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60% of Thais Ready to Electrify the Streets: Are You Geared Up for the EV Revolution?

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Welcome to the electrifying future of Thailand, where the buzz of electric vehicles (EVs) is louder than ever! According to a cutting-edge study by Deloitte, an overwhelming 60% of Thai consumers are charging up for a fascinating ride, ready to switch gears to EVs for their next car purchase. This energetic shift in consumer preference is supercharging the country’s ambitious 30@30 policy, with hopes high to see 30% of its car production electric by 2030.

Now, you might be wondering if the reduction in some EV subsidies under the EV3.5 scheme could put a dent in Thailand’s automotive aspirations. Fear not! The market’s battlefield is hotter than Thailand’s summer, with fresh players diving into the fray with the enthusiasm of a street food vendor during rush hour. But here’s the 1-billion-baht question looming over the bustling streets of Bangkok: How will the local automotive industry navigate the twists and turns of an evolving supply chain and upskill its workforce for the electric era?

While Deloitte’s crystal ball suggests that businesses tethered tightly to the traditional combustion engine rituals could see a 10-15% skid in their market value by 2025, Thailand isn’t slamming the brakes on Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) technology just yet. In fact, the nation cleverly aims to steer foreign investments its way and secure its spot as the globe’s final fortress for ICE vehicle production.

But let’s shift our focus a gear higher – we’re cruising toward a horizon where 18% fewer hands-on deck will be needed in the global automotive workforce by 2023, as compared to the good old days of 2007. It’s not all rumble strips and red lights, though. Expect to find fresh opportunities sparking up, especially in the high-octane world of automotive software. With EVs on the fast track, the demand for avant-garde software to make every journey as cozy as a tuk-tuk ride on a quiet night is revving up.

For those tech aficionados, Deloitte’s “Software-Defined Vehicles: Engineering the Mobility Revolution” report is the equivalent of a turbocharger for industry insights. By 2029, software-defined vehicles (SDVs) will have surged from a modest 2.4% market penetration in 2021 to a breathtaking 90%. These programmable powerhouses metamorphose old-school mechanical and electrical systems into state-of-the-art software upgradable with just a click – goodbye, garage visits!

Imagine zipping through a tangle of Bangkok traffic as your SDV effortlessly dodges potholes, predicts maintenance needs, and even tailors your car’s character to your unique driving flair. And when the monsoon rains fall thick and fast, your trusty SDV’s onboard Augmented Reality (AR) turns those murky drives clear as day.

The transformation in Thailand’s automotive playing field beckons with a treasure trove of possibilities:

  1. Autonomous Driving: Fasten your seatbelts because ‘Auto Pilot’, the pinnacle of Advanced Driving Assistance System (ADAS), will soon allow your EV to cruise the streets solo. Imagine the intricate ballet of cars, scooters, and tuk-tuks choreographed with the finesse of a traffic cop-turned-dancer, thanks to V2X communication keeping everyone in sync.
  2. Power Train Mastery: AI isn’t just for your smartphone anymore. In the driver’s seat, it’ll optimize battery life and charging, pushing boundaries beyond the decade standard, leaving range anxiety stranded on the roadside.
  3. User-Centric Thrills: Tinker with your car like a street food chef spices up a dish. From boosting performance to tweaking the in-car entertainment, the control’s in your hands. Let’s not forget AI’s ability to schedule service dates as if it’s penciling in your next beach holiday.
  4. The Blueprint of Vehicular Evolution: In the not-so-distant future, EV software architecture will mirror the smartphone era. Just as you download apps, your car will become a playground for innovative software, diligently managed to dodge bugs and cyber-threats—it’s tech-savvy meets road-savvy!
  5. Connected Services Unbound: With Over-The-Air (OTA) updates, your car stays current, cutting down your trips to the mechanic like cutting out the middleman in a marketplace haggle. Modern vehicles will be just a tap away from the latest software spices.

Sure, navigating the new automotive landscape is like threading a scooter through Bangkok’s notorious traffic—exciting but fraught with the risk of a software snag. In 2022, Sibros. tech sent out a cautionary beep, predicting up to 10 million vehicular software recalls worldwide. So, buckle up for the ride!

As we steer towards the dawn of Thailand’s EV revolution, the country revs up, narrated by the likes of Mongkol Somphol, the Automotive Sector Leader, and Dr. Chodok Panyavaranant, Manager of Clients & Markets at Deloitte Thailand. It’s a race to embrace new tech horizons and power up the industry’s pulse. Are you prepared for an electrifying journey?


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