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Brave Stenographer Files Molestation Complaint Against Senior Judge: Investigation Underway

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A remarkable turn of events has taken place as a brave female court stenographer has come forward with shocking allegations against a senior judge, claiming she was molested during a professional trip. Deciding to take matters into her own hands and seek justice, she lodged a formal complaint with the Crime Suppression Division (CSD) to bring the accused to account.

According to an insider’s report, the courageous stenographer officially filed her lawsuit with CSD’s subdivision 4 on Wednesday. The case has sparked significant interest within law enforcement circles. Spearheading the inquiry is Pol Col Ekkasit Panseetha, the superintendent of the CSD’s sub-division 4. Initial probing into the incident began when he and his team questioned the complainant, subsequently relaying his findings to his superior, CSD commander Pol Maj Gen Montri Thetkhan.

The allegations are as distressing as they are serious. The stenographer recounted that on June 1, during a personnel development trip to the picturesque city of Chiang Mai, the accused judge sexually harassed her. The unsettling incident reportedly occurred on a sleeper train, somewhere between Sila At Station in Uttaradit and Den Chai Station in Phrae, with alcohol potentially being a factor in the judge’s inappropriate behavior.

The revelations didn’t stop there. Pol Maj Gen Montri took swift action by informing Pol Maj Gen Suwat Saengnum, deputy commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB). In response, Pol Maj Gen Suwat instructed the CSD to initiate a thorough investigation, setting up a special panel to delve deeper into the disturbing complaint. Both Pol Maj Gen Montri and his investigative team remain tight-lipped on the progress of the case, understandably keeping sensitive details under wraps as they continue their work.

In a decisive move reflecting the gravity of the situation, the accused judge has been temporarily reassigned. Signed off by the Supreme Court president, the judge was transferred to an inactive post at the Office of the President of the Supreme Court. This immediate transfer order went into effect on Monday, ensuring that the accused is distanced from regular duties while the investigation proceeds.

As the legal process unfolds, all eyes will remain on the CSD and its determined efforts to sift through the facts and deliver justice. This case shines a light on the urgent need for accountability and the imperative to support those who dare to speak out against powerful figures. The actions taken thus far demonstrate a commitment to due process and highlight the resilience of individuals standing up against misconduct, even in the highest echelons of the judicial system.


  1. Jane D July 12, 2024

    It’s about time we hold judges accountable for their actions. No one is above the law.

    • justiceforall123 July 12, 2024

      Absolutely! It’s very brave of her to come forward, especially against someone so powerful.

      • truthseeker88 July 12, 2024

        Bravery is one thing, but we need to see the evidence before jumping to conclusions.

      • Jane D July 12, 2024

        True, everyone deserves a fair trial, but just remember how much courage it takes to come forward with such accusations.

    • Alexis July 12, 2024

      Judges, like any other person, can abuse power. It’s crucial to investigate thoroughly.

  2. Markus July 12, 2024

    This case is indicative of a larger issue within the legal system. We’ve seen too many similar stories recently.

    • legalwiz42 July 12, 2024

      Yes, systemic issues need systemic solutions. More transparency is crucial.

      • Markus July 12, 2024

        Completely agree. Reforms are necessary at every level.

      • skeptic10 July 12, 2024

        But are these stories increasing or is it just more people coming forward now?

  3. Samantha Taylor July 12, 2024

    I find it absolutely disgusting that someone entrusted with upholding the law would potentially commit such a crime.

    • Gavin July 12, 2024

      It’s heartbreaking. I hope this encourages others to speak out as well.

      • Samantha Taylor July 12, 2024

        Yes, and hopefully it leads to substantial changes in how we handle these cases.

    • cynicalreader July 12, 2024

      Disgusting if true, but I’ll reserve judgment until all facts are in.

  4. Oliver P July 12, 2024

    The immediate transfer of the judge is a step in the right direction. They should not be in power while under investigation.

  5. lawman76 July 12, 2024

    While this is serious, we need to remember that an accusation isn’t proof of guilt. Innocent until proven guilty.

    • justme July 12, 2024

      Of course, but the safety of the workplace and the legal integrity needs safeguarding too.

      • lawman76 July 12, 2024

        Agreed, but suspending someone isn’t the same as deeming them guilty.

  6. Hannah B July 12, 2024

    This is so much more than just another news story. It highlights the vulnerability of individuals working within hierarchical institutions.

    • criticalthinker July 12, 2024

      True. And we must support those brave enough to challenge such power imbalances.

  7. CarlosRT July 12, 2024

    Let’s not forget that false accusations can ruin lives too. This needs to be handled very carefully.

  8. Serena W July 12, 2024

    The importance of this case cannot be overstated. It might just be a catalyst for broader judicial reforms.

    • Luke89 July 12, 2024

      I hope so. Real change is long overdue.

      • Serena W July 12, 2024

        Agreed. Only substantial reforms will prevent such cases in the future.

  9. Katie Y July 12, 2024

    How long before we see justice truly served in cases involving powerful individuals?

  10. Leo July 13, 2024

    How can people trust the legal system if its representatives are partaking in crimes?

    • freedomfighter July 13, 2024

      That’s a critical question. Trust must be rebuilt through transparency and accountability.

  11. Arthur July 13, 2024

    This is why I have always been skeptical about our legal system. Too many internal cover-ups.

    • believer_in_law July 13, 2024

      Not all legal professionals are corrupt. Let’s not paint everyone with the same brush.

      • Arthur July 13, 2024

        True, but the system needs to prove it can weed out these bad apples effectively.

  12. Michael Davis July 13, 2024

    The fact that she had to go to the Crime Suppression Division indicates a deep-rooted issue within the judiciary.

    • thinkdeep July 13, 2024

      Definitely, it’s telling where she felt her case would be taken seriously.

  13. Nina July 13, 2024

    Why does it often take media attention for justice to be served in such cases?

  14. Social_justice_warrior July 13, 2024

    This should inspire more whistleblowers to come forward. Silence only empowers abusers.

    • Tom H July 13, 2024

      Whistleblowers face significant risks. We need better protections for them.

      • Social_justice_warrior July 13, 2024

        Yes, and more platforms that allow them to report safely.

  15. Annette July 13, 2024

    This is why professional trips should have strict codes of conduct and zero tolerance policies.

  16. Derek_34 July 13, 2024

    Is relocating the judge enough? What if he harms someone else in the meantime?

    • Cynthia Lee July 13, 2024

      His reassignment is temporary while they investigate. But yes, there’s always a risk.

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