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C.P. Group’s 9-Year Commitment: 20 Young Leaders to Represent Thailand at One Young World 2024

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Charoen Pokphand Group (C.P. Group) and its subsidiaries are investing heart and soul in the potential of the youth. In an inspiring move, they are sending 20 young representatives from various business divisions to take part in One Young World 2024—the planet’s most significant youth leadership summit. This marks the ninth year in a row for their involvement, with the event scheduled to take place from September 18 to 21, 2024, in the vibrant city of Montréal, Canada. Here, the brightest young minds from over 190 countries will come together to tackle pressing global issues under the banner “Inspiring Young Leaders for a Sustainable Intelligence World.” The summit’s five focal points are Indigenous Voices, The Climate and Ecological Crisis, Artificial Intelligence, Health Equality, and Peace.

In preparation for the summit, C.P. Group has left no stone unturned. They organized intense training sessions for their representatives. These included an eye-opening visit to the CP RAM factory in Lat Lum Kaeo, where cutting-edge food production technologies were showcased. Additionally, workshops from August 5-8, 2024, at the C.P. Leadership Institute in Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima province, were held. Experts on the summit’s critical topics provided invaluable insights, arming the young participants with the knowledge necessary for meaningful engagement with their global peers.

Mr. Suphachai Chearavanont, CEO of Charoen Pokphand Group, passionately emphasized the need to cultivate “human capital” to meet global challenges head-on and to achieve sustainable development goals. He underscored the pivotal role of digital transformation through “AI and data” as humanity advances into the 5.0 era—a convergence of technology and human ingenuity aimed at creating a sustainable intelligent society. This forms a crucial part of the urgent issues up for discussion at One Young World 2024, alongside various other global challenges requiring collective solutions from young leaders worldwide.

Supported by companies under the C.P. Group umbrella, including Charoen Pokphand Group, Chia Tai, CPF, CP All, CP Axtra, CP CRT, CP Land, Lotus’s, and True, 20 young leaders have been chosen to attend the summit. These organizations have gone above and beyond to provide extensive training and knowledge enhancement from subject matter experts, preparing the Thai representatives to share and absorb insights from participants spanning over 190 countries. All of this, in the hope of nurturing a sustainable future together.

Dr. Athapol Pecharaply, Director of Engineering for Sustainability at CP Foods, accentuated C.P. Group’s unwavering support for youth participation in One Young World over the past nine years. He acknowledged that these young leaders are vital to our future. He specifically highlighted “The Climate and Ecological Crisis” as a pivotal global issue to be dissected at this year’s summit. This platform offers C.P. Group’s representatives a golden opportunity to exchange ideas with global leaders, benefiting both the company and the nation.

One of the invigorated young representatives, Ms. Worakamon Punark, revealed her fascination with Artificial Intelligence (AI). She articulated how critical AI is in shaping industries and elevating societal living standards. However, she also pointed out the accompanying challenges—such as the need for robust governance frameworks, data privacy concerns, and the safeguarding of human-created works. Representing CP at the summit provides her with a unique platform to connect with like-minded individuals and experts, striving to tackle AI-related challenges head-on.


  1. EcoWarrior123 August 14, 2024

    It’s amazing to see C.P. Group investing in the youth and focusing on sustainability. But isn’t it ironic given that some of their industries aren’t exactly ‘green’?

    • SarahL August 14, 2024

      I think it’s a step in the right direction! You can’t expect everything to change overnight. At least they’re making significant efforts.

      • GreenPeaceGrrrl August 14, 2024

        Steps aren’t enough. We need leaps! The planet is in crisis. Half-hearted efforts won’t cut it.

  2. Victor August 14, 2024

    All this talk about sustainability… but what about the smaller businesses that can’t afford such grand gestures?

    • CPemployee August 14, 2024

      The bigger companies are setting an example for others to follow. Smaller businesses can adapt these methods in their own way.

  3. TechEnthusiast August 14, 2024

    Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly important, but isn’t there a massive risk of job displacement that these young leaders might be ignoring?

    • WorakamonFan August 14, 2024

      Ms. Worakamon seemed very aware of the challenges during her speech. It’s about finding the balance and ensuring there’s support for those impacted.

    • Peter August 14, 2024

      AI can create new kinds of jobs too. It’s not all doom and gloom.

  4. SarahL August 14, 2024

    Creating young leaders is commendable, but how many of these initiatives actually result in tangible change? Is this just a PR stunt?

    • CPSupporter August 14, 2024

      It’s easy to be cynical, but these forums have changed policies and inspired countless initiatives elsewhere.

    • Realist27 August 14, 2024

      Tangibility is key. Let’s wait and see if these young leaders come back and implement real changes within the company.

  5. GreenPeaceGrrrl August 14, 2024

    Indigenous Voices are so important in these discussions! Finally, they’re being given a platform!

    • IndieFan August 14, 2024

      Absolutely! But it’s just the start. Inclusion and actual implementation of their suggestions is what’s crucial.

    • TradWiz August 14, 2024

      Representation matters more than discussions. Let’s see if they include these voices in actionable agendas.

  6. GlobalCitizen August 14, 2024

    I’m inspired to see young minds come together to solve world issues. But I worry they may be out of touch with grassroots realities.

    • Hopeful389 August 14, 2024

      Young leaders are often more connected to real-world problems than established leaders because they’re on the ground more often.

  7. SarahL August 14, 2024

    Exactly! Let’s hope these young leaders stay grounded and don’t get wrapped up in corporate speak.

    • EcoWarrior123 August 14, 2024

      Right, they need to keep their focus on real, actionable change and not get lost in the glamour of global summits.

  8. FutureLeader98 August 14, 2024

    AI and sustainable development are our future! Kudos to C.P. Group for preparing young leaders in these areas!

  9. ConcernedMom August 14, 2024

    It’s great to see young people get opportunities like this, but what are they actually learning in those workshops?

  10. AlexJ August 14, 2024

    Workshops are often just a checklist item. The real learning comes from the networking and exchange of ideas.

  11. ClimateChange activist August 14, 2024

    Seriously? They talk about sustainability while exploiting natural resources. Total hypocrisy.

  12. CPemployee August 14, 2024

    I work there and see firsthand efforts to balance corporate needs with environmental responsibilities. It’s not perfect but it’s happening.

  13. EcoWarrior123 August 14, 2024

    ‘Efforts to balance’ isn’t enough. The urgency of climate issues demands more drastic measures!

  14. Pragmatist01 August 14, 2024

    Big corporations won’t change overnight. Sustained incremental progress is the most realistic path forward.

  15. Anya Morris August 14, 2024

    Can any of these summits make an actual difference or are they just talk fests?

  16. Hopeful389 August 14, 2024

    They can make a difference by creating awareness and pushing for policy changes. Every little bit helps.

  17. EcoWarrior123 August 14, 2024

    Creating awareness isn’t enough when the clock is ticking on climate change!

  18. TeamCP August 14, 2024

    Just remember, awareness is often the first step to significant changes. Don’t underestimate its value.

  19. Peter August 14, 2024

    Peace and health equality are just as important as sustainability. We shouldn’t overlook these equally pressing issues.

  20. Victor August 14, 2024

    True, but we hear a lot of talk and see little action on these issues. It’s frustrating.

  21. Anya Morris August 14, 2024

    Absolutely! All these discussions need to be backed by solid actions.

  22. WorakamonFan August 14, 2024

    Ms. Worakamon’s focus on AI governance is so relevant today. We definitely need safeguarding measures!

  23. TechEnthusiast August 14, 2024

    AI governance is tricky. How do you balance innovation with regulation?

  24. SarahL August 14, 2024

    It’s a fine line but an essential one to tread. Safeguarding should not stifle innovation.

  25. Victor August 14, 2024

    Agreed. Overregulation can kill creativity and slow technological progress.

  26. Peter August 14, 2024

    Then what’s the solution? How do we ensure safety without hampering innovation?

  27. FutureLeader98 August 14, 2024

    Collaborative efforts between tech developers and policymakers. Open dialogues are crucial!

  28. AlexJ August 14, 2024

    Yes, and these summits could be the perfect place for such dialogues. Let’s hope they capitalize on it.

  29. ConcernedMom August 14, 2024

    As long as they don’t ignore the social impacts of these technologies on everyday people.

  30. GlobalCitizen August 14, 2024

    A balance between tech progress and social impact is essential. We need equitable solutions.

  31. TechEnthusiast August 14, 2024

    Agreed. Equity should be at the heart of tech advancements, or we risk widening existing gaps.

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