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Forvis Mazars Annual Forum 2024: Driving Thailand’s Economic Resilience and Growth

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Bangkok, October 2024 – In the vibrant metropolis of Bangkok, Forvis Mazars recently hosted their much-anticipated Annual Forum 2024 titled “Future Thailand: Pioneering Growth in a Dynamic Economy.” This high-profile event, geared towards propelling Thailand’s future forward, congregated a powerhouse roster of experts keen on dissecting Thailand’s economic forecasters and formulating strategies for resilience. A formidable crowd of over a hundred of the country’s influential business leaders joined forces to exchange knowledge on pivotal themes like business-related laws, taxation conundrums, and groundbreaking technologies. It was an eclectic hub where the brightest minds rubbed elbows, engaging in lively dialogues and knitting invaluable networking tapestries.

Setting the tone for this intellectual exchange, Mr. Rob Hurenkamp, the esteemed Managing Partner of Forvis Mazars in Thailand, stepped up to illuminate the forum’s theme. He underscored the urgency for Thai organizations to brace themselves against the tide of a swiftly metamorphosing global backdrop. “This forum is the brainchild birthed from a necessity. It’s a beacon for our clients and partners, affording them a glimpse into economic trends, shifts in tax legislation, and myriad changes that now punctuate the business landscape here in Thailand,” he insisted, painting a vivid picture of the potpourri of challenges besieging both local and international Thai enterprises.

Next on the dais, brimming with insights, was Dr. Arnunchanog Sukondhavat, the brilliant Director of Macroeconomic Strategy and Planning at the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC). She expertly peeled back the layers of the economic onion, identifying the primary catalysts influencing future prosperity. Shifts in political power, evolving regulatory frameworks, and burgeoning technology – AI, IoT, and blockchain – are pivotal stepping stones toward maintaining competitive edges. But she ardently stressed sustainability; adapting to climatic jigs and resource diacritics is not optional but imperative for Thailand’s future business framework.

Contributing to this tapestry of wisdom were stalwarts from Forvis Mazars like Outsourcing Partner Mr. Jonathan Fryer, Legal Partner Mr. Chatchawat Kriengsuntikul, Tax Partner Mr. Jonathan Stuart-Smith, Financial Advisory Partner Mr. Prasenjit Chakraborty, and Audit Partner Ms. Tippawan Pumbansao, who offered laser-focused insights into their domains.

Mr. Chatchawat Kriengsuntikul, astutely dissecting the legal conundrums, marked the evolving economic landscape and its implications on Thailand-China trade. The Draft Climate Change Act looms as a pivotal legal instrument, potentially reshaping the ecosphere of business operations with its emphasis on emissions. In a nod to the digital age, the looming Draft Electronic Transaction Act seeks to tailor-fit the legal matrix for digital commerce. A clarion call was sounded for organizations to develop proactive tax strategies, ensuring cost-effectiveness reigns supreme.

Diving into the tech frontier, Mr. Jonathan Fryer, the eloquent Outsourcing Partner, identified Autonomous AI agents as the era’s next evolutionary leap. Capable of autonomous decision-making sans human instruction, AI stands as a beacon of potential—trimming costs, amplifying efficiencies, dissecting fiscal data for pivotal decision-making, and offering an astute compass for business direction.

The conversation steered towards climate consciousness with Ms. Tippawan Pumbansao, the vivacious Audit Partner. She cajoled organizations to grapple with climate flux and resource paucity while refining their ESG narratives. Complying with stringent environmental and economic ordinances is vital to preserve competitiveness on both domestic and international canvases. Transparency in sustainability audits is no longer an added perk but an expectation, demanding rigor parallel to financial audits.

In a crescendo of enlightening dialogue, Mr. Prasenjit Chakraborty, the Financial Advisory Partner, echoed a forward-looking sentiment, “Thai organizations face an array of challenges on this global stage. Our commitment at Forvis Mazars is unyielding—we are here to shepherd businesses through these challenges, offering a vast repertoire of services from financial advisory, tax optimization, legal counsel, to sustainability auditing.”

With a global footprint stretching across 100 nations, Forvis Mazars continues to be a beacon of excellence, seamlessly melding their vast expertise in accounting, outsourcing, auditing, and beyond to bolster esteemed clientele from myriad industries. Their promise? Consistency, excellence, and the foresight to anticipate the complexities of tomorrow’s business symphony.


  1. Joe October 25, 2024

    Interesting to think about how AI might change the economic landscape in Thailand. Could it end up hurting jobs more than helping?

    • Anne Thompson October 25, 2024

      AI definitely has the potential to create efficiencies, but the key is retraining the workforce to embrace this change. Tech advancements should be a booster, not a barrier.

      • Joe October 25, 2024

        Agreed, but can Thailand’s education system keep up with this rapid change? The gap between skill demand and education seems worrying.

      • Larry D October 25, 2024

        If companies and government don’t step up, AI development will likely outpace our ability to adapt. Need policies that balance tech growth and job security.

      • Anne Thompson October 25, 2024

        I think partnerships between companies and educational institutions could really help bridge this gap. It’s happening in other countries.

    • grower134 October 25, 2024

      AI will lead to more job loss than creation. These forums don’t address the real impacts on everyday workers.

  2. Sara K. October 25, 2024

    I’m glad climate change and sustainability were big themes. Economic growth can’t ignore environmental impact!

    • Mike October 25, 2024

      Sure, but it’s often just talk. Look at our initiatives—are they really enough to make a long-term difference?

      • Sara K. October 25, 2024

        True, implementation is lacking. But highlighting the issue is the first step towards real action.

      • Larry Davis October 25, 2024

        Corporations need to see protecting the environment as integral to business success, not just compliance.

      • Sara K. October 25, 2024

        Exactly, it should be in every company’s DNA. Long-term viability relies on a sustainable approach.

    • naturelover77 October 25, 2024

      At least they’re starting conversations. Need more transparency in how industries tackle climate issues.

    • GreenThumb21 October 25, 2024

      I hope other countries learn from these initiatives. Same issues everywhere, but solutions are often ignored.

  3. Eduardo October 25, 2024

    Tax strategies and legal compliance seem like endless hurdles, especially for small businesses.

  4. BusinessGuru October 25, 2024

    Forums like this are crucial. Thailand in the middle of a digital and economic revolution!

    • Critic42 October 25, 2024

      It’s easy to call it a revolution. But the effect on average income and small businesses is still vague.

      • BusinessGuru October 25, 2024

        Not necessarily vague. Business leaders need to adopt strategies that don’t just benefit top-tier firms.

      • Critic42 October 25, 2024

        Strategies are only as good as their implementation. Hope Forvis Mazars realizes this too.

    • Steve October 25, 2024

      Digital efforts seem focused on large firms. Is enough being done to bring small businesses along?

    • InfoSeeker October 25, 2024

      Forums need to address smaller enterprises’ realities—publicity is biased towards big awards and success stories.

  5. Larry Davis October 25, 2024

    Curious about what specific legal changes they think will shape the economy. The law is as dynamic as the business.

  6. EconomicsNerd October 25, 2024

    Thailand’s economic resilience is impressive, but sustaining it amidst global changes is the challenge.

    • GeoScout October 25, 2024

      Exactly, resilience can’t be static. Need agility in policies to tackle such changing variables.

    • Anya89 October 25, 2024

      It’s heartening they’re thinking ahead. Proactivity is better than reactivity, especially in global economics.

    • EconomicsNerd October 25, 2024

      Strategic foresight is Thailand’s best asset. Future preparation is what keeps the economic engine running.

  7. Maya P. October 25, 2024

    I love seeing women like Dr. Sukondhavat leading the discussion on economic strategies!

  8. Faisal October 25, 2024

    Could this forum influence policy-making decisions, though? High-level talks rarely trickle down efficiently.

    • Skeptic123 October 25, 2024

      Policy influence is always a grey area. The actual impact is difficult to measure unless followed by actions.

  9. TechTonic October 25, 2024

    Autonomous AI is exciting! But it needs ethical frameworks or we’ll just end up with digital chaos.

  10. Parker October 25, 2024

    Forvis Mazars sounds like a solid institution for advice and direction. Trust is key in forecasting future paths.

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