Amid the peaceful darkness of a late Wednesday evening in Nakhon Pathom province, an act of valor unfolded as four suspects were taken into custody in what is being hailed as the largest single narcotics operation in Thailand’s history. The unfolding of this gripping incident was led by Deputy National Police Chief Pol Gen Torsak Sukwimol.
As the clock struck 11:30 pm, the quiet of the night was broken in the Muang district of Nakhon Pathom. Police officers, led by Torsak Sukwimol, swarmed the premises of a two-story dwelling located at 20/15 Soi Lamphaya-Bosco 2 Road. It was a part of their compelling mission targeted at cracking down on drug traders and their illicit activities.
The daring operation resulted in the arrest of four individuals and the seizure of colossal quantities of narcotics. The premises harboured Apichart Ekchin, aged 38, along with the Khiaophrai brothers—Chalit, 39 years old, Charan and Watchara, both in their late thirties.
The staggering haul of seized drugs included a massive 15 million methamphetamine pills, a striking 443 bars of heroin, and an astounding 420 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine. Additionally, substances colloquially known as “happy water” and “five-five” were also discovered on the premises.
An elated Pol Gen Torsak proudly labelled this as the nation’s largest drug seizure, valuing the confiscated substances at an astounding 300 million baht on the street. He disclosed that the detectives had committed close to two painstaking years to track down this notorious gang, initiating their efforts with the previous arrest of a gang member.
The road to this groundbreaking operation commenced with the arrest of Warawut Inkhlai, 36, further intricate revelations leading to the discovery of the intricate relationship between the suspects. Assistant National Police Chief Pol Gen Samran Nuanma explained that the narcotic operations were relocated to Nakhon Pathom post-Inkhlai’s arrest. This location turned out to be their hub for storage before the drugs were distributed to small-scale traffickers throughout the region.
Inkhlai was apprehended on charges of illegal possession of firearms and involvement in drug-related money-laundering. It was Pol Gen Samran who unveiled the group’s modus operandi. He disclosed that drugs were smuggled into the country from its northern neighbors before being distributed locally, thus unmasking a vast web of narcotics trade. This successful operation pulled back the curtain on a thriving underworld of drug trafficking, marking a significant breakthrough in Thailand’s war on drugs.
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