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Groundbreaking AI and Simulation Lab Inaugurated by Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto at AIT

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“The launch of the AI and Simulation Lab represents a bold step forward in our mission to drive innovation and excellence in AI,” proclaimed Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto, President of AIT. “This state-of-the-art facility will empower both our students and faculty to develop industry-relevant products, engage in impactful research, and form meaningful partnerships with leading industry stakeholders.”

The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has proudly inaugurated its groundbreaking AI and Simulation Lab (ASL), marking a pivotal moment in its unwavering commitment to advancing artificial intelligence research and innovation. Nestled within the School of Engineering and Technology, the lab is poised to become a central hub for pioneering AI research and development. ASL’s mission is to fuel multidisciplinary collaboration, bridging academia, industry, and government to tackle complex global challenges with innovative AI-driven solutions.

Boasting the latest AI technology, the ASL is equipped with unparalleled resources for advanced simulations and diverse AI applications. Outfitted with powerful computing resources such as NVIDIA RTX A6000 and RTX 4090 GPUs, along with a robust 100TB storage infrastructure, the lab stands as a premier nexus for cutting-edge AI research. It also features advanced visualisation tools, including a gigantic 110″ 4K Interactive Display and synchronized dual 65″ screens, ideal for high-impact demonstrations and simulations. This advanced infrastructure ensures the lab’s robust capability to support intensive AI research and seamlessly adapt to future technological advancements.

The realization of the ASL was made possible thanks to the combined efforts and generous support from i-bitz, the AIT School of Engineering and Technology, the Global Water and Sanitation Centre (GWSC), and the AI Center at AIT.

The lab’s inauguration event was nothing short of spectacular, showcasing an array of innovative student projects that highlighted the lab’s commitment to fostering cutting-edge technology. Among the projects exhibited were the Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Speller, an AI-powered Interviewer aimed at revolutionizing recruitment processes, a Liveness Detection API for enhancing facial recognition security, and Scholarly, an AI-driven research writing tool designed to aid students and researchers with limited English proficiency. These projects underscore ASL’s focus on creating accessible AI solutions and nurturing an environment ripe for groundbreaking ideas.

For more information about the AI and Simulation Lab and AIT’s ongoing initiatives in AI research, please contact AIT Public Affairs at [email protected].


  1. Jane_L September 5, 2024

    This is really exciting news! AIT is truly leading the way in AI research. Can’t wait to see what they’ll achieve.

    • Matt D September 5, 2024

      Sure, but isn’t there a risk that this tech could be used for more harmful purposes? Like mass surveillance or even military applications?

      • Jane_L September 5, 2024

        That’s a valid concern, Matt. But I believe that with proper regulations and ethical guidelines, the benefits outweigh the risks.

      • David7 September 5, 2024

        Ethical guidelines are only good if they’re followed. History shows us that tech often outpaces regulation.

    • Lizzy H September 5, 2024

      I think it’s a great step for education. Other institutions should take note!

  2. Paul_James September 5, 2024

    Finally, academia is catching up with industry. These resources should have been available years ago.

    • Akash September 5, 2024

      That’s true, but better late than never, right? This is a great leap for AIT.

    • Amelia Rose September 5, 2024

      I totally agree with Paul. We’ve been lagging behind. But I hope this lab can bridge the gap.

      • Paul_James September 5, 2024

        Absolutely, Amelia! It’s all about collaboration and pushing forward.

  3. TechGuru88 September 5, 2024

    Is anybody else concerned about the privacy implications of some of these projects?

    • Sophia L. September 5, 2024

      Totally. Especially the Liveness Detection API. What if it gets hacked?

    • Mark_W September 5, 2024

      Privacy concerns are always there, but tech like this can also be the key to solving many security issues.

  4. JohnSmith September 5, 2024

    Incredible infrastructure! I hope they make these resources available for public projects as well.

    • Alex September 5, 2024

      That would be amazing. Imagine the innovations from indie developers with access to such tech!

  5. FelixG September 5, 2024

    Just hope this isn’t a flash in the pan. Consistent funding and support are essential to sustain such initiatives.

  6. KathyP September 5, 2024

    Those student projects sound amazing, particularly the Hybrid BCI Speller. Could have huge implications for accessibility!

    • Eve September 5, 2024

      Absolutely, Kathy! It’s about time AI started making tangible differences in people’s lives.

      • KathyP September 5, 2024

        Exactly! Accessibility improvements can elevate quality of life for so many people.

      • Sarah M September 5, 2024

        I hope they keep focusing on inclusive tech. It’s crucial for overall progress.

  7. Roger September 5, 2024

    I wonder if these advancements will contribute to job displacement in the tech industry.

    • Megan L. September 5, 2024

      That’s a complex issue, Roger. AI can create jobs too, especially in new sectors.

      • Roger September 5, 2024

        True, Megan. I just hope there are sufficient retraining programs for displaced workers.

      • AI_Aaron September 5, 2024

        And the skills gap! We need to ensure the workforce is prepared for these changes.

  8. Chen September 5, 2024

    The support from industry giants like NVIDIA is a huge endorsement. This lab could really put AIT on the map globally.

  9. Gabby September 5, 2024

    Will there be opportunities for international collaboration? This could foster a lot of global innovation.

    • Jason Y September 5, 2024

      I believe so. AIT has a history of global partnerships. This lab could be a catalyst.

  10. Nina88 September 5, 2024

    Great, now another place will monopolize advanced tech while leaving developing countries behind.

    • Ankit September 5, 2024

      Nina, AIT collaborates with various countries. This could be a chance for tech transfer to developing regions.

      • Nina88 September 5, 2024

        I hope you’re right, Ankit. The digital divide is real and widening by the day.

  11. Timothy Clarke September 5, 2024

    It’s inspiring to see educational institutions taking the lead in AI. Hopefully, this will inspire similar initiatives worldwide.

  12. Liam_T September 5, 2024

    Skeptical if they can maintain this level of innovation. Many such initiatives lose steam after the initial hype.

  13. Elise Johnson September 5, 2024

    Would love to see how they balance academic freedom with industry collaboration. That’s often a tricky territory.

  14. Derek September 5, 2024

    I’m more excited about the visualization tools they have. That 110” 4K display must be amazing for simulations!

  15. Ahmed September 5, 2024

    Security is crucial. Hope they have robust measures in place. A lab like this could be a major target for cyber attacks.

  16. Sara21 September 5, 2024

    Finally, something to get excited about! AI has so much potential. This lab could be a breeding ground for future game-changers.

    • Henry September 5, 2024

      Indeed, Sara! Can’t wait to see the innovations that come out of AIT now.

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