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Brit Michael Girling Impaled by Fence in Pattaya: A Cautionary Tale of Nighttime Misadventures

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In the enchanting, albeit occasionally wild city of Pattaya, a story unfolded that was so bizarre, it could easily be mistaken for a plot of a slapstick comedy, were it not for the grim reality of the situation. In the dimly lit hours of early Sunday morning, within the serene premises of Choke Chai Garden Home 2 nestled in the heart of Bang La Bang district, Chon Buri, drama ensued. A British expatriate, fueled by what can only be presumed as a night of indulgent intoxication, found himself in a perilous and, frankly, painful predicament.

Michael Girling, a spirited 65-year-old Brit with a taste for adventure, and perhaps, on this occasion, a bit too much to drink, found himself engaged in an unintended duel with a pointed iron fence. You see, Michael, in his inebriated state, had been bested by his own front door, which remained stubbornly locked against his fumbling attempts at entry. Not one to be deterred easily, he decided that scaling the fence was the next logical course of action. However, gravity and alcohol conspired against him, resulting in a painful rendezvous between Michael and one of the fence’s arrowheads.

The scene was almost theatrical, with Michael’s abdomen impaled by the iron as if he were a modern-day Saint Sebastian, save for the absence of a divine arrow and the inclusion of an unfortunate choice of late-night acrobatics. First responders arrived on the scene to find Michael suspended in his unintended tableau, an arrowhead lodged about five to six inches deep into his belly. With professionalism and a touch of urgency, they lifted him off his perch, administered first aid, and whisked him away to the hospital.

But what is a nighttime drama without a concerned neighbor adding a human touch to the tale? Enter Pad, a fifty-year-old neighbor with a heart of gold and a keen ear for distress. Roused by the groans of misery, Pad ventured outside, only to discover the gravity of Michael’s ill-fated escapade. Quick to act, she fetched a ladder, played a pivotal role in the rescue operation, and ensured that medical help was on its way. Marveling at the turn of events, Pad recounted how Michael, who had been living in the residence for several months, became the unexpected hero (or perhaps anti-hero) of their quiet community.

This incident, absurd and harrowing in equal measure, serves as a cautionary tale. The night, especially when cloaked in the allure of spirits, can transform the mundane into the dangerous, turning a simple fence into a formidable foe. It also underscores the undeniable spirit of camaraderie and community in Pattaya. Neighbors who look out for one another, first responders ready to leap into action, and even intoxicated expatriates, who, in their miscalculated adventures, remind us of the fragility and unpredictability of life. Michael Girling’s story, while certainly not one he would have chosen for himself, becomes an unlikely testament to the bizarre, the unforeseen, and the undeniably human capacity for empathy and assistance in the face of folly.


  1. John Henderson April 7, 2024

    While the incident itself sounds painful, it’s the underlying issue of excessive drinking that needs addressing here. How many more incidents like Michael’s before we truly start discussing alcohol’s role in such dangerous situations?

    • Michelle April 7, 2024

      People are responsible for their own actions. Alcohol or not, it was his decision to climb that fence. We can’t blame inanimate objects for human choices.

      • John Henderson April 7, 2024

        True to some extent, Michelle. However, ignoring alcohol’s impact on decision-making seems a bit short-sighted. There’s a broader conversation to be had about prevention and education.

    • PattayaPatrick April 7, 2024

      Seen worse happen here in Pattaya. It’s the wild side that attracts people. This story will be forgotten in a week.

      • SandraB April 7, 2024

        That’s exactly the problem. When do we stop and say, ‘enough is enough’? Glamorizing the ‘wild side’ just leads to more accidents.

  2. Derek April 7, 2024

    The community spirit in Pattaya is the real story here. Neighbor helping neighbor, first responders on the ball. It’s heartwarming.

    • LarryD April 7, 2024

      Agreed, Derek. It’s these small acts of kindness that often go unnoticed but make a significant difference.

      • grower134 April 7, 2024

        Let’s not forget the lesson though. It’s fun until someone gets hurt. People, be responsible!

    • PensivePaula April 7, 2024

      It’s great and all, but doesn’t this incident reflect poorly on expat behavior abroad? We need to be more responsible guests in these countries.

  3. JakeS April 7, 2024

    Sounds like a scene from a comedy until you remember it’s real life. Feel bad for laughing, but it’s hard not to.

    • ComedyCritic April 7, 2024

      Humor helps us deal with tragedy. Laughing doesn’t mean you don’t care about the person’s well-being.

  4. SensibleSusan April 7, 2024

    The article does a good job at highlighting the dangers of alcohol-fueled decisions without vilifying the individual. It’s a sensitive and complex issue.

  5. EmmaT April 7, 2024

    Poor man, hope he recovers soon. Would be interesting to know if this changes his perspective on life (and climbing fences).

  6. TruthSpeaker April 7, 2024

    This is nothing but natural selection trying to do its work. Harsh but true.

    • EmpathyEmpress April 7, 2024

      How insensitive can you be? This is someone’s life we are talking about. There’s always room for learning and improvement, not mockery.

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