • Leo August 17, 2024

      I think it’ll help Chloe. More informed journalists mean less room for misinformation.

    • journalistMark August 17, 2024

      Fake news thrives on ignorance. Educated journalists are the best line of defense against misinformation.

  13. alex_smith August 17, 2024

    Isn’t it a bit overboard to think Thai journalism will significantly impact US elections?

    • Kim August 17, 2024

      Alex, it’s not about impacting the elections, but fostering a better understanding of them globally.

    • Tommy August 17, 2024

      International perspectives are crucial in an interconnected world. What happens in the US affects many countries, including Thailand.

  14. angela_m August 17, 2024

    Workshops like this are important not just for understanding US elections, but for improving journalism standards overall.

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