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Bangkok Chills Out: Nutthawat Wicheanbut Captures Din Daeng’s Unusual Cold Snap

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Picture this: amidst the backdrop of the bustling Wat Thapan market in the heart of Din Daeng district, Bangkok, an evocative image emerges. A woman, tenderly wrapping a child in layers of warm clothing, as if embracing her in a cocoon of comfort. The candid moment is beautifully framed by the click of a camera—courtesy of the talented Nutthawat Wicheanbut. Yet, this is more than a touching scene; it’s a prelude to an unusual twist in Bangkok’s typically balmy climate.

Yes, denizens of the sprawling metropolis known for its simmering street food and sizzling temperatures are in for an unexpected treat. According to the trusty Meteorological Department’s latest dispatch, Bangkok is about to experience a brief dip in the mercury. Come Wednesday, the air is set to turn refreshingly crisp as temperatures are slated to tumble by a modest but noticeable 1-3°C. It’s not quite the “Winter is Coming” scenario of the Starks, but for Bangkokians, it’s a rare chance to don those neglected sweaters and enjoy a momentary chill.

But this cool change isn’t just a capital affair. Beyond the concrete jungle, from the mountainous North down to the central plains, other regions (save for the perennially sunny South) will witness a more pronounced temperature drop of 3-5°C, spanning from Tuesday to the end of the week. It seems Mother Nature is dialing down the thermostat, all thanks to a sweeping high-pressure zone that’s making a grand northerly entrance.

That’s not all. For those with a love of the high seas, buckle up—literally. The Meteorological Department has unfurled its flags of caution, predicting that the Gulf of Thailand’s usually tame waters will rear up in dramatic fashion with waves surging as high as three metres. Meanwhile, the Andaman coast can expect rain to play spoilsport to sun-seeking escapades from Wednesday through to Saturday.

Now, while the skies may offer a brief stint of cool comfort, the air down here at nose-level isn’t getting any fresher, it seems. The Pollution Control Department, akin to a harbinger of gloom, forewarns that the relief from the malignant clouds of fine dust is but a temporary reprieve. The dreaded PM2.5, an unseen foe that silently skulks in the air, is predicted to make an unwelcome comeback to the City of Angels by the following Monday.

So, for now, sink into that pleasant chill, wrap up warm, and take a deep breath (perhaps through a filter) while you can. For the residents of Greater Bangkok, the coming days promise an atmospheric rollercoaster—featuring cool weather intermissions amid an ongoing battle with an ever-persistent dusty haze. Keep those scarves and masks at the ready!

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