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Charn Puangpetch Disqualified: Pathum Thani’s Political Drama Unfolds Amid Corruption Allegations

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Charn Puangpetch couldn’t have predicted the whirlwind turn of events that followed his celebration on the night of June 30. That evening at his home in the quaint Sam Khok district of Pathum Thani, the atmosphere was electric with triumph. Charn, basking in the glory of his recent electoral victory, had every reason to believe he was on the cusp of leading the Pathum Thani Provincial Administration Organisation (PAO) as its new chairman. Yet, as fate would have it, his elation was merely the calm before a storm.

Fast forward a few days, and the Election Commission (EC) dropped a bombshell: Charn had been disqualified! Yes, you read that right. Charn Puangpetch, the man who secured the top spot, was now sidelined, all thanks to accusations of underhanded tactics. Whispers of vote-buying had gained traction, leading to a decision that sent shockwaves through the political landscape.

Imagine a festive pre-polls party, intended to woo voters with its exuberance – this was the core of the allegations against Charn. The EC, unimpressed by these grand gestures, issued a yellow card, signaling his temporary benching. However, like the resilient phoenix, Charn has the opportunity to rise again. The stage is set for a fresh electoral showdown, although the date remains cloaked in mystery.

Charn’s political journey, under the banner of the Pheu Thai Party, seemed destined for success. Garnering a whopping 203,032 votes, he narrowly edged out his closest rival, Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit Toopkrajang, who amassed 201,212 votes. Other contenders, like Noppadol Laddayaem with 16,983 votes and Athiwat Sonnoei with 7,122 votes, were left far behind in this neck-and-neck race.

The drama doesn’t end there. Both Charn, 62, and the formidable 72-year-old Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit were the primary gladiators in this electoral arena. Yet, Charn’s past continues to cast a long shadow over his ambitions. An impending malfeasance trial awaits him, rooted in his tenure as PAO chairman over a decade ago.

The roots of this trial trace back to 2012 when the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) uncovered troubling evidence against Charn. Allegations of corruption in the procurement of relief supplies during the devastating 2011 floods haunted him. The NACC’s damning report led the case straight to the doors of the Region 1 Criminal Court for Corruption and Misconduct Cases. Consequently, Charn faced an abrupt suspension from his duties later that year – a verdict that remains unresolved to this day.

As the political spectacle unfolds, residents of Pathum Thani are left in suspense. Will Charn manage to redeem himself in the upcoming recall election, or will his past transgressions be his undoing? One thing is certain: the saga of Charn Puangpetch is far from over. Stay tuned for the next chapter in this riveting tale of ambition, controversy, and an unyielding quest for power.


  1. Tiger02 August 27, 2024

    Charn got what he deserved. This level of corruption should not be tolerated!

    • Angela August 27, 2024

      Really? In politics, who doesn’t have skeletons in the closet?

      • Tiger02 August 27, 2024

        There are levels to this, though. Vote-buying is blatant disregard for democracy.

      • JDahl August 27, 2024

        Exactly, Angela. Everyone screws up, but maybe Charn’s case was a bit over the top.

    • Raj August 27, 2024

      Remember, allegations don’t necessarily mean he’s guilty.

      • Tiger02 August 27, 2024

        But when the evidence is strong, the accusations hold weight.

      • Hannah L. August 27, 2024

        True, Raj. Innocent until proven guilty. Let’s wait and watch.

  2. Bobby August 27, 2024

    What a mess! Pathum Thani deserves better leaders.

    • Steve August 27, 2024

      Every place deserves better, Bobby. Unfortunately, corruption is everywhere.

    • Growing_Storm August 27, 2024

      Better leaders are born from better voters’ choices.

  3. Leslie D. August 27, 2024

    This is clearly a politically motivated move. They’re just trying to sabotage him.

    • Jake August 27, 2024

      I can’t disagree more. If you play dirty, you get caught sooner or later.

    • Leslie D. August 27, 2024

      Politicians play dirty all the time. Why single out Charn?

  4. Santana_09 August 27, 2024

    Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit would be a better choice for the PAO chairman.

    • Wendy August 27, 2024

      Kamronwit has his own set of issues. It’s hard to find clean politicians.

      • Santana_09 August 27, 2024

        No one’s perfect, Wendy. But at least Kamronwit isn’t mired in this much controversy.

      • Clark A. August 27, 2024

        Kamronwit’s ‘clean’ history is still debatable.

  5. Politico_Guy August 27, 2024

    The recall election will be a spectacle. Grab some popcorn, folks.

    • Ava J. August 27, 2024

      It’s a sad reality when politics turns into entertainment.

  6. Eli August 27, 2024

    What about the other candidates? Noppadol and Athiwat should get more attention.

    • Lucia August 27, 2024

      They didn’t even come close in votes. Why bother?

    • Eli August 27, 2024

      Because fresh perspectives could break this cycle of corruption.

  7. Greg79 August 27, 2024

    This just proves that money and influence rule over true leadership qualities.

  8. Margo August 27, 2024

    I’m so tired of these old politicians. When will fresh blood take over?

    • Johnny_B August 27, 2024

      Probably when the current system finally collapses.

    • Margo August 27, 2024

      Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. We need gradual reforms.

  9. TommyC August 27, 2024

    Why should we trust someone with a history of corruption charges?

    • Florence_D August 27, 2024

      People do change, Tommy. We can’t judge him solely on his past actions.

    • TommyC August 27, 2024

      Change is possible, Florence, but trust takes a long time to rebuild.

  10. Sara K. August 27, 2024

    Every politician has a dark past. Charn’s just got caught, that’s all.

    • Elroy August 27, 2024

      Doesn’t make it right. We need to hold them accountable.

  11. Urban_Survivor August 27, 2024

    Imagine thinking this is just a Pathum Thani problem. It’s everywhere!

  12. Elle August 27, 2024

    Good luck to whoever takes on the role next. They’ll need it!

    • Kurt August 27, 2024

      Luck won’t cut it. They need integrity, which is rare these days.

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