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In Singapore, dengue disease has spread

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Dengue fever epidemics have also been reported in other Southeast Asian nations. In the first month of 2022, 193 persons in Thailand were afflicted with the disease. Two people, one 37 and the other 40, died after becoming infected. Thailand should expect an uptick in new cases this year as the coronavirus declines, according to Thai health experts. Dengue season normally starts on June 1 in the city-heavy state. As of May 28, according to a spokesperson for Singapore’s Ministry of Health, the country has 11,670 cases. There were only 5,258 dengue cases throughout the entire year of 2021. Dengue fever incidences in Singapore have already surpassed the total for the entire year of 2021.

According to the Singapore Meteorological Service, Singapore is warming twice as rapidly as the rest of the world. In May, temperatures reached a new high of 36.7 degrees Celsius. Singapore’s largest dengue outbreak in history occurred in 2020, with 35,315 illnesses and 28 deaths. Climate change, according to experts, is spreading the disease, with more countries suffering extended periods of hot weather and thunderstorms. The proliferation of mosquitos and the diseases they transmit is aided by certain meteorological conditions. According to the Ministry of Health, only one dengue-related death has been reported this year, despite the fact that 10% of cases necessitate hospitalization. According to CNN, a psychiatrist called Clarence Yeo Sze Kin expects that the number of cases this year would set a new high. High fevers, severe headaches, and muscular and bodily pains are all symptoms of dengue fever. It can cause bleeding, respiratory problems, organ failure, and even death in severe situations. Dengue fever is alarming not just because of its unpleasant and sometimes lethal symptoms, but also because it is contagious.

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