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Hino Motors Thailand Wins Esteemed Marketeer No.1 Brand Award: President Yumiko Kawamura Celebrates

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On the 18th of July, 2024, the prestigious Marketeer Magazine hosted the grand Marketeer No.1 Brand Thailand 2024 Award Ceremony. In a celebration of excellence and brand loyalty, Hino Motors Sales (Thailand) Ltd. proudly claimed the coveted Marketeer No.1 Brand Thailand Award in the Truck Category. This esteemed honor is the result of meticulously conducted brand research and popularity surveys gathered from discerning customers all over Thailand.

Receiving this accolade was none other than Ms. Yumiko Kawamura, the esteemed President of Hino Motors Sales (Thailand) Ltd. With a beaming smile, she accepted the award on behalf of Hino and its network of dedicated distributors spread across the country. The recognition represents not just popularity but the enduring trust that customers have placed in HINO. “This award is a source of immense pride,” remarked Ms. Kawamura. “It is a testament to our commitment to quality, exceptional service, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in our products. Our customers’ feedback consistently reaffirms their trust and preference for HINO trucks. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our customers who have supported us, making HINO a formidable brand in the commercial vehicle market and a cherished part of Thai society.”

This accolade fuels HINO’s drive to continually innovate and enhance its offerings. The company is steadfast in its mission to align with the policy ‘Lead to Change,’ firmly positioning itself as a trailblazer in the industry. Ms. Kawamura emphasized, “HINO is poised to be the herald of change. We are committed to delivering joy and satisfaction to our customers and society. Our legacy of providing top-notch products and services spans over 62 years, and we are dedicated to continuing this tradition.”

The recognition also reinforces HINO’s promise to keep refining its products and services to meet and exceed customer expectations under the guiding principle of ‘Customer Smile.’ This initiative is all about crafting happiness and spreading smiles among its customers. For those eager to stay abreast of the latest HINO news and engaging activities, make sure to follow Hino Thailand. You can find them on Facebook at Hino Thailand Fan Club, Line at @hinoth, YouTube on the Hino Thailand Official channel, and TikTok at @hinoth.

Join us in celebrating HINO’s journey of excellence and their unwavering promise to bring smiles to faces across Thailand. Here’s to many more decades of innovation, trust, and customer delight!


  1. grower134 July 25, 2024

    Hino winning this award again? Do they really deserve it or is it just a superb marketing tactic?

    • Sue July 25, 2024

      @grower134 It’s not just marketing. Hino consistently delivers quality trucks. They’ve earned this award fair and square.

      • Larry D July 25, 2024

        Sure, but isn’t it curious how they keep winning? There could be some behind-the-scenes deals we’re not aware of.

    • Ronald Grant July 25, 2024

      I agree with @Sue. Hino has built trust with their customers over decades. They wouldn’t risk that for some shady business.

  2. Joan W. July 25, 2024

    So what’s so special about Hino trucks compared to others?

    • sarahjane2000 July 25, 2024

      Hino trucks are known for their durability and excellent after-sales service. My family has used them for years without any issues!

    • Larry Davis July 25, 2024

      @sarahjane2000 But how do they compare to other well-known brands like Isuzu or Mitsubishi? Are they really better?

      • Joan W. July 25, 2024

        @Larry Davis Valid point. I’d love to see some data comparing them. Trusting customer reviews alone isn’t enough.

  3. TruckGuru July 25, 2024

    Hino has been a leader in the market for years. This award only confirms their dominance.

    • MeiLin July 25, 2024

      Dominance doesn’t always mean superiority. Sometimes it’s just good branding and PR.

    • Paul S. July 25, 2024

      You can’t argue with results though. If customers trust Hino this much, they’re clearly doing something right!

      • MeiLin July 25, 2024

        True, but we should still question how they maintain that trust. Blind faith isn’t always wise.

  4. Mark T July 25, 2024

    Yay, another award for Hino. Big whoop. What about the smaller brands who also work hard?

    • Xander July 25, 2024

      Smaller brands can be great too, but they often don’t have the resources to compete with giants like Hino.

    • grower134 July 25, 2024

      That’s true, but it doesn’t mean we should ignore the efforts of smaller brands. They can offer surprising quality and innovation.

    • Mark T July 25, 2024

      Exactly. We need to give these smaller companies the spotlight they deserve. It’s not always about the big players.

  5. Lucy July 25, 2024

    Congrats to Hino! Ms. Yumiko Kawamura seems like a strong leader who inspires trust and loyalty.

    • JimK July 25, 2024

      Totally. Leadership makes a huge difference in how a company performs and is perceived.

    • Sara123 July 25, 2024

      Agreed, but it’s also the entire team behind her. A leader can only do so much.

    • Lucy July 25, 2024

      True, but having a visionary leader helps steer the entire team towards success.

  6. Hector July 25, 2024

    These awards are just for show. Real truck quality shows on the road, not on a stage.

    • TruckerBlues July 25, 2024

      Road performance is key, but these awards also indicate a company’s reputation and customer satisfaction.

    • Ronald Grant July 25, 2024

      It’s both. You can’t ignore customer surveys in these awards. They show real-world trust and satisfaction.

    • Hector July 25, 2024

      Customer surveys can be biased too. Just saying we need to look deeper.

  7. RoadWarrior55 July 25, 2024

    Hino’s ‘Lead to Change’ policy is interesting. I’m curious how they plan to innovate next.

    • Adrian P July 25, 2024

      Same here. Hopefully, their new innovations will focus on eco-friendly tech.

    • Mark T July 25, 2024

      Eco-friendly trucks would be amazing. Let’s hope they lead that change soon.

      • trucklover88 July 25, 2024

        Absolutely. The industry needs to move towards sustainable solutions.

      • grower134 July 25, 2024

        They should invest more in electric trucks. That’s the future!

  8. Hannah July 25, 2024

    Following Hino’s social media has been really useful for me. They share a lot of helpful tips and updates.

    • SocialMediaSkeptic July 25, 2024

      Social media is just another marketing tool. Take everything they share with a grain of salt.

      • Hannah July 25, 2024

        True, but the tips they provide are practical and genuinely help with truck maintenance.

  9. Joe July 25, 2024

    Ms. Kawamura’s leadership seems to be the key to Hino’s success. Kudos to her for steering them in the right direction.

  10. Rick July 25, 2024

    These awards are a dime a dozen. Congrats to Hino, but let’s not act like it’s the Nobel Prize or something.

  11. Patricia July 25, 2024

    It’s great to see a company so dedicated to their customers. Hino deserves this recognition.

  12. bigtrucklover79 July 25, 2024

    I’ve been using Hino trucks for years, and I can confirm they’re reliable. This award is just a cherry on top.

  13. Janet G. July 25, 2024

    Hope Hino keeps up the good work and brings in more innovations. The market needs fresh ideas.

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