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Job Opportunities BOOM! Unveiling the Surprising Rise in Thai Labor Demand Post-Pandemic!

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Online recruitment titan, JobThai, recently announced a distinct 10.8% surge in labour demand compared to the preceding year during the first three quarters of this fiscal year. With the aftermath of the pandemic remodelling the occupational landscape, the travel sector witnessed the highest rebound with a whopping 76% increment in job recruitment. The firm chalked up 1.74 million job vacancies from January through September, marking a substantial growth compared to the same timeframe the previous year. This insight came directly from JobThai’s key players, Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder, Sangduan Tangthamsatid.

In the dramatic turnaround post-pandemic, the hotel industry matched stride with the travelling sector, showcasing a vigorous 39% rise in hiring, advancing from the avid job cuts brought on by the pandemic. The energy sector bolstered significant expansion, overtaking the hotel segment’s 39% rise in demand.

Owing to the thriving food and beverage industry, the highest number of vacancies – a staggering 167,261 – was sought in this field. The retail, automotive, construction materials and services sectors followed closely with 137,421, 119,609, 108,491, and 106,143 positions respectively. Among the various occupational roles, sales jobs triumphed with a 21.4% demand, subsequently trailed by technicians, production/quality control, administrative/procurement and engineering jobs.

Examining JobThai’s helpful survey further, applicants showed an enhanced trend for production/quality control jobs, garnering a steadfast 16.0% applications. Administrative/procurement jobs were not far behind with 14.1%, while engineering, technician, and sales jobs enjoyed 11.0%, 9.20%, and 8.54% respectively.

The survey also shed light on the areas of intensified competition, with human resources topping the list, drawing an average of 5.8 applications per vacancy – a tight competition indeed. Science and import/export roles, each pulling 5.5 applications per post, were also tightly contested job segments.

A detailed scrutiny of the survey highlighted that language skills took the corporate industry by storm, with Mandarin, English and Japanese topping the list of preferred languages. A strong proficiency in computer languages and familiarity with current programming tools also acted as a feather in the cap for prospective employees. In addition, hands-on knowledge of software applications, enterprise resource planning tools, and platforms like TikTok caught the attention of employers alike.

Let’s shift focus on the demographics of JobThai users – for instance, the age bracket 25 to 34 formed 30% of the total users, while individuals aged 45 and above constituted 25%; those aged 35 to 44 made up 23%, with the younger lot, aged 18 to 24, making up 21% of the user base. When it comes to educational qualifications, a majority of around 70% of users boasted bachelor’s degrees, followed by 14% with vocational training and a mere 4% with a master’s degree, as confirmed by the Bangkok Post.

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