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Gloyta Nathalang and Adam Nye Spark Sustainable Futures at Argus Asia Carbon Conference

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Imagine sitting by a warm fire, the glow reflecting in the eyes of two distinguished figures deeply engrossed in conversation. This isn’t a scene from a cozy mystery novel but an equally captivating discussion between Gloyta Nathalang, the powerhouse behind Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited’s sustainability drive, and Adam Nye, a visionary from Argus Media. Their rendezvous took place at the heart of the Argus Asia Carbon Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, bustling with the brightest minds eager to untangle the complexities of carbon markets in Asia.

The buzz of the conference centred around a pressing theme: “Navigating Corporate Stewardship – Advancing ESG Initiatives and Achieving Decarbonisation Goals in the VCM.” With Argus Media setting the stage, known for its razor-sharp analyses of energy and commodity markets, the stage was set for an exchange of ideas that promised to redefine sustainability in business practices.

At the core of their dialogue was Bangchak’s remarkable journey of weaving Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into the fabric of its operations for an astonishing four decades. Gloyta illuminated the company’s ambitious roadmap, the BCP 316 NET plan, aiming to hit two monumental milestones: Carbon Neutrality by 2030 and Net Zero GHG Emissions by 2050. This daunting path involves fine-tuning efficiency, reimagining production processes, championing ecological harmony, and a daring pivot towards clean energy, courtesy of cutting-edge technology. Carbon markets are the secret sauce in their strategy, offering a way to balance the ledger by offsetting emissions that are yet to be eliminated.

However, Bangchak isn’t one to immediately jump on the carbon credit bandwagon without first rolling up its sleeves to minimize its carbon footprint wherever possible. It’s this commitment to pushing boundaries and redefining what’s possible that sets them apart.

The story of carbon trading in Thailand is equally riveting. Since the dawn of the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) in 2012, spearheaded by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organisation (TGO), the landscape has been bustling with activity. From renewable energy ventures, forest conservation efforts, waste management innovations to agricultural advancements, the tapestry of projects is rich and diverse. Despite the relatively modest size of the market, a significant surge in interest and activity has been noted, painting a picture of a bright future for carbon trading in the country. This burgeoning interest is fuelled by national sustainability ambitions and the private sector’s pledge to embrace carbon neutrality and net-zero emissions.

In 2021, an exciting development unfolded with the inception of the Carbon Markets Club by Bangchak and its allies. This initiative gave birth to Thailand’s foremost network dedicated to carbon credit trading, simultaneously educating and rallying the masses around the climate crisis. This movement symbolizes a collective awakening to the urgent call of our planet.

Gloyta, with a visionary’s foresight, proposed an idea that could very well be a game-changer for the ASEAN region. She advocated for the establishment of a unified carbon credit standard across the bloc. Such a measure would not only fortify resilience and elevate carbon credit prices but also smooth out the wrinkles in international trading. This strategic move holds the potential to catapult ASEAN to the forefront of the global carbon credit marketplace, driving the energy transition and nurturing a vibrant, low-carbon society.

As the conversation wrapped up, the air was thick with inspiration and a collective resolve to steer the world towards a sustainable future. The exchange between Gloyta and Adam wasn’t just a dialogue but a clarion call to action, echoing far beyond the confines of the conference room in Kuala Lumpur.


  1. EcoWarrior May 21, 2024

    It’s refreshing to see companies like Bangchak leading the way in sustainability. The BCP 316 NET plan is ambitious, but it’s exactly what we need to combat climate change. I just hope other companies are taking notes and following in their footsteps.

    • SkepticalSam May 21, 2024

      While their goals are commendable, how much of this is just corporate greenwashing? Companies love to make big promises about sustainability, but the follow-through is what really matters. I’m not convinced until we see real, tangible results.

      • EcoWarrior May 21, 2024

        I understand your skepticism, but Bangchak has a track record of integrating ESG principles into their operations long before it was in vogue. Sure, we need to hold them accountable, but dismissing their efforts outright doesn’t help move the needle forward on sustainability.

  2. GreenTechie May 21, 2024

    The idea of a unified carbon credit standard across ASEAN is a game-changer. It could solve so many issues with the current fragmented market and really drive up the adoption of clean energy solutions. Hope ASEAN leaders are paying attention!

  3. HistoryBuff May 21, 2024

    It’s fascinating to watch the carbon market evolve, especially in Asia. The Carbon Markets Club could very well be the catalyst for significant change, bringing together businesses for a common goal. It’s a modern take on collective action for the environment.

  4. FarmerJoe May 21, 2024

    I’m all for saving the planet, but I’m always worried about how these big climate initiatives affect small-scale farmers like myself. Carbon credits sound great in theory, but how do they actually work for the little guy?

    • EcoWarrior May 21, 2024

      Actually, carbon credits can benefit small-scale farmers significantly. By engaging in sustainable farming practices, farmers can generate carbon credits to sell in the market, creating an additional revenue stream while contributing to the global fight against climate change.

      • RealistRita May 21, 2024

        The challenge, though, is access and information. Many small-scale farmers aren’t aware of these opportunities or how to participate. There’s a gap that needs to be bridged if we truly want inclusive sustainability efforts.

  5. BreezyB May 21, 2024

    Decarbonisation is crucial, but are we focusing too much on carbon credits rather than direct action to reduce emissions? Offsetting should be our last resort, not the first response to the climate crisis.

  6. FinanceFreddy May 21, 2024

    The financial implications of a unified carbon credit market in ASEAN can’t be overstated. This could potentially attract significant investment into the region, boosting both economy and global positioning in the fight against climate change.

    • SkepticalSam May 21, 2024

      But at what cost to the environment? Accelerating industrial growth without rigorous safeguards could lead to exploitation and ultimately more harm than good. We need to ensure that economic incentives don’t overshadow environmental protection.

  7. TechTrendy May 21, 2024

    What role do you all see tech playing in achieving these net-zero goals? It seems like advancements in clean energy and carbon capture technology will be key.

    • EcoWarrior May 21, 2024

      Tech is the backbone of the sustainability movement. Innovations in renewable energy, smart grids, and energy efficiency are already making a huge impact. The speed of tech adoption by companies like Bangchak could really make or break the quest for net-zero.

      • TechTrendy May 21, 2024

        Agreed. It’s not just about having the technology but implementing it correctly and at scale. Public-private partnerships could be crucial in speeding up this process.

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