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Chon Buri Marine Police Under Scrutiny in Major Oil Smuggling Investigation Led by Jaroonkiat Pankaew

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The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) is diving deep into murky waters, investigating nine marine police officers from Chon Buri who might just be the key to unlocking the mysterious vanishing act of three smuggling oil ships in Sattahip district. Deputy Commissioner Pol Maj Gen Jaroonkiat Pankaew has revealed that CIB’s Anti-Corruption Division (ACD) is teaming up with the Thai Marine Police Division to scrutinize the phone usage history of these nine officers.

The communique data extracted from their devices will be handed over to the Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) for meticulous scrutiny. Once analyzed, the findings will be forwarded to the Crime Suppression Division (CSD), who will determine whether to press charges against the officers entangled in this oily web.

Pol Maj Gen Jaroonkiat hinted at the potential for an initial charge of malfeasance, should the evidence point to it, followed by an in-depth disciplinary inquiry. The investigative lens is also being zoomed onto senior officers allegedly linked to another bribery scandal from about four years ago, involving the smuggling of oil.

The plot thickens with the involvement of the notorious “Joe Namman Thuen,” alias “Joe Pattani.” Believed to be the mastermind behind the oil smuggling syndicate, Joe Pattani’s name is on everyone’s radar. Pol Maj Gen Jaroonkiat projected that an arrest warrant for Joe Pattani might be imminent, possibly by next week. The catch, however, is that Joe Pattani is currently in Cambodia and holds dual nationalities—Thai and Cambodian—allowing him to shuttle between borders with relative ease. Once the arrest warrant is issued, the police will be hot on his trail, seeking an Interpol red notice to tighten the net around him.

Flashing back to March 19, authorities seized five ships at the marine police pier in Sattahip, Chon Buri, with three ships carrying a whopping 330,000 liters of smuggled oil. Twenty-eight crew members found themselves slapped with arrests but managed to bail out. Fast forward to the night of June 11, and the plot takes a dramatic turn as three of these oil-laden vessels, along with 15 crew members, pulled off a Houdini-worthy escape from the pier.

But the sea always reveals its secrets. By June 17, law enforcement recaptured the runaway ships near the maritime border with Malaysia, although their oil tanks were nearly dry. It didn’t take long for the police to dig up the truth—the precious oil had been sold during the ships’ brief sojourn in Cambodia.

Stay tuned as the investigation sails ahead, with more intrigue and revelations awaiting just beyond the horizon. The clock is ticking, and all eyes are on Pol Maj Gen Jaroonkiat and his team as they navigate through the dark currents of corruption and crime in this high-stakes whodunit.


  1. Tom June 24, 2024

    I can’t believe these officers thought they could get away with this! They must have known they were being watched, right?

    • Samantha Williams June 24, 2024

      It’s incredible how corruption runs so deep in the system. It’s like they think they’re untouchable!

      • Tom June 24, 2024

        Absolutely, Samantha. It’s maddening how some people abuse their positions of power. The whole system needs a revamp.

      • DrMike June 25, 2024

        To some extent, it’s a systemic issue that won’t be solved merely by punishing a few individuals. Structural reform is necessary.

    • Fisherman234 June 25, 2024

      Remember, it’s not just about these officers. Who’s behind the scenes pulling the strings?

      • Harry L. June 25, 2024

        Exactly. The real culprits are often those with the most to gain and lose—the masterminds like Joe Pattani.

  2. Sarah June 24, 2024

    Is anyone else surprised that they managed to recapture the ships near Malaysia’s border? Sounds like a Hollywood movie!

    • Jack June 24, 2024

      Totally agree! It’s crazy how they managed to pull off that escape in the first place.

      • Sarah June 25, 2024

        Right? And then the oil gets sold off in Cambodia! It’s like something out of a crime thriller.

      • Inspector234 June 25, 2024

        Well, these things happen more often than you think. Criminal networks exploit every opportunity.

  3. GrowingConcern June 24, 2024

    It’s alarming how easy it is for these criminals to travel across borders. How can we improve international cooperation to prevent this?

    • GlobalCitizen June 25, 2024

      Interpol and other agencies need more resources and better coordination. It’s a global issue that requires global solutions.

      • Academic456 June 25, 2024

        International law enforcement collaboration has always been a challenge, especially with countries like Cambodia who may have their own interests.

  4. Burt June 25, 2024

    Pankaew’s team seems dedicated, but will they be able to withstand the pressure from higher-ups?

    • Jenny L. June 25, 2024

      I think it’ll depend on how much public and media pressure there is. Transparency is key.

      • Would2Watch June 25, 2024

        Public pressure will only help if the media keeps pushing the story. Otherwise, it’ll just get buried.

    • JayMeister June 25, 2024

      Realistically, they’re fighting an uphill battle. High-level corruption is tough to bring down.

  5. TeacherSue June 25, 2024

    Doesn’t this show a major flaw in the training and monitoring of marine police?

    • Ming Z. June 25, 2024

      Definitely! More rigorous training and stricter monitoring could prevent such incidents.

      • EduPolicy123 June 25, 2024

        It all depends on political will. Without that, changes in training and monitoring will be superficial at best.

  6. CaptainRick June 25, 2024

    As someone who’s been at sea for decades, I can tell you there’s a lot more going on than meets the eye in these investigations.

  7. Lisa Young June 25, 2024

    I hope this investigation leads to more accountability in Thailand. Too often, issues like this are swept under the rug.

    • Realist June 25, 2024

      I wouldn’t hold my breath. Corruption is deeply rooted, and change is slow, if it happens at all.

      • Lisa Young June 25, 2024

        True enough, but one can always hope. At least these officers are under scrutiny now.

      • SkepticalSam June 25, 2024

        You’re both right. Change is possible, but it’s hard and often takes longer than we’d like.

  8. GamerBoy42 June 25, 2024

    Why can’t they use blockchain technology to track these shipments and prevent smuggling?

    • BlockchainGeek June 25, 2024

      Great idea, but implementing it would be a huge challenge, especially in a sector resistant to transparency.

      • GamerBoy42 June 25, 2024

        Still, it would be worth it in the long run. Transparency would deter these activities.

      • TechSavvyJane June 25, 2024

        Blockchain could indeed revolutionize tracking and transparency, but convincing authorities to adopt it is another story.

  9. Mariner_Mark June 25, 2024

    Those 330,000 liters of oil could do so much damage to the environment! How can we not talk about the ecological impact here?

    • EcoFriend June 25, 2024

      Great point, Mark. The smuggling itself is bad enough, but the environmental risks are catastrophic.

      • TammyE June 25, 2024

        It’s true. This investigation should consider environmental liabilities too.

  10. Paul K. June 25, 2024

    Why is it that every time a big bust happens, we hear about corruption in high places? It’s exhausting.

    • Annie B. June 25, 2024

      Because it’s the way things work. Corruption enables crime at every level.

      • Paul K. June 25, 2024

        Sad but true. Until the higher-ups are held accountable, nothing will change.

  11. iSpySea June 25, 2024

    What about the crew members? How complicit were they in all this? Seems like they got off too easy.

    • SailorJoe June 25, 2024

      Many crew members are just doing as they’re told. It’s the masterminds who need to be held accountable.

  12. CuriousCat June 25, 2024

    Joe Pattani seems like a real slippery character. How are they going to catch him if he keeps moving between countries?

    • Ray P. June 25, 2024

      International cooperation is the only way. But it’s no easy task.

      • Kimmy June 25, 2024

        Interpol’s involvement will be crucial. Here’s hoping they can get the red notice issued quickly.

  13. Watcher June 25, 2024

    What happens if the senior officers involved from four years ago are found guilty? Will they just get a slap on the wrist?

    • JusticeSeeker June 25, 2024

      They must be held accountable. If not, it sends a message that corruption pays.

      • Watcher June 25, 2024

        Exactly. Accountability is key to changing the culture within the police force.

  14. EnclaveEcho June 25, 2024

    Remember March 19? That was a significant bust! Can’t believe those ships just disappeared overnight.

    • MarineGaze June 25, 2024

      It shows the level of coordination and planning these criminals have. Scary stuff.

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