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CP LAND’s ‘Happiness is all Around’ Campaign Wins Big: Spreading Joy Across Thailand

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Imagine this: a world where happiness isn’t just a fleeting moment but a perennial vibe, pervading every nook and cranny of our lives. This isn’t just an idyllic dream—it’s a vision brought to life by Thailand’s trailblazing property developer, C.P. LAND Public Company Limited (CP LAND), through its heartwarming “Happiness is all Around” campaign. This initiative didn’t just capture hearts; it clinched the Silver Winner Award in the Best Social Media Advertising Campaign category at the prestigious Hashtag Asia Awards 2024 in Singapore, a testament to its digital storytelling prowess and its uncanny ability to spark joy and online buzz.

The brains behind this contagiously happy campaign? None other than the strategic alliance between CP LAND and the creative hot shop ‘Youngsanti’, which together spun a narrative so compelling, it became the second most buzz-worthy topic on social media within the first nine months of 2023. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, CP LAND has also secured a spot among the top 10 real estate juggernauts dominating the social media landscape in the first half of the year, as revealed by the Thailand Social Awards survey.

Sasinan Allmand, the maestro at the helm of CP LAND’s Marketing and Communications, shared a peek behind the curtain, “We’re elated and proud beyond words. Our ‘Happiness is all Around’ campaign was a labour of love, meticulously crafted to resonate with every spectrum of our audience, especially the digital natives for whom online realms are their playground. Our strategy? A melange of creative zest and message consistency, all brewed perfectly to stir online trends and elicit just the right audience reactions.”

And what’s a campaign without a sprinkle of star dust? Enter Santi Suwanvalaikorn, Chief Creative Officer at Youngsanti, who revealed, “Our secret ingredient was simple—a dash of genuine storytelling based on true accounts of joy, brought to life with the charismatic Singto Numchok. It was our ‘Hero Campaign’ that perfectly encapsulated the essence of CP LAND’s journey towards spreading boundless joy across Thailand.”

With Singto Numchok at the wheel, a caravan of happiness embarked on a melodious journey across Thailand, converting a truck into a concert stage and delivering not just music, but also goods, necessities, and, most importantly, smiles to countless destinations. This wasn’t just a marketing stunt; it was CP LAND’s heartfelt mission to sow seeds of happiness in every corner of Thailand, creating a robust, joyous society under the banner, “quality for every life.”

Their secret weapon? A rebranding saga that spanned over four decades, culminating in the “Accessible Communities for Life” ethos. Adding a touch of melody to their strategy, CP LAND joined forces with the legendary “Boyd Kosiyapong,” unleashing the “Happiness Is All Around Version” of “Hua Jai Pook Gun,” a musical anthem that reverberated across Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X, amassing over 40 million views and painting the digital sphere with hues of happiness.

But wait, there’s more! CP LAND’s galaxy of stars—Wan Thanakrit, Da Endorphine, Tao Sattaphong, and Pop Pongkul—each took up the baton, spreading the “Caravan of Happiness” through their vast online following, igniting a movement that transcended mere advertising.

Pioneering more than just real estate, CP LAND’s “Solar Cell For Life project: Happiness Is All Around” initiative illuminated lives beyond the digital realm. In places like Kiriwong Village and beyond, Singto’s heartwarming endeavor of installing solar-powered lights served as a beacon of hope, proving that even in the remotest areas, happiness can light up the darkest of nights.

What CP LAND and its “Happiness is all Around” campaign have achieved is nothing short of magical—a testament to the power of creative marketing, social responsibility, and genuine human connection. In a world often shrouded in gloom, CP LAND reminds us that happiness isn’t just an award-winning campaign; it’s a way of life they’re committed to spreading across Thailand, one smile at a time.


  1. JoyRider May 15, 2024

    Absolutely love this! It’s refreshing to see a company genuinely dedicated to spreading happiness. Most companies just care about their bottom lines.

    • Skeptic101 May 15, 2024

      Genuinely? It’s all marketing. They’re just another big corp trying to look good. Don’t be naive.

      • JoyRider May 15, 2024

        I get your point, but if their marketing also helps people and spreads joy, isn’t that a win-win? Not everything is black and white.

      • RealTalk May 15, 2024

        It’s not about being black or white, it’s about intention. Their PRIMARY goal is profit, not spreading joy. Let’s not sugarcoat it.

    • HappinessFan May 15, 2024

      Who cares if it’s marketing? They’re doing more good than harm. We need more positivity in the world.

  2. EcoWarrior May 15, 2024

    I’m curious about the environmental impact of their campaigns, especially the solar cell initiative. It sounds promising but is it sustainable?

    • GreenSkeptic May 15, 2024

      Right, because throwing solar panels everywhere solves all problems. It’s more complicated than that. What about the production and disposal of these panels?

  3. MusicLover May 15, 2024

    Singto Numchok involvement was a masterstroke! His music brings so much joy to people. It’s incredible seeing him part of this.

  4. Techie May 15, 2024

    I’m impressed with how they leveraged social media to spread their message. 40 million views is no small feat!

    • Analyzer May 15, 2024

      Views don’t equal impact though. Wonder how much of that converted into real-world happiness or just scrolled-by moments.

      • Techie May 15, 2024

        Good point, but even if it just brought a smile to someone’s face while scrolling, that’s positive impact in my book.

      • Cynical May 15, 2024

        A smile for a second doesn’t change much in the grand scheme of things. It’s just feel-good fluff.

  5. PhilanthroPunk May 15, 2024

    Putting aside the debate on intentions, it’s heartening to see a caravan of happiness making tangible differences in remote areas. This is a model other companies should consider.

    • HardTruths May 15, 2024

      Why don’t these companies focus on improving their employee’s happiness first? Spreading joy starts at home.

      • CorporateInsider May 15, 2024

        As someone working in the corporate sphere, I can confirm that many companies, including CP LAND, do have internal programs aimed at employee wellness.

  6. CultureVulture May 15, 2024

    It’s fascinating how they’re intertwining marketing with cultural storytelling. The use of local music and celebrities creates a sense of community and shared joy.

  7. DebateMe May 15, 2024

    Isn’t this just a distraction from real issues? Sure, happiness is great, but it feels like a band-aid on societal problems.

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