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Thai Police Uncover Massive Euro 2024 Gambling Ring: 2.4 Billion Baht Seized

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On June 28, the officers at the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau unveiled compelling evidence gathered from a large-scale operation targeting Euro 2024 football betting websites and call center syndicates. The operation revealed a staggering network that drew millions of users into illegal gambling activities.

According to law enforcement, over 200 websites facilitating Euro 2024-related gambling have been shut down, bringing an astounding 2.4 billion baht of illicit funds under scrutiny. This unprecedented crackdown was timed to coincide with the exciting finale of the Euro 2024 football matches, which wrapped up on Sunday.

The rigorous campaign kicked off on June 14, the day Euro 2024 football finals commenced, and concluded with a resounding impact by Thursday, as revealed by Assistant National Police Chief, Pol Lt Gen Akradet Pimolsri. Leading the charge was a specially formed task force that strategically dismantled these complex operations.

Over the span of this operation, authorities managed to apprehend 3,863 individuals implicated in various gambling-related offenses. Among them, 3,017 were detained within makeshift gambling dens. This group included 50 alleged masterminds who facilitated the gambling activities, and 2,944 were everyday gamblers ensnared by the lure of quick winnings.

In addition to the physical raids, the task force took down 224 illicit gambling websites. In a detailed breakdown, 846 suspects connected to these online platforms were brought to justice. Of these, 145 individuals were the masterminds who orchestrated the digital gambling networks, while 701 were users caught placing bets.

The takedown of these websites revealed the immense scale of the operations, with a staggering 2.4 billion baht flowing through these illicit networks. The police data underscored how entrenched and widespread this illegal activity had become, highlighting the challenge and magnitude of the task undertaken by the law enforcement authorities.

As the Euro 2024 football excitement reached its crescendo, so did the resolve of the police force to clamp down and restore order. The operation stands as a testament to the commitment of the authorities to uphold the law and deter illegal gambling, ensuring that the spirit of sportsmanship remains untarnished by unlawful activities.


  1. John Doe July 13, 2024

    This is great news! Illegal gambling has become a huge issue, and it’s good to see the Thai police taking action.

    • soccerfan99 July 13, 2024

      Come on, John. People should be allowed to spend their money however they want. This crackdown is just a waste of resources.

      • John Doe July 13, 2024

        It’s not just about spending money. These operations fund other illegal activities too. We have to draw the line somewhere.

      • Linda P. July 13, 2024

        Exactly, John. These syndicates don’t just facilitate gambling; they often have ties to drug trafficking and other serious crimes.

      • soccerfan99 July 13, 2024

        Still, with more regulation instead of outright bans, you could protect consumers and generate revenue. Look at how it’s done in some states in the U.S.

    • Annie July 13, 2024

      I agree with @soccerfan99. Legalizing and regulating could be a better approach. It’s the same situation here in America.

  2. grower134 July 13, 2024

    Why just target gambling? What about other forms of corruption?

    • Sammy T. July 13, 2024

      Good point! Corruption is prevalent in many sectors, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t tackle gambling.

      • grower134 July 13, 2024

        True, but it feels like selective enforcement to me. They catch the small fish and let the big ones go.

    • LeeChen July 13, 2024

      Maybe because these gambling networks operate very visibly and affect millions directly?

  3. Skeptical2023 July 13, 2024

    I wonder how much of the seized funds will actually be used for public good and how much will disappear into corruption.

    • Jake B. July 13, 2024

      Haha, I was thinking the same thing. It’s hard to trust that all of this money will be used correctly.

    • G. Thompson July 13, 2024

      Unfortunately, you’re probably right. Monitoring the use of these funds is crucial.

  4. Sophie July 13, 2024

    This seems like a substantial win for law enforcement. Kudos to them!

    • Eric C. July 13, 2024

      Yeah, but what’s the long-term plan? You can shut down sites, but they will come back.

    • Chris M. July 14, 2024

      Exactly, Eric. It’s more like playing whack-a-mole. Long-term strategies are needed.

  5. Mark King July 13, 2024

    If gambling is illegal it should be enforced. Period.

    • Hannah R. July 14, 2024

      That’s fine in theory, but the real-world implications often show a need for more nuanced approaches.

    • Mark King July 14, 2024

      Nuance can lead to gray areas and loopholes. Clear laws lead to clearer enforcement.

  6. Alex S. July 14, 2024

    I’m amazed at the scale of this operation. 2.4 billion baht! That’s insane.

  7. footballislife July 14, 2024

    It’s crazy that this was all centered around Euro 2024. This shows just how popular and influential football is.

  8. H. Trent July 14, 2024

    I wish more countries could take such decisive actions against illegal gambling.

  9. Samantha July 14, 2024

    Instead of cracking down, why not educate people about the risks of gambling?

  10. Cloud9 July 14, 2024

    Probably because education alone isn’t as effective. Cracking down sends a strong message.

  11. Thomas W. July 14, 2024

    So many people detained, but will they get the help they need for gambling addiction?

    • Rehab Advocate July 14, 2024

      Right? Just arresting people doesn’t solve the addiction problem.

    • Kayla July 14, 2024

      Addiction services are definitely needed. Criminalizing addiction is not the solution.

    • Thomas W. July 14, 2024

      Absolutely. A balanced approach between enforcement and rehabilitation is needed.

  12. Chris the Legend July 14, 2024

    This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to illegal activities in sports.

  13. Kurt July 14, 2024

    Good job, Thai police! This should set an example for other countries.

    • Nina July 14, 2024

      An example of what? Catching the poor while the rich get away?

  14. AdminAaron July 14, 2024

    This won’t stop people from finding other ways to gamble. It’s ingrained in the culture.

    • Bobby K. July 14, 2024

      Totally. People will always find a way. It’s human nature.

  15. Jessica July 14, 2024

    If the problem is so widespread, why not legalize it under strict regulations?

    • Patty M. July 14, 2024

      That’s what I’ve been saying. Regulate don’t criminalize.

  16. FreedomFighter July 14, 2024

    This is just a distraction from more significant issues in the country. Smoke and mirrors.

    • Tina July 14, 2024

      Distraction or not, it’s still a relevant issue. Every bit helps.

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