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Digital Titans Assemble: Thailand’s Ambassadors Gear Up for Global Tech Supremacy with Bitkub CEO’s Visionary Blueprint!

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Picture this: the plush Sukhumvit Grand Ballroom on the 3rd floor of the opulent JW Marriott Hotel in Bangkok, buzzing with the spirit of innovation and the hum of diplomatic conversations. This wasn’t just any ordinary Wednesday, but November 22, 2023, a day marked by the eminent “Meeting of Thai Ambassadors and Consuls-General.” Amidst the well-heeled crowd, Jirayut Srupsrisopa, the visionary Founder and Group CEO of Bitkub Capital Group Holdings Company Limited — a titan in the realm of blockchain technology and the digital asset market in Thailand — commanded the stage.

The event was no soirée; it was a clarion call for Thailand’s finest ambassadors and consuls-general, back in action after a seven-year hiatus. Spanning a productive week from November 19 to 24, 2023, the event’s agenda was robust: to paint for these global representatives a picture of the motherland’s policies and pursuits steering into the new era — an update as much as a strategy session for “Proactive Economic Diplomacy.”

The roll call was impressive, with 97 delegates across embassies, consulates, and Permanent Missions, all ears for insights on enhancing the nation’s interests and its people’s well-being. Visionaries like Mr. Srupsrisopa shared their blueprints for a digital empire, shedding light on “Digital Economy, Technology, Innovation, and Promotion of Thai Startups and SMEs in Expanding Business Abroad.”

Jirayut’s address was a symphony of gratitude, passion, and foresight. With the grace of a seasoned maestro, he thanked Dr. Panpree Pahitthanukorn, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, for an invitation that bespoke the country’s committed pivot to bolster digital businesses.

“Thailand isn’t just about serene beaches and mouth-watering cuisine,” Jirayut beamed with pride. “We’re a crucible of innovation, home to tech startups and SMEs brimming with talent ready to conquer new frontiers. And what a time to be in technology — with digitalization redefining boundaries and Bitkub Group at the forefront, ready to catapult these eager mavericks into the global arena!”

Jirayut raised his voice, stirring the audience, “With the global stage now set for a digital renaissance, our potential for growth is monumental. May our collective thrust into this digital epoch not only keep pace but set a blistering, unprecedented speed in the race for technological supremacy!”

As diplomats exchanged glances and nodded in agreement, it was clear the air was electrified. This was no mere conference; it was a battleground of ideas, where the future was being decided. Bitkub Group, like a digital warrior in shining armor, was all set to lead the charge, making sure that Thailand’s tech enterprises wouldn’t just join the race but become central players on the world stage of digital dominance.


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