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Malaysian Consul General Issues Urgent Weather Advisory for Travelers in Thailand Amid Storm Soulik

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A car sporting Malaysian license plates sustained significant damage after a utility pole toppled onto it while it was parked on a road in the Ban Dan Nok area of Sadao district in Songkhla province last Friday. (Photo: Assawin Pakkawan)

Given the recent onslaught of torrential downpours and severe storms across multiple provinces in Thailand, Malaysia has issued a strong advisory for its citizens vacationing in the region to stay vigilant. Ahmad Fahri Ahmad Sarkawi, the Malaysian Consul General in Songkhla, emphasized the importance of being cautious and suggested that travelers avoid visiting islands during this tempestuous period.

“The current weather conditions in Thailand are rather extreme,” he informed Bernama news agency on Thursday. “There’s a dangerous mix of strong winds, heavy rain, and towering waves, particularly in island areas like Phuket.”

In response to these hazardous weather conditions caused by Storm Soulik, several southern attractions, including the renowned James Bond Island within Ao Phangnga National Park, have been temporarily closed.

This advisory comes at a time when Malaysians are flocking to Thailand, with Hat Yai district in Songkhla emerging as a popular destination due to the ongoing week-long school holiday, which concludes this weekend.

Just a day after the consul’s cautionary statement, a fierce storm hit Ban Dan Nok, a border town in Sadao district of Songkhla, adjacent to Kedah state, damaging three Malaysian-registered cars. The storm unleashed a barrage of heavy rain and powerful winds, uprooting large trees and downing utility poles that subsequently landed on the vehicles. Fortunately, no injuries were reported as the cars were unoccupied at the time of the incident.


  1. Traveler123 September 20, 2024

    I was planning a trip to Phuket next week. Should I cancel my plans?

    • Alex September 20, 2024

      With the current weather conditions, it would be wise to postpone your trip.

      • Traveler123 September 20, 2024

        Thanks. I guess safety comes first.

      • TouristGuide September 20, 2024

        Absolutely, it’s better to be cautious! Maybe consider less risky destinations within Thailand?

  2. Jim L. September 20, 2024

    This is why I always travel during the dry season. Weather like this can ruin a vacation.

    • Sandy September 20, 2024

      But sometimes it’s unavoidable. Unpredictable weather is just part of the adventure!

    • stormwatcher84 September 20, 2024

      True, but there’s a difference between adventurous and dangerous.

  3. Alice M. September 20, 2024

    I don’t think it’s really that serious. These advisories are usually overblown.

    • ConcernedParent September 20, 2024

      Alice, these storms can be deadly. It’s not just for show.

      • Alice M. September 20, 2024

        Fair point, but being overly cautious can also ruin experiences.

  4. Emily R September 20, 2024

    Better safe than sorry! Nature can be unpredictable and powerful. Health and lives should come first.

    • Jake September 20, 2024

      Totally agree. People underestimate the power of nature.

      • Emily R September 20, 2024

        Especially with climate change, weather is becoming more extreme.

  5. PhuketLover September 20, 2024

    I’ve been to Phuket during storm season. If you’re prepared, it’s manageable and can even be beautiful in its own way.

    • RiskTaker September 20, 2024

      Exactly! Sometimes the risk is part of the fun.

    • SafetyFirst September 20, 2024

      That’s such a reckless attitude. What if something happens?

  6. Timothy September 20, 2024

    Does anybody know if travel insurance covers cancellations due to weather?

    • Sarah September 20, 2024

      Yes, many travel insurance policies do. Read the fine print or call your provider to be sure.

  7. LonelyObserver September 20, 2024

    What about the locals? Their livelihoods are also affected by these storms.

    • Maria K September 20, 2024

      That’s a good point. Tourism is crucial for them, and they face the brunt of the impact.

      • LonelyObserver September 20, 2024

        Exactly! Hopefully measures are in place to support them during such times.

  8. FrequentFlyer September 20, 2024

    This advisory is just a precaution, right? I mean, they usually blow things out of proportion.

    • Realist September 20, 2024

      Sometimes, yes. But given the damage already reported, it seems pretty serious this time.

  9. Jerry P. September 20, 2024

    I guess the beaches will be less crowded! Silver linings.

    • Karen L. September 20, 2024

      Not sure if that’s something to celebrate given the risks involved.

      • Jerry P. September 20, 2024

        Good point. Just trying to find some positive in this.

  10. EcoTraveler September 20, 2024

    Maybe this is a sign that we should reduce our carbon footprints. Climate change is making weather more extreme.

    • Skeptic123 September 20, 2024

      Oh please, this has been happening for centuries. Climate change isn’t the cause of everything!

  11. David H. September 20, 2024

    It’s frustrating. I had my whole itinerary planned out. How reliable is this advisory?

    • TravelExpert September 20, 2024

      Advisories are based on meteorological data and current conditions. They’re reliable enough to not be ignored.

      • David H. September 20, 2024

        I guess I’ll have to reconsider my plans. Better safe than stranded.

  12. Nadya September 20, 2024

    It’s so heartening that no one was injured in the storm! Material losses can be replaced.

    • Bryan W. September 20, 2024

      Yes, but it’s still a major inconvenience and expense for many people.

  13. Amy September 20, 2024

    What a shame to close places like James Bond Island. Huge blow for tourism!

    • Iris September 20, 2024

      Safety first. These places will reopen when it’s safe.

  14. Adventurer007 September 20, 2024

    I disagree with all of this fear-mongering. Live a little! There’s always an element of risk in travel.

    • CautiousTraveler September 20, 2024

      It’s one thing to be adventurous, but quite another to ignore clear warnings. Life is precious.

  15. Ben T. September 20, 2024

    What should other countries be doing in terms of issuing advisories for their citizens?

    • PolicyExpert September 20, 2024

      They should monitor situations closely and issue timely updates. It’s crucial for keeping travelers informed.

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