In an unexpected turn of events, Thailand’s Prime Minister, Srettha Thavisin, has made a bold declaration today. He has vowed not to receive his regular monthly PM salary of 125,590 baht during his tenure, instead, he aims to donate this entire amount to charity. This substantial decision certainly marks a significant departure from the norm.
Chai Watcharong, the spokesperson for the PM office, relayed this news to the public, emphasizing how Prime Minister Srettha underscored to officials the innate goodness of charity. He not only talked the talk but walked the walk, setting a sterling example for all civil servants by choosing to give his entire salary and allowances to charitable causes.
As reported by Bright TV, the Prime Minister’s income totals to an approximate 125,590 baht monthly. This comprises his basic salary of 75,590 baht and a position allowance of 50,000 baht. Further, it is worth noting that this sum does not account for the additional allowances he is entitled to for attending Cabinet meetings.
The Bangkok-bred statesman contended that his salary could aid individuals in dire straits much faster than awaiting the sluggish governmental budget and policy processes. He initiated this altruistic move keeping in mind the inevitable red-tape and multiple hurdles that often delay governmental support’s ground-level implementation. On most occasions, the implementation is a slow process, filled with numerous bureaucratic steps.
PM Srettha’s spokesperson, Chai, elaborated that the Prime Minister’s monthly pay will be directed to various organizations deemed fit by a specialized committee. The first beneficiary of this noble initiative is set to be the Foundation for Children, instilling hope and new life opportunities for the nation’s young blood.
But, that’s not it – the Prime Minister’s benevolent plans do not stop merely at monetary contributions. The Thai Premier has also revealed plans to personally visit each beneficiary organization, demonstrating a hands-on approach by closely understanding their hurdles and potential needs.
If PM Srettha continues to hold office until the completion of his projected four-year term, a staggering total exceeding 6 million baht would find its way into charitable causes. On this topic, the PM made a stirring statement. “Even before I assumed office, I was an active contributor to charitable causes. It’s a personal cause I hold close to my heart. My goal is to financially assist those sections of our society who need it the most. While it might seem like an insignificant sum, it’s an independent initiative I deeply care about. I wouldn’t presume to impose a similar expectation on other government officials. We all have our challenges to handle. I strongly believe that the money should make its way to organizations that are credible and meet the set requirements.”
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