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Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn Exposes ‘Change Money’ Scandal in Thai Navy’s Frigate Deal Amidst Political Drama

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In the hallowed halls of Thailand’s parliament, amidst the buzz of political machinations and the air thick with strategy and counter-move, a controversy of cinematic proportions was brewing. Enter Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn, a dashing figure from the main opposition, the Move Forward Party (MFP), wielding an accusation as sharp as a well-forged saber. On a Thursday that promised to be like no other, amid the crescendo of a two-day general debate, Wiroj pointed a finger at the government, alleging a devious plot to embezzle funds earmarked for the navy’s procurement of a shiny new frigate. This spectacle unveiled what’s now known as the “change money” scandal, and trust me, it’s as intriguing as it sounds.

The plot of this political thriller thickens when you understand what “change money” really refers to. Picture this: a deal is struck at an inflated price, and then, like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, the seller hands back the difference between the real price and the inflated one to the buyer. Only, in this case, it’s not a rabbit being pulled out but potentially millions in state funds, teetering on the edge of embezzlement.

Our protagonist, Mr Wiroj, claims to have been tipped off by a navy informant. The narrative unfolds with someone from the government reaching out to the navy, hat in hand, asking for the “change money” from the frigate’s procurement. But the navy stood as firm as a steadfast captain at sea, refusing to acquiesce. This act of defiance purportedly led a special House committee, knights in bureaucratic armor, to slash the navy’s budget request for the frigate for the fiscal year 2024, leaving the navy’s plans adrift.

Here’s where it becomes more than just a tale of alleged financial sleight of hand. This frigate was not just any ship. Slated to be locally assembled, it was a beacon of hope for employment, a vessel for transferring technical know-how in shipbuilding, and a flagship for the use of domestically sourced materials. As HTMS Rattanakosin’s retirement loomed, leaving only three frigates in service, the stakes were sky high for the navy’s maritime defense missions.

But hope flickers still in the form of Defence Minister Sutin Klungsang, a character not easily deterred. Despite the budgetary blockade, he vowed that the purchase plan for the frigate would sail on, perhaps delayed but undeterred, into other fiscal horizons beyond 2024.

With a budgetary ask of 17 billion baht over five years, the navy had charted a course for this frigate to patrol the Andaman’s azure waters. Shipyards from the global north to the east expressed their eagerness to craft this vessel, setting the stage for an international dance of diplomacy and negotiation.

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, stepping into the fray during the general debate, challenged Mr Wiroj to unveil evidence to fortify his claims. He painted a picture of a procurement process riddled with considerations, from the intricacies of international relations to securing the best deal. His retort to the MFP’s sudden support for the navy, after past proposals to replace warships with fishing trawlers, tinged the debate with a shade of irony.

As the curtain falls on this chapter of Thailand’s political drama, with accusations flying and plots thickening, one thing remains clear: the saga of the frigate purchase is far from over. It’s a narrative of intrigue, strategy, and the undying quest for transparency and integrity, set against the backdrop of national defense and the turbulent seas of Thai politics.


  1. JaneD April 4, 2024

    I can’t believe how corruption seems to be everywhere. It’s stunning to see such things come to light in the Thai navy deal. We definitely need more transparency in government dealings!

    • NavyVet45 April 4, 2024

      While I agree transparency is key, allegations are just that until proven. We should wait for evidence before jumping to conclusions.

      • TruthSeeker April 4, 2024

        But where there’s smoke there’s usually fire. It’s high time these corrupt practices get exposed!

  2. bangkokbill April 4, 2024

    Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn is playing a high stakes game. I wonder what his endgame is.

    • UptownFunk April 4, 2024

      His endgame? Honestly, it seems like a political move to gain support. But if he’s right, this could change everything for the navy and maybe even politics.

      • bangkokbill April 4, 2024

        True. If he’s got solid evidence, this could be a watershed moment. We’re watching history folks.

    • SkepticalSam April 4, 2024

      All political theater, if you ask me. How many times have we seen allegations fall flat? I’ll believe it when I see concrete proof.

      • bangkokbill April 4, 2024

        Fair point, Sam. It’s all about the evidence. But you’ve got to admit, it’s an explosive accusation that could turn the tide if it’s true.

  3. Pete2020 April 4, 2024

    Why does it take a scandal for the government to consider local assembly for such projects? It could be a massive boost for the economy and create jobs.

  4. LocalJoe April 4, 2024

    This ‘change money’ scandal sounds like something out of a bad crime novel. Can’t make this stuff up!

    • BookwormBetty April 4, 2024

      Right?! It’s like watching a political thriller but in real life. Makes you wonder what else goes on behind closed doors.

  5. TechieTom April 4, 2024

    Fascinated by the technical side of this. Assembling a frigate locally could really put Thai shipbuilding on the map. It’s a shame politics might get in the way.

  6. GlobalWatcher April 4, 2024

    The international aspect of this scandal is intriguing. Foreign shipyards vying for the contract, Prime Minister engaging in international diplomacy… It’s a global stage.

    • DiplomatDave April 4, 2024

      Absolutely, it’s about much more than just a navy frigate. It’s about positioning, power, and international relationships. The ripple effects will be felt far beyond Thailand.

  7. SarcasticSandy April 4, 2024

    Replace warships with fishing trawlers, eh? Now that’s a policy I can get behind. Who needs frigates when you have fish to catch!

    • SeriousSam April 4, 2024

      It might sound funny, but considering global tensions, maintaining a capable naval force is no joke. The security of sea lanes can’t be left to fishing boats.

  8. historybuff April 4, 2024

    Reading about this controversy reminds me of past military procurement scandals. History does tend to repeat itself, doesn’t it?

    • OptimisticOllie April 5, 2024

      While that’s true, each scandal also gives us an opportunity to improve and learn. Maybe this time will be different.

      • historybuff April 5, 2024

        Hope springs eternal, but I’ll remain cautious. Watching how this unfolds will be interesting for sure.

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