A gripping tale unfurls in Nakhon Pathom’s Muang district, where former kamnan Praween Chankhlai stands accused of orchestrating the murder of a high-ranking police officer. Transpiring at a dinner party hosted at Chankhlai’s own home, the incident has sent seismic shockwaves through the local community, igniting an intriguing investigation filled with high stakes, loaded gun, a deadly chase and laced with scandalous political ties.
Deputy national police chief, Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn, is conducting the investigation; he is backed by incontrovertible proof pointing towards Chankhlai’s involvement in the fatal attack on Pol Maj Sivakorn Saibua, a local highway police station chief. An extensive investigation is currently underway, with all leads pointing towards the influential local figure, who once served as a sub-district head accruing substantial power during his tenure. Under scrutiny is also the individuals who assisted the assailant in fleeing and attempting to destroy crucial evidence, like the CCTV camera footage and computer server data at the party venue.
Further investigations are set to indict at least four officers, with a broader probe cast over the 25 officers present while the assailant, Thananchai Mamnak, took Sivakorn’s life. Sadly, Mamnak was killed in a subsequent shoot-out whilst resisting arrest. Chankhlai meanwhile, handed himself over to the police on the evening of the very next day.
A breakthrough in the mystery came when a resident of Chankhlai’s house disclosed the burial site of the murder weapon near a local waterworks agency’s reservoir. Forensic officers are currently analysing the recovered 9mm pistol, intriguingly wrapped in a tablecloth from the infamous dinner party. The investigation team, furthermore, disclosed that the lethal weapon was obtained by a local police officer as part of a welfare scheme, who then sold it to Chankhlai, in turn passed onto the assailant Mamnak.
Despite this incriminating evidence, Chankhlai maintains his innocence, arguing that Mamnak acted of his volition. However, witnesses contradict this claim, stating Chankhlai was enraged when Sivakorn refused a job transfer for Chankhlai’s policeman nephew.
The Criminal Court has meanwhile sanctioned Chankhlai’s detention till September 20th, providing ample time for the completion of the investigation and the questioning of around 30 witnesses. Under prevailing law, a suspect can be detained for a maximum of seven 12-day periods, totalling 84 days, before formal charges are levied.
Chankhlai represents a formidable figure, a kamnan of tambon Thakong for nine successive years, following in his father’s footsteps. With widespread connections spanning numerous police stations, various political ties and owning two construction companies, Chankhlai possesses significant local influence. His wealth and luxury, boasting a swanky house filled with high-end cars like Bentley, Mini Cooper and Mercedes-Benz, along with reported revenues of 2.6 billion baht accumulated over the past five years.
Police inspector-general Pol Gen Visanu Prasarttong-Osoth has disclosed plans to investigate the 25 officers present during the fatal shooting. With suspicions of tacit support for illegal activities due to Chankhlai’s wealth. Sanctions could indeed be severe, even leading to their expulsion from the force. “They failed to perform their duty as policemen,” he sternly commented.
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