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Saha Group’s Landmark 18 MOUs: Transforming Thailand with International Collaborations and Sustainable Ventures

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Saha Group has taken a monumental leap forward by entering into memorandums of understanding (MOUs) and cooperation agreements with domestic and international partners during the 28th Saha Group Fair. By signing a record-breaking 18 MOUs in a single year, Saha Group is set to inject new life into the Thai economy, creating a plethora of job and income opportunities for the Thai people.

Delving into the focus areas for Saha Group this year, it’s clear that the company is exploring a broad spectrum of interests including platforms, services, biotechnology, knowledge, and sustainable businesses. These domains are slated to shape the future trajectory of Saha Group.

Joint Ventures with Thai, Korean, and Japanese Companies to Create New Platforms

One of the year’s most anticipated collaborations in the platform business involves Saha Group partnering with MTS Gold, Thailand’s largest full-service gold company. Together, they will produce 99.99% pure gold bars to bolster a digital gold saving system, supporting gold savings, investments, and using gold as a reserve asset for Saha Group and its partners. Additionally, three more innovative platforms will emerge from partnerships with:

  • LALASTATIONS, a premier lifestyle commerce business from Korea, aiming to develop Thailand’s first lifestyle commerce platform.
  • Etoile Kaito, a prominent wholesaler from Japan, which will introduce products to international markets.
  • Orbix Tech, to collaboratively develop and apply blockchain technology.

Expanding into New Service Businesses

Saha Group has a longstanding presence in the service industry, and this year is no different. The company is now branching into new service segments, including a partnership with SkyDrive to explore the feasibility of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft businesses in Thailand. This venture aims to usher in a new era of air traffic and possibly expand manufacturing bases to Thailand.

Moreover, Saha Group is collaborating with the Faculty of Medicine at Ramathibodi Hospital to run a comprehensive elderly care residence project. This partnership focuses on academic and technological collaboration, knowledge exchange, consultation, and related activities.

In the beauty sector, the company has teamed up with Fast Beauty, Japan’s number one hair coloring salon business, to open “fufu” hair coloring salons in Thailand; the first of which will debut in Thonglor. Further collaboration with ICBC Bank aims to support and expand business opportunities.

Aiming to transform the Rama 3 area into a “Community of Kindness,” Saha Group has partnered with Tokyu Corporation, a leading urban and real estate developer from Japan. Together, they’ll develop the luxury condominium project “King Square Residence” and the “Dusit Suites King Square Bangkok” project, featuring both serviced apartments and a hotel. The renowned Dusit Hospitality Services from Dusit Thani will manage these projects, ensuring top-notch service and excellence.

To further enrich their real estate service business, Saha Group has established Saha Tokyu Property Management Co., Ltd. in collaboration with Tokyu Corporation. This venture will provide property management services in Thailand, starting with the King Square Community Mall and King Bridge Tower projects, with plans for future expansions.

Partnering with Taiwanese Giants to Enter the Biotech Business

Saha Group is now making strides in the biotech industry by partnering with QUARKBIO, a Taiwanese expert in precision healthcare solutions. This collaboration focuses on launching precision healthcare products that offer personalized and precise healthcare and beauty solutions, aiming to enhance the quality of life for Thai people.

Collaborating with Educational Institutions to Promote New Knowledge

This year, Saha Group is emphasizing knowledge promotion by signing MOUs with several Thai educational institutions. These include King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Kasetsart University, NIDA, and Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University. These agreements aim to develop personnel for the PCB manufacturing industry in Thailand, thereby boosting Thailand’s global PCB production share and establishing it as a significant production base in ASEAN.

Additional collaborations with the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at Dhurakij Pundit University aim to enhance fashion content creation skills for students. Partnerships with Siam Villa Suvarnabhumi Hotel, the College of Thai Traditional Medicine and Muay Thai Studies, and the Thai Boxing Association will launch a Bachelor of Arts program in Muay Thai Studies to promote Thai culture. There’s also cooperation with Uttaradit Rajabhat University and the International Fashion Business Technological College to offer lifelong learning for workforce development across all age groups.

Driving the Organisation Towards Sustainability

Saha Group is also committed to sustainability. This year, they’ve initiated significant projects, starting with a collaboration with DHL Express to implement DHL’s GoGreen Plus solutions across more than 70 Saha Group companies. This initiative aims to cut carbon emissions from air express transportation using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% compared to conventional jet fuel. Additionally, partnerships with B.Grimm Power and SC Grand aim to develop electric vehicle parking and install solar roofs at various projects and create environmentally-friendly fashion products.

The transformation of Saha Group’s investments is an exciting journey to watch unfold. These ventures are expected to invigorate the Thai economy, generating job opportunities and income for the Thai populace.


  1. Joe July 5, 2024

    This move by Saha Group is groundbreaking! It’s wonderful to see such a diverse range of collaborations.

    • Larry Davis July 5, 2024

      True, but can they maintain quality standards with so many different partners?

      • grower134 July 5, 2024

        Good point. Sometimes when you spread yourself too thin, you compromise quality.

      • Joe July 5, 2024

        Well, they do have a history of successful partnerships. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.

  2. Maria L July 5, 2024

    The biotech collaboration with QUARKBIO sounds revolutionary! Precision healthcare could be a game-changer for Thailand.

    • SteveK July 5, 2024

      Absolutely, but I’m a bit skeptical about how accessible these precision healthcare products will be for the average Thai citizen.

    • Maria L July 5, 2024

      True, affordability is key. Hopefully, Saha Group finds a way to make it widely accessible.

  3. Anita Chang July 5, 2024

    I’m excited about the eVTOL aircraft business! Imagine air taxis in Bangkok!

    • Kwame July 5, 2024

      It’s a cool idea, but isn’t air traffic congestion going to be a huge problem?

    • Anita Chang July 5, 2024

      It might be initially, but proper regulations and planning could minimize such issues.

  4. Ella M July 5, 2024

    Why is Saha Group partnering with so many Japanese companies? Are they neglecting potential partners in other regions like Europe or North America?

    • Jim July 5, 2024

      Good question. Maybe they have strategic reasons tied to geographical proximity and cultural synergy.

    • Tanisha July 5, 2024

      Could be. Japan and Thailand have had strong economic ties for years.

  5. Victor P July 5, 2024

    Sustainability projects are crucial, but do these initiatives with DHL and others go far enough to combat climate change?

    • Louise July 5, 2024

      No single initiative can solve climate change, but it’s a step in the right direction.

    • Victor P July 5, 2024

      I guess, but we need more systemic changes. Small steps might be too little, too late.

  6. Kylie July 5, 2024

    The collaboration with educational institutions to promote new knowledge is a great long-term investment. Our future workforce will benefit enormously.

    • Derek July 5, 2024

      Yes, education is the key to sustained progress.

    • Kylie July 5, 2024

      Indeed, a well-educated workforce can drive innovation and economic growth.

  7. James T July 5, 2024

    The luxury condominium project ‘King Square Residence’ seems out of place. Why not focus on affordable housing?

    • Nancy July 5, 2024

      Luxury projects bring in big profits, which can then be reinvested in other ventures.

    • James T July 5, 2024

      True, but there’s a dire need for affordable housing in Bangkok.

  8. Jake July 5, 2024

    How about the partnership with Fast Beauty from Japan? I’m excited to see the fusion of Japanese hair coloring techniques in Thailand.

    • Sydney July 5, 2024

      Me too! Japanese beauty standards are top-notch.

    • Jake July 5, 2024

      Can’t wait to see ‘fufu’ salons in action. Might give it a try myself.

  9. Sam July 5, 2024

    Integration of blockchain technology sounds promising. Could this bring more transparency to Saha Group’s operations?

    • Alyssa July 5, 2024

      Blockchain can definitely enhance transparency and security. It’s a smart move.

  10. Leila July 5, 2024

    Electric vehicle parking and solar roofs? Saha Group is really pushing for a greener future.

    • Tommy L July 5, 2024

      Yes, but we need these solutions at scale to make a real impact.

    • Leila July 5, 2024

      Totally agree. It’s a start, but much more needs to be done.

  11. Syed A July 5, 2024

    Wondering how the partnerships with Thai educational institutions will boost Thailand’s global PCB production share. Any insights?

    • Hannah July 5, 2024

      Collaboration with educational institutions can drive innovation and produce highly skilled professionals.

    • Syed A July 5, 2024

      Makes sense. Skilled workforce is integral for any industrial growth.

  12. Lucas July 5, 2024

    Transforming Rama 3 area into a ‘Community of Kindness’ is an intriguing concept. What does it actually entail?

    • Sarah July 5, 2024

      It likely means creating a community that focuses on quality living, empathy, and social welfare.

  13. Eva July 5, 2024

    Partnerships for offering lifelong learning across age groups is commendable. Everyone deserves a chance to learn and grow.

  14. Nina W July 5, 2024

    Opening hair coloring salons in Thonglor is a great move. This area is perfect for trendy beauty businesses.

  15. Michael July 5, 2024

    Any thoughts on how the collaboration with ICBC Bank will pan out? Will it open up new financial avenues?

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