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**Boost Your Child’s Immunity and Cognitive Development with Berocca Elderberry Plus**

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Ensuring robust immunity and consistent nourishment during the Golden Period of children aged 2-6 is crucial. Pediatricians recommend that parents prioritize essential nutrients such as elderberry to boost immunity, choline for cognitive development, and zinc for growth. This helps set the stage for a child’s learning potential, equipping them with essential skills for a more efficient future life.

Bayer Thai Co., Ltd, the importer of Berocca products, a leading brand from Germany, in collaboration with “theAsianparent Thailand,” organized an event featuring Dr. Lalit Leelathipkul, a pediatrician specializing in adolescent medicine at Thammasat University Hospital, and Ms. Noon-Natchachanun Lian-Arunvongse, the owner of the Facebook page “English AfterNoonz.” During the event, Bayer Thai introduced “Berocca Elderberry Plus Choline & Zinc,” a liquid vitamin product, marking its first launch in the Asia region.

Dr. Lalit underscores the significance of immunity for the overall development of young children, particularly during the ages of 2-6, known as the Golden Period. During this critical phase, parents should focus on enhancing their children’s immunity and nourishing their brains to ensure long-term development.

A strong immune system protects children from illnesses, detects and eliminates harmful substances, and prevents diseases like colds, influenza, and measles. This has a positive impact on physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development, promoting brain function, reducing inflammation, and improving learning and memory, as supported by research demonstrating better learning outcomes in children with strong immune systems.

To boost children’s immunity, Dr. Lalit recommends comprehensive care, including nutrition by consuming a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep for 8-10 hours a day, regular exercise of at least 30 minutes a day, drinking sufficient clean water, and supplementing with vitamins and minerals. Parents should consult a doctor for appropriate supplementation.

Ms. Nun-Natchachanun Lian-Arunvongse, a mother of two and the owner of the Facebook page “English AfterNoonz,” shares her experiences in raising children, focusing on encouraging children to engage in age-appropriate activities and taking care of their nutrition. She believes that providing children with the best options for boosting immunity and nourishing the brain will lead to overall positive development. She also emphasizes that in today’s environment and lifestyle, children are more susceptible to illnesses due to inadequate nutrition or exposure to diseases, which significantly affect their development and growth. Therefore, it is crucial to look for natural, organic dietary supplements that do not contain artificial colors, sugars, or preservatives and are trustworthy, ensuring the best for children.

Mr. Thai Peng Mak, General Manager of Consumer Health Division, said that Bayer, a leading provider of effervescent tablets, is expanding its business with the introduction of the “Berocca Elderberry Plus Choline and Zinc,” a liquid vitamin product. This pioneering product is the first of its kind in Thailand and the Asia region, reflecting the company’s commitment to empowering consumers to prioritize their daily health needs.

Mr. Pornpol Pongparit, Marketing Director, Consumer Health Division, Bayer Thai Co., Ltd., emphasized the growth potential of the vitamin and dietary supplement market, valued at approximately 12,000 million baht in 2023. With consumers actively seeking products that enhance immunity and support family health, we are optimistic that the introduction of the Berocca Elderberry Plus, Choline & Zinc product, alongside targeted online and offline marketing initiatives in the latter half of 2024, will position our new product as another consumer favorite, following the success of our adult effervescent vitamin products that have gained the trust of Thai consumers.

The Berocca Elderberry Plus Choline & Zinc comprises beneficial components, including black elderberry extract, choline, and zinc, which aid in the normal functioning of the immune system, and physical growth. It does not contain refined sugar, artificial colors, or preservatives.

For those interested in more information, you can read about boosting immunity and nourishing the brain for young children at and purchase the “Berocca Elderberry Plus Choline & Zinc” at this link.



  1. MomOfTwins August 13, 2024

    I’m really excited about the launch of the Berocca Elderberry Plus! It’s always a struggle to find the right vitamins for my kids. I hope this helps boost their immunity.

    • John D August 13, 2024

      I’m skeptical about these supplement products. Aren’t they just a way for companies to profit off concerned parents?

      • sgtpepper64 August 13, 2024

        Not necessarily. Some supplements can be beneficial, especially if they’re backed by research. Still, it’s always better to consult with a healthcare provider first, rather than just trusting any marketing claim.

        • MomOfTwins August 13, 2024

          Exactly! That’s why I always talk to our pediatrician before starting any new supplement. Better safe than sorry.

    • Tina Lee August 13, 2024

      Just because a company is making money doesn’t mean the product is bad. My brother is a nutritionist, and he swears by elderberry for immune support.

      • John D August 13, 2024

        Yeah, but how much of that is actually science versus just marketing hype? That’s what we have to consider.

  2. ScienceGeek August 13, 2024

    It’s great to see the emphasis on choline for cognitive development. Not enough people understand how crucial it is at this age.

  3. Jane S August 13, 2024

    I find it a bit concerning that these products are marketed so heavily. Shouldn’t a balanced diet be able to provide all these nutrients?

    • HealthyEats August 13, 2024

      Sure, a balanced diet is ideal, but let’s be real. How many kids actually eat a balanced diet every day? Supplements can help fill in the gaps.

      • HerbalHealer August 13, 2024

        Exactly. Not all foods that kids like are nutritious. Sometimes you need extra help from supplements.

    • Cooper123 August 13, 2024

      As a dad with picky eaters, supplements have been a lifesaver. My kids won’t even look at broccoli, but they love their vitamin gummies.

  4. DrSarahN August 13, 2024

    As a pediatrician myself, I applaud the recommendation for choline and elderberry, but parents should definitely consult healthcare providers before starting any new supplement regimen.

  5. EcoMom August 13, 2024

    I appreciate products that are free from artificial preservatives and sugars. Our kids don’t need more junk in their systems.

    • Larry Davis August 13, 2024

      Absolutely, natural ingredients are the way to go. We’ve been seeing too much processed junk in kids’ products these days.

      • EcoMom August 13, 2024

        Exactly! It’s so important to stay vigilant about what goes into our children’s bodies.

  6. Mark T. August 13, 2024

    The price point of these supplements is usually quite high. Not every family can afford such products, which creates unfair health disparities.

  7. Amy August 13, 2024

    I think it’s awesome that a major brand like Bayer is focusing on children’s health. I’m interested to see how this product performs in the market.

  8. TeacherMark August 13, 2024

    Focusing on immunity and cognitive development will definitely benefit kids in school. Nutrition plays such a key role in how well they perform academically.

    • Patricia D August 13, 2024

      Absolutely! I’ve noticed a huge difference in my class between kids who eat well and those who don’t. Nutrition is fundamental.

      • TeacherMark August 13, 2024

        Yes, and it’s something that schools and parents need to focus more on. Basic nutrition education can go a long way.

  9. BusyMother August 13, 2024

    It’s really a struggle to get my toddler to eat anything healthy. These vitamin supplements might just be the thing we need!

  10. Dr. Tom August 13, 2024

    Parents need to understand that supplements are just that—supplements. They should not replace a balanced and varied diet.

  11. Henry August 13, 2024

    I wonder how many of these ‘supplements’ are actually junk science. Always be skeptical of grand claims.

  12. Ashley August 13, 2024

    I’ve been looking for something like this! My daughter is always getting sick, and I’m hoping this will help improve her immunity.

  13. NatureLover August 13, 2024

    Berocca has been around for years and has a trustworthy reputation. I’m optimistic about this new product’s impact on kids’ health.

    • RealTalk August 13, 2024

      Reputation doesn’t mean much if it’s not backed by rigorous science. Always look for peer-reviewed research before diving in.

      • NatureLover August 13, 2024

        True, always good to check. But Berocca generally has been reliable based on my experience and what I’ve read.

  14. youngforever1990 August 13, 2024

    Honestly, my mom gave me supplements growing up, and I turned out just fine. Sometimes you just have to try and see what works.

  15. LogicalParent August 13, 2024

    Before adding any new supplement to your child’s diet, it’s crucial you talk to your pediatrician. Better to be safe than sorry.

  16. John P. August 13, 2024

    Isn’t choline found in eggs? Maybe just feed your kids more eggs if they can tolerate them.

  17. Eliza W August 13, 2024

    I think pediatricians recommending these supplements is a good sign. They wouldn’t back something that’s not scientifically sound.

    • Rick August 13, 2024

      Pediatricians can sometimes be influenced by pharmaceutical companies too. Always good to be a discerning consumer.

  18. Kaspar August 13, 2024

    All these dietary recommendations are getting too complicated. What happened to simple home-cooked meals?

  19. EducatorLynn August 13, 2024

    Nutrition directly impacts a child’s learning ability. Vitamins like choline can support cognitive functions immensely.

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