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APDT 2024: Transforming Drilling Technology and Sustainability in Bangkok

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Get ready to mark your calendars because from 7-8 August 2024, Bangkok will be the epicenter of drilling technology brilliance! Hosted by PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP), the SPE/IADC Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition (APDT) is set to take place at the luxurious Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld. This high-profile event is brought to you by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC). Expect a treasure trove of insights on global petroleum exploration, as more than 1,000 participants from over 30 countries converge to share their perspectives on emerging challenges, broaden their collaboration networks, and spotlight groundbreaking technologies and sustainable practices.

Themed “Advancing Drilling and Well Technologies for a Resilient Future,” APDT 2024 promises to be a riveting experience! Imagine powerful panel sessions featuring executives and experts from industry giants like PTTEP, converging to share their crystal-clear visions and deep perspectives. And that’s not all – participants can also dive into the vast ocean of knowledge through over 80 technical paper presentations. Topics range far and wide, promoting robust knowledge exchange, fortifying the energy industry’s core capabilities, and delving into effective greenhouse gas solutions.

Of course, no exhibition is complete without jaw-dropping showcases from leading energy companies. The PTTEP booth will be a hot spot, featuring innovative projects like the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project at the Arthit gas field – an initiative designed to slash carbon emissions. But wait, there’s more! The exhibition will also spotlight technologies forged through fruitful collaborations to supercharge petroleum exploration and production efficiency.

Get acquainted with the “Well Delivery Process (WDP) Application,” a genius web-based integrated solution that trims well planning cycle times by a whopping 30%. Marvel at the “Thermite Seal,” a groundbreaking special alloy designed for safe and efficient well plugging and abandonment. And don’t miss the star of the show – “XGATEWAY,” an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) fully loaded with cutting-edge satellite communication systems. This wonder works in tandem with underwater vehicles to inspect subsea pipelines and create underwater maps, amplifying safety and slashing operation time.

If your curiosity is piqued and you’re hungry for more, make sure to follow APDT’s updates at This conference is more than just an event – it’s a gateway to the future of drilling technology and sustainability!


  1. Emily Rogers August 8, 2024

    This sounds amazing, but isn’t it a bit hypocritical to talk about sustainability while promoting fossil fuel technology?

    • John D. August 8, 2024

      I understand your concern, but it’s about improving what we have now until we can fully transition to renewables.

      • EcoWarrior89 August 8, 2024

        But why not invest directly in renewable technologies instead of further entrenching fossil fuels?

    • Sarah T. August 8, 2024

      Sustainability includes reducing emissions from current systems and these technologies could be critical in that effort.

  2. Mike August 8, 2024

    The Well Delivery Process Application sounds like it could really revolutionize the industry.

    • Sophia Li August 8, 2024

      Agreed! Streamlining processes is key for cost and time efficiency in any sector.

    • Analyst123 August 8, 2024

      True, but I worry about the job impact. What happens to the workers whose tasks are automated?

  3. Mark W. August 8, 2024

    Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an interesting idea, but has it been proven effective on a large scale?

    • TechEnthusiast August 8, 2024

      CCS has had some success, but it’s not without its challenges. Scale and cost being major factors.

    • Lucy P. August 8, 2024

      The Arthit gas field project looks promising, it could set a precedent if successful.

  4. Jane August 8, 2024

    XGATEWAY looks straight out of a sci-fi movie! Autonomous Surface Vehicles could really change the game for underwater exploration.

    • Steven K. August 8, 2024

      Yeah, and it will definitely make operations safer, keeping humans out of dangerous conditions.

      • Explorer47 August 8, 2024

        Totally! But I wonder about the cost vs. benefit ratio – these technologies must be expensive to deploy.

    • Sam August 8, 2024

      We need more innovative solutions like this. It’s about time the industry had a tech upgrade.

  5. Dr. Rachel August 8, 2024

    Fortifying the energy industry’s core capabilities is crucial, but we must balance it with ethical considerations and environmental impact.

    • Oliver August 8, 2024

      Absolutely. It’s a tightrope walk between progress and responsibility.

  6. Tom August 8, 2024

    Why do we keep relying on fossil fuels? It’s 2024, and we should be focusing on renewable energies!

    • Lisa B. August 8, 2024

      Change takes time, Tom. The industry can’t just switch overnight without massive repercussions.

      • Renew77 August 8, 2024

        That’s why we need to accelerate renewable research and deployment. Delay is no longer an option.

  7. Ahmed August 8, 2024

    The knowledge exchange at these conferences is invaluable. It’s where real progress happens.

  8. Jessica W. August 8, 2024

    But is the inclusion of 80 technical papers too much? It might overwhelm rather than inform.

    • Nathan L. August 8, 2024

      You make a good point, but a diverse range of topics could cater to different expertise areas.

    • Emily Rogers August 8, 2024

      You can always pick and choose which sessions to attend. More papers mean more options.

  9. Harold Z. August 8, 2024

    I attended a similar conference last year, and I can vouch for the importance they have on boosting industry standards.

  10. PetroFan August 8, 2024

    Are these fancy technologies just PR stunts or do they truly have a significant impact?

    • Analyst123 August 8, 2024

      Great question. It’s often both. Some technologies are genuinely transformative, others more for show.

  11. Kevin August 8, 2024

    What about the environmental protests? Are these conventions considering public opinions?

    • Sophie G. August 8, 2024

      They might have sessions on environmental impacts and corporate responsibility, but actions speak louder than words.

  12. Insightful Ben August 8, 2024

    Don’t forget the financial aspects. These events bring billions into the host cities.

    • Megan August 8, 2024

      True, but economic benefits shouldn’t overshadow environmental responsibilities.

  13. Gina H. August 8, 2024

    Thermite Seal sounds like a brilliant innovation. Safer well plugging could have a long-term positive impact.

  14. Paul K. August 8, 2024

    I think the future of drilling technology lies in the balance of efficiency, cost, and environmental impact.

    • Innovator August 8, 2024

      Bingo! It’s a triad that must be constantly optimized for sustainable progress.

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