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Phuket Landslide Tragedy: 13 Lives Lost Amidst Devastating Flash Floods

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Tragedy struck Phuket last Friday as a devastating landslide claimed the lives of 13 individuals, mostly foreign nationals, in a catastrophic event that has left the community reeling. The provincial office, under the leadership of Governor Sophon Suwannarat, is taking immediate action by consulting with experts to survey the affected mountaintop area in the Nak Kerd mountain range, located in tambon Karon, to uncover the root causes of the disaster and implement measures to prevent future occurrences.

The landslide, which occurred last week, tragically resulted in the deaths of two Russians and nine Myanmar nationals. The authorities have swiftly reached out to the local Russian Consular Office and the Myanmar Embassy to coordinate efforts and inform the respective families. Additionally, 19 individuals were injured in the incident, though 14 have since been discharged from the hospital, a small relief amidst the grief.

Reports indicate that the relentless heavy rain, persisting from Thursday morning in Karon, played a pivotal role in triggering flash floods and subsequent landslides, affecting not only tambon Karon but also the neighboring areas of tambon Rawai and tambon Chalong. Witnesses recount the horrifying moment when the topsoil, unable to withstand the deluge, came crashing down the mountainside, sending massive boulders hurtling down and causing widespread destruction to communities and tourist accommodations alike.

A local source revealed that a temple, constructed atop the mountain’s highest peak, featured a prominent Buddha image that some believe may have contributed to the landslide. Aerial photos circulating on social media depict subsided land near the base of the Buddha image, igniting debates about the project’s safety and its role in the disaster. Trin Sapmongkol, an official at the Thamon Karon municipal office, explained that the Buddha image necessitated a significant tract of land, resulting in extensive deforestation that left the soil vulnerable and destabilized.

“For years, local residents have harbored fears about a potential disaster. It was almost as if we were sitting on a time bomb,” voiced Mr. Trin. His words echo the concerns of many who witnessed the continuous expansion of the Buddha image project, initiated 22 years ago with plans for a smaller structure but steadily growing without a clear endpoint.

In the aftermath, Chalong Loysamut, a long-standing resident, has petitioned Deputy Governor Sattha Thongkham and a local Member of Parliament to launch a thorough investigation into the cause of the landslides. The community hopes that this tragedy will not only lead to justice for those affected but also prompt better planning and environmental stewardship to prevent such events in the future.

As we look to comprehend and recover from this tragic event, the spirit of Phuket stands resilient. Although the path to healing is long, the collective efforts of the residents, officials, and international community signify a glimmer of hope amidst the sorrow, underscoring the resilience and solidarity of those determined to rebuild and safeguard their beloved island.


  1. Anna P. August 26, 2024

    This is so tragic. My heart goes out to the families of the victims.

    • Paul D. August 26, 2024

      Absolutely heartbreaking. But what were the local authorities thinking? Allowing deforestation for a temple? Ridiculous.

      • Samantha J. August 26, 2024

        Paul, respect other cultures. The Buddha temple holds significant value. The issue is poor planning and safety measures.

      • Anna P. August 26, 2024

        I agree, Samantha. It’s not about blaming the temple, but about ensuring such projects are sustainable and safe.

  2. John August 26, 2024

    They should have had better rainwater management systems in place. It sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

    • Sara L. August 26, 2024

      Easier said than done, John. The landscape and weather patterns are tough to predict in areas like Phuket.

    • Engineer42 August 26, 2024

      John is right. Modern engineering can better predict and manage these risks. They should invest in better infrastructure.

      • John August 26, 2024

        Thanks, Engineer42. It’s about proper risk assessment and precautionary measures.

  3. TravelGal58 August 26, 2024

    I was planning a trip to Phuket. Now I’m scared! Is it still safe to visit?

    • Alex M. August 26, 2024

      Disasters can happen anywhere. Don’t let this stop you. Just be cautious and informed.

    • Diana Perez August 26, 2024

      TravelGal58, maybe wait a bit. Let the infrastructure settle and ensure safety checks are updated.

  4. localman123 August 26, 2024

    We’ve been warning about this for years. No one listened until now. Sad it took lives to get attention.

    • Mary K. August 26, 2024

      It’s always the same story. Authorities only act after tragedies.

    • Ashok August 26, 2024

      Maybe they genuinely didn’t see the scales of potential danger. Bureaucracies can be slow.

  5. GreenThumb August 26, 2024

    Deforestation is the real culprit. We need stricter laws to protect our environment.

    • Chris H. August 26, 2024

      Yup, greed and lack of foresight causing chaos. When will we learn?

    • GreenThumb August 26, 2024

      Exactly, Chris. More regulations and responsible development are the way forward.

  6. Ben D. August 26, 2024

    I just hope the community gets the support it needs. Rebuilding won’t be easy.

    • Julie R. August 26, 2024

      Well said, Ben. Let’s hope the government prioritizes safety and reconstruction.

  7. ProfT August 26, 2024

    This is a classic example of what happens when economic development disregards environmental safety. Lessons must be learned.

    • Nina L. August 26, 2024

      Agreed. Sustainable development needs to be at the heart of any future projects.

  8. Tom August 26, 2024

    Can’t believe something like this happened! Stay strong, Phuket!

    • Mary K. August 26, 2024

      It’s incredible. Shows how unpredictable nature can be, especially with climate change.

  9. Kelly August 26, 2024

    How can a Buddha statue cause a landslide? Sounds like superstition to me.

    • Brian Wu August 27, 2024

      It’s not the statue itself, Kelly. It’s the deforestation for the land around it that weakens the soil.

    • Olivia August 27, 2024

      Exactly, Brian. Projects like this need thorough risk assessments which clearly were ignored.

    • Kelly August 27, 2024

      Got it. Thanks for explaining, Brian and Olivia!

  10. jessica08 August 26, 2024

    I visited that Buddha temple a few years ago. It’s devastating to think it may have played a role in such a tragedy.

    • Mike S. August 26, 2024

      Jessica, it’s more about the construction process. Ecological concerns are paramount.

  11. nature_lover August 26, 2024

    How many more lives have to be lost before we take environmental conservation seriously?

    • EcoWarrior77 August 27, 2024

      Good point. It’s high time we prioritize nature over reckless development.

  12. PhuketLife August 27, 2024

    I live near Karon. We’ve been worried about this for years. Maybe now something will be done.

    • Becca T. August 27, 2024

      Stay strong, PhuketLife. Raise your voice and push for change.

  13. SkepticSam August 27, 2024

    Another case of media blaming climate change for everything. Landslides happen naturally, too.

    • Laura J. August 27, 2024

      Sam, climate change can increase the frequency and intensity of such events. We can’t ignore the impact.

  14. Marcus L. August 27, 2024

    I hope the local government compensates the victims’ families properly. They deserve justice.

  15. Naomi W. August 27, 2024

    So much blame on the authorities, but what about public awareness? People need to be educated about risks.

  16. SeenItAll August 27, 2024

    I’ve lived here for 30 years. Every time, it’s the same. We need a total system overhaul.

  17. Timothy August 27, 2024

    What a terrible tragedy. We need global cooperation to prevent such disasters.

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