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Indulge in Tropical Bliss: Mango Afternoon Tea at InterContinental Bangkok

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Imagine stepping into a world where the queen of fruits – the mango – rules supreme. This is exactly the experience waiting for you at Balcony Lounge, InterContinental Bangkok, where from the 1st of May to the 30th of June 2024, the Mango Afternoon Tea takes you on an epicurean journey that’s as refreshing as a gentle Thai breeze.

At the heart of this luxurious affair is the mango, a fruit so juicy and sweet it can turn any dish into an exotic delicacy. Imagine biting into a gourmet lobster roll, where the subtle sweetness of mango dances with the richness of the lobster. Or consider the adventurous pairing of this fruit with smoked tuna and tandoori chicken, where every bite is a symphony of flavors unexpected yet perfectly harmonious.

But it’s not just the savory that’s elevated with the touch of mango. Satisfy your sweet tooth with treats that are nothing short of divine. A slice of mango cheesecake, where the creamy richness melds with the bright, tropical flavor of mango, or the ethereal delight of a mango-orange cream pavlova, where the lightness of the pavlova meets the creamy tang of citrus and mango – these are moments of joy, captured in every bite.

And because no tea is complete without the classics, the Balcony Lounge doesn’t hold back on favorites. Indulge in a strawberry pistachio éclair that promises a crunch, followed by a burst of berry goodness, or a traditional scone paired with a medley of jams – strawberry, orange, and cream – each adding layers of flavor to your afternoon indulgence.

The Mango Afternoon Tea isn’t just an experience; it’s a journey through flavors, textures, and aromas, served every afternoon from 14:30 to 17:30. Whether you’re looking to pamper yourself solo for THB 1,100++ or share the experience with a companion for THB 1,990++, the Balcony Lounge at the InterContinental Bangkok is your destination. Nestled on the Lobby level, this oasis in the midst of Bangkok’s hustle and bustle awaits to enwrap you in luxury.

Ready to reserve your spot at this exclusive soiree? Reach out to the InterContinental Bangkok at [email protected] or dial +66 (0) 2 656 0444. Remember, every morsel and sip at this afternoon tea is not just a meal; it’s an exploration of the delicate balance between sweet and savory, tradition and innovation. Prices are quoted in Thai Baht and are subject to a 10% service charge and applicable government taxes, ensuring that your experience is as seamless as the flavors on your palate.

So, mark your calendars and prepare for an afternoon where the magnificent mango takes center stage, brought to you in a setting that speaks of elegance and culinary excellence. The Mango Afternoon Tea at Balcony Lounge is more than just a meal; it’s a vibrant celebration of one of nature’s most exquisite offerings. Don’t miss the chance to indulge in this tropical escapade, amidst the luxurious surroundings of the InterContinental Bangkok.


  1. MangoLover April 30, 2024

    Absolutely thrilled about this! Mangoes are the best fruit and combining them with afternoon tea is just genius!

    • TeaConnoisseur April 30, 2024

      I’m skeptical. How can you be sure the mango won’t overshadow the delicate flavors of the tea?

      • MangoLover April 30, 2024

        It’s all about the balance! I believe a good chef can make it work perfectly.

      • ChefPat April 30, 2024

        Absolutely correct! The idea is to complement, not overshadow. There’s an art to pairing flavors.

    • EcoWarrior April 30, 2024

      Seems indulgent. Wonder how sustainable this is, considering mangoes have to be sourced, possibly flown in from other countries.

      • FoodiePhil April 30, 2024

        Important point. Sustainability should be a priority. But maybe they source locally?

  2. BudgetTraveler April 30, 2024

    Sounds fancy but for over 1,000 baht, that’s quite expensive for afternoon tea. Is it really worth it?

    • LuxLifestyle April 30, 2024

      You’re paying for an experience, not just the food. It’s about ambiance, quality, and unique flavors. Totally worth it in my book.

      • BudgetTraveler April 30, 2024

        I get that. But when does the price point stop being justifiable for an ‘experience’?

  3. CulinarySnob April 30, 2024

    Innovation or gimmick? I have my doubts about mango with smoked tuna. Seems like they’re just mixing trendy ingredients.

    • OpenMindedFoodie April 30, 2024

      Don’t knock it till you try it! The combination might surprise you. Culinary innovation often starts with what might seem like weird pairings.

  4. HealthNut April 30, 2024

    Love the idea, but I’m curious about the calorie count. These luxurious treats might not be so waist-friendly.

  5. Kate S April 30, 2024

    Is the Mango Afternoon Tea suitable for vegetarians? Often these menus have limited options.

    • VeganVibes April 30, 2024

      Good point, Kate. I’d also be interested in knowing if they offer vegan options.

      • InterConRep April 30, 2024

        Hi Kate and VeganVibes. Delighted to inform you that we do indeed have vegetarian and can make accommodations for vegan guests. Please inform us when booking!

  6. TraditionKeeper April 30, 2024

    Why mess with a classic afternoon tea? Next thing you know, they’ll replace tea with smoothies.

    • Innovator April 30, 2024

      Isn’t evolution part of any tradition? Introducing new flavors keeps the tradition alive and kicking!

      • TraditionKeeper April 30, 2024

        But there’s a line. Some things are classic for a reason. It’s called afternoon TEA, not afternoon smoothie.

  7. JetSetter April 30, 2024

    This brings back memories! I had afternoon tea at the InterContinental in London, and it was exquisite. Can’t wait to try this mango themed one in Bangkok.

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