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Dr. Prasert Sinsukprasert Inaugurates APDT 2024: A Pivotal Event for Future Drilling Technologies

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The SPE/IADC Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition (APDT), hosted by PTTEP at the illustrious Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld, officially commenced with pomp and grandeur. This prestigious event saw the esteemed Dr. Prasert Sinsukprasert, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, joining forces with key luminaries from PTTEP, the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), and the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC).

Notably, Mr. Montri Rawanchaikul (second from right), Chief Executive Officer of PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited (PTTEP), stood center-stage alongside Mrs. Natruedee Khositaphai (second from left), Executive Vice President of the Operations Support Group, PTTEP. Joining them were Mr. Henricus Herwin (far right), Asia Pacific Regional Director of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), and Mr. Jason McFarland (far left), President of the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC). They welcomed the distinguished Dr. Prasert Sinsukprasert (center) with much enthusiasm as he presided over the grand opening ceremony.

Under the spotlight of the theme “Advancing Drilling and Well Technologies for a Resilient Future,” the APDT 2024 was a magnet for over a thousand leaders and experts from the energy sector. These delegates hailed from more than 30 countries, bringing with them a wealth of insights and perspectives. Together, they tackled emerging challenges and discussed innovations that promise to bolster industry capabilities and sustainability.

The conference wasn’t just about talk. It was a dynamic blend of knowledge-sharing and cutting-edge displays. Highlights included the presentation of technical papers, where industry stalwarts shared their latest research and findings. The exhibition hall was a marvel in itself, showcasing futuristic technologies that are set to revolutionize the field.

In essence, the APDT 2024 was more than an event; it was a confluence of minds and a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence within the energy domain.


  1. EnergyEnthusiast88 August 14, 2024

    This event seems like a big deal for the drilling industry! I’m curious about the new technologies they showcased.

    • Anna G. August 14, 2024

      Definitely! Innovations in drilling tech are crucial for sustainable energy. I hope they shared practical implementations.

      • Liam D. August 14, 2024

        True, but let’s be realistic. Many of these tech shows just hype things up with no real-world application.

      • EnergyEnthusiast88 August 14, 2024

        Good point, Liam. But from reading about APDT, it seems more grounded in actual research and development.

    • GeoExplorationPro August 14, 2024

      Did anyone else notice the focus on ‘resilient future’? Sounds like they anticipate big challenges ahead.

      • Maria L. August 14, 2024

        Totally. Climate change and energy demands are only going to complicate things more. Resilience is key.

  2. Sammy August 14, 2024

    I’m skeptical. These conferences are often just an opportunity to network and not much else.

    • Technocrat_23 August 14, 2024

      Networking is huge in this industry though. It’s where deals are made and collaborations start.

    • Susan W. August 14, 2024

      I believe the exchange of ideas is just as important. Even if one idea takes off, the event is worth it.

    • Sammy August 14, 2024

      Maybe, but it feels like they just pat each other’s backs without real outcomes.

    • DrillMasterJ August 14, 2024

      I’ve attended similar events, and while there’s networking, there’s also genuine interest in advancing the field.

  3. Cathryn Fields August 14, 2024

    Seeing Dr. Prasert Sinsukprasert opening the event adds a lot of credibility. His insights should be invaluable.

    • Alex August 14, 2024

      True, but does having a government official really change the substance of these talks?

    • FieldEngineer2021 August 14, 2024

      Government backing is crucial for funding and regulatory support. His presence is a positive sign.

  4. TechLover22 August 14, 2024

    I’m fascinated by the idea of futuristic drilling technologies. Anyone got details on what was presented?

    • James R. August 14, 2024

      Some presentations focused on AI for predictive maintenance and advanced robotics for deep-sea drilling.

    • Sophia August 14, 2024

      AI and robotics can transform the industry! Reducing human risk and increasing efficiency is always a win.

  5. John S. August 14, 2024

    This sounds like a lot of industry jargon with little real-world impact. What about practical outcomes?

  6. PetroTechGuru August 14, 2024

    The collaboration between PTTEP, SPE, and IADC is unprecedented. This could lead to significant industry advancements.

    • Mia K. August 14, 2024

      Collaboration is indeed powerful. Let’s just hope they actually implement some of these ideas.

    • John S. August 14, 2024

      I’ll believe it when I see it. Too much talk, not enough action.

  7. ExplorationExpert August 14, 2024

    These conferences often overlook the environmental impact of drilling. Was there any focus on sustainability?

    • Chris P. August 14, 2024

      Good question. Sustainability should be at the forefront, but it’s often an afterthought.

    • PetroTechGuru August 14, 2024

      The theme was about a ‘resilient future.’ I believe they address sustainability, although more specifics would be appreciated.

    • Jane E. August 14, 2024

      If they don’t address sustainability, the future they aim for will be very short-lived.

  8. EnergyAnalyst99 August 14, 2024

    This event is bringing together top minds in the field. It’s bound to result in meaningful advancements.

    • Realist_Ryan August 14, 2024

      As optimistic as that sounds, I’ve become cynical. We’ll know in a few years if anything significant comes out of this.

  9. Kevin August 14, 2024

    Isn’t this focus on technology just another way to avoid dealing with the core issue: reducing fossil fuel dependency?

  10. Pragmatic Pete August 14, 2024

    Sounds like a lot of buzzwords and not enough substance. Promises are easy to make, delivering is the hard part.

  11. Lara E. August 14, 2024

    It’s great to see such international participation. Knowledge exchange is crucial for global advancements.

  12. D. Wells August 14, 2024

    Interesting to see if any of these ‘groundbreaking’ techs will actually find their way into real-world applications.

  13. Sarah B. August 14, 2024

    The presence of high-level execs from PTTEP and other big names shows the importance of APDT. Nice to see big players taking it seriously.

    • Mason0 August 14, 2024

      High-level execs are usually just figureheads. It’s the engineers and scientists who do the real work.

    • Sarah B. August 14, 2024

      True, but their support can make or break funding for new projects.

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