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Srettha Thavisin Supports Electric Cable Car Dream in Phu Kradueng: A Leap Towards Sustainable Tourism

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Imagine scaling the majestic heights of Phu Kradueng National Park in Loei, not by foot but by gliding through the air in an electric cable car, your eyes sweeping across lush landscapes and azure skies. This isn’t a scene from a futuristic novel; it’s a vibrant vision soon to become reality, thanks to Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin’s fervent support for a project that seems straight out of a dream.

On a bright day, amidst the inspiring backdrop of Italy, Prime Minister Thavisin visited the headquarters of Leitner, the Italian maestros of ropeway engineering. The rendezvous wasn’t just a courtesy call; it was a mission to bring an electrifying revolution to the serene Phu Kradueng National Park through the magic of electric cable cars. Leitner, a name synonymous with innovation in the realm of ropeways, had previously inked a deal with the government, a pact that promised to elevate Thailand’s tourism and conservation efforts to dazzling new heights.

“It’s a perfect synergy,” declared Mr. Thavisin, his eyes reflecting the ambition of a partnership forged on sustainability and futuristic vision. Leitner’s commitment to producing eco-friendly cable cars and ropeways resonates deeply with Thailand’s aspirations, notably its quest to transform Loei from a hidden gem into a beacon of tourism and environmental stewardship.

The Premier painted a picture of Loei, cradled by the enchanting Phu Kradueng National Park, on the cusp of a renaissance. “Imagine the upliftment of Loei’s tourism, powered by a cable car project that marries innovation with sustainability,” he mused, hinting at a future where Loei emerges as a stronghold of nature-based tourism.

But this project isn’t just about giving tourism a facelift; it’s a testament to Thailand’s commitment to sustainability. “A greener future on the wings of clean energy,” as Mr. Thavisin puts it, explaining how the cable car project, estimated to materialize in just six months, promises to be as gentle on the planet as it is invigorating for Loei’s economy.

Yet, the path to revolutionizing tourism with cable cars isn’t unilateral. Mr. Thavisin envisions a Thailand where the verdant beauty of its provinces is accessible, yet unspoiled by the footprints of progress. “It’s a step-by-step journey,” he affirmed, dreaming aloud of a country interconnected by networks of eco-friendly cable cars, each one a lifeline to nature’s wonders without the environmental cost.

The seeds for such an ambitious project were sown over two decades ago during the tenure of former Prime Minister Banharn Silpa-archa. It was a vision ahead of its time, aiming to whisk visitors to the park’s zenith in a fraction of the time it takes on foot, promising an adventure as exhilarating as the views are breathtaking.

However, every story has its antagonists, and this tale is no exception. Environmental guardians stand wary of the project, voicing concerns that the influx of tourists could tarnish the unspoiled beauty of Phu Kradueng with the scars of modernity. It’s a narrative Mr. Thavisin is keen on rewriting, balancing the scales between advancement and preservation.

As the project undergoes a meticulous environmental impact study, with an eye on a budget of at least 28 million baht for a journey spanning 4.4 kilometers, it’s clear this isn’t just a tale of tourism or transport. It’s a story of transformation, promising to usher in an era where nature and progress dance in harmony, co-creating a future where the beauty of Thailand’s landscapes can be experienced by all, yet preserved for generations to come.

Let’s wait for the day when we can ascend into the clouds over Phu Kradueng, not on the weary soles of our feet, but aboard a marvel of innovation that sails through the air as lightly as a whisper, carrying with it the promise of a brighter, greener, and more connected world.


  1. EcoWarrior May 18, 2024

    Putting cable cars in Phu Kradueng is a disaster waiting to happen. It contradicts the very essence of conservation. The project may seem green on the outside, but it’s a direct threat to the park’s natural habitat.

    • GreenTechFan May 18, 2024

      Actually, if done right, this could minimize the foot traffic damage currently caused by hikers. Electric cable cars can offer a more sustainable way to enjoy nature without disturbing it too much.

      • EcoWarrior May 18, 2024

        Sustainability is more than just electric transportation. It’s about preserving the natural state, not making every hidden gem easily accessible and risking over-tourism.

      • NatGeoJunkie May 19, 2024

        But isn’t it better to control and reduce the human footprint with structured paths like a cable car route, rather than haphazard trails all over? Plus, it could potentially reduce littering by tourists.

  2. LocalLover May 18, 2024

    As someone from Loei, I’m excited about this! Our area doesn’t get enough attention, and this project could really boost our local economy. We trust our leaders to find a balance.

    • EcoSkeptic May 19, 2024

      Boosting the economy at what cost? Once pristine areas become tourist traps, there’s no going back. We have to be cautious not to sacrifice our natural treasures for short-term gains.

      • LocalLover May 19, 2024

        It’s a tough balance for sure. But with the right environmental protections, we can both preserve and share our beautiful park. Plus, economic growth is needed in areas like ours.

  3. Futurist May 19, 2024

    This is exactly the kind of innovation we need to see more of! Integrating technology into conservation and tourism is the way forward. Electric cable cars are just the beginning.

    • TraditionKeeper May 19, 2024

      Innovation shouldn’t mean paving paradise to put up a parking lot, or in this case, a cable car. Some places are meant to be reached with effort, it keeps them sacred and respected.

      • Futurist May 19, 2024

        I respect that viewpoint. However, shouldn’t we also consider making natural beauty accessible to those who physically can’t make the trek? It’s about inclusivity as much as it is about conservation.

  4. BudgetWatcher May 19, 2024

    28 million baht sounds like a hefty sum. I’m curious about how the costs will be justified and recuperated. It’s not just the environmental ROI but the financial one too.

  5. GreenGuru May 19, 2024

    Everyone’s missing the point. The focus should be on long-term sustainability practices. Invest in educating visitors instead of making heavy alterations to the environment.

    • TechOptimist May 19, 2024

      Education is crucial, but why not do both? We have the means to build environmentally friendly solutions that educate and preserve. Technology is not the enemy of nature when used wisely.

  6. TrailTrekker May 19, 2024

    Cable car? That’ll ruin the whole adventure of hiking up Phu Kradueng. It’s not just about the view, it’s about the journey and the challenge. This feels like a shortcut that undermines the experience.

  7. Visionary May 19, 2024

    It’s high time we reimagine tourism to be more inclusive and less damaging. This project has the potential to be a global example. We need to support innovative thinking if we want sustainable progress.

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