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Deception Exposed: FDA Unmasks Harmful Health Supplements Sold Online – Your Trusted Brands May Be Killing You!

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The online marketplace has come under the scrutinizing gaze of The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), revealing three health supplement products attempting to peddle overstated benefits, even after their registrations were terminated. These products, boldly exhibited on online storefronts, dare to make staggering claims; With promises of controlling sugar levels, burning fat, and curbing appetites, these products have allured unsuspecting consumers.

In a recently unveiled report, the FDA disclosed its findings on the advertising conduct of health products on digital platforms. Specifically, three products were identified, each daring to make extravagant claims that tread on the edge of credibility.

Firstly, Mix Oil Oriji, a signature product under the Veeric brand, carries a food registration number 70-1-27160-5-0205. This product proclaims a myriad of health benefits: From managing sugar and cholesterol levels, combating free radicals, reducing ageing symptoms, nourishing several body parts including your eyes, bones, nails, hair, and even improves neurological wellbeing, to enhancing sleep quality, as reported by KhaoSod.

The second product is a food supplement named Korse, under food registration number 13-1-12560-5-0044. This item boasts capabilities of speeding up fat burning, decreasing hunger, trapping fat, shedding built-up fat, and lowering cholesterol, painting a compelling picture of an ultimate weight loss solution.

Lastly, another food supplement registered under number 76-1-17557-5-0135 made its introduction. This product takes the liberty of claiming properties such as, effortless fat burning, dissolving fat, rendering a perfect waist, reducing appetite, tampering snacking habits, magical transformation of an obese figure into a slim one, sans any uneasy physical side effects. It particularly claims no yo-yo effect— a repeated cycle of weight loss and gain.

However, upon meticulously fact-checking these ostentatious claims, it was revealed that these products were engaged in deceitful advertising. The proclaimed benefits, quality, or characteristics of their food products were found to be misleading, leaving consumers bamboozled and unjustly deceived. As they were unlicensed, these peddlers were ordered to cease advertising immediately, and legal measures were initiated against the perpetrators.

A review of the food registration numbers of the three products manifested that they were revoked by the manufacturers on June 27, 2023, September 14, 2022, and October 18, 2021, in respective order. The FDA, committed to public safety, pledges to sustain its vigilance over the sale of these products on the marketplace. If any product, defiantly bearing a label stating a production date post the cancellation of its number, is found on sale, it would be deemed as the production and sale of counterfeit food. Transgressors of this would be met with stringent penalties, which include imprisonment or hefty fines.

The FDA, thus, issues a stern warning to consumers to exercise caution while purchasing these products for consumption. Keep abreast of The Thaiger’s latest updates and exhaustive reportage on our new Facebook page.

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