In the late hours of Wednesday, a shocking event unfolded in the tranquil province of Nakhon Pathom, shattering the festive joie de vivre. Pol Major Siwakorn Saibua, a distinguished inspector attached to the Highway Police’s second command, met with a tragic end during a birthday celebration, the host of which was a significant figure in the locality, Praween Chankhlai colloquially known as “Kamnan Nok”.
The disagreement which purportedly led to this unfortunate incident sprouted from a mere dispute concerning a promotion, a seemingly mundane topic in the professional world. Siwakorn was said to have denied Praween’s appeal to secure a promotion for his constable nephew. This rejection didn’t sit well with Praween, triggering a rather heated argument between the two.
Witnesses recount the unfolding dramatic scene with unmasked dread: the argument escalated, and then Praween decided to take a step back from the conflict, retiring from the argument. What closely followed sent ripples of shock among everyone present. A mystery assailant coolly walked up to the feasting table and unloaded a volley of bullets.
Eyewitnesses allegedly identified this assailant as Thananchai Manmak — Praween’s lackey. Thananchai’s fate didn’t deviate drastically from his victim, Siwakorn’s. Two days after the grim incident, Thananchai was exterminated during a ferocious crossfire in Kanchanaburi.
Following the events, Praween, presumably grappling with the weight of his actions, turned himself in to the local Nakhon Pathom police, late in the afternoon on Thursday.
On Saturday, Deputy National Police Chief Pol Lt-General Surachet Hakpal took the case reigns, mandating an inquiry session for all 25 police officials and other attendees present at that ill-fated party.
A critical lead unearthed during the forensic examination was that the weapon Thananchai utilized to murder Siwakorn was purportedly the possession of a police officer who was part of the party crowd.
Investigators have been piecing together the jigsaw puzzle, gathering all evidence related to the incident. According to their latest update, they are on the verge of securing arrest warrants for numerous individuals present at the party. The list of potentially implicated individuals disconcertingly included four police officers that were at the scene.
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