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Ngern Tid Lor’s Bernard Tso Wins Marketeer No.1 Brand Thailand 2024 Award for Vehicle Title Loans

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Ngern Tid Lor Public Company Limited (TIDLOR), helmed by Mr. Bernard Tso, Head of Marketing and Business Development, has clinched the prestigious Marketeer No.1 Brand Thailand 2024 award. This accolade solidifies TIDLOR’s position as the leading brand in the Vehicle Title Loans category in Thailand. Determined through an extensive nationwide survey, this recognition underscores the deep-seated trust and preference consumers have for the “Ngern Tidlor” brand.

Expressing his gratitude, Mr. Tso mentioned, “Receiving this award is a testament to the relentless efforts and dedication of every single Ngern Tidlor employee. We are deeply grateful to our customers and the public for their unwavering trust over the years. This accolade further fuels our resolve to innovate in technology, products, and financial services, ensuring we provide nothing short of the best customer experience. Our mission remains steadfast – to foster fair and transparent financial opportunities, acting as a dependable financial pillar that keeps our clients’ lives moving forward.”

The Marketeer No.1 Brand Thailand 2024 award, organized by the esteemed Marketeer Group in collaboration with Marketing Moves Co., Ltd., delves into the consumer psyche. By surveying over 6,000 individuals across the country, it encapsulates their trust and confidence in the nation’s premier brands spanning various business sectors.

Moreover, “Ngern Tidlor” has not only earned this new title but has also been a stalwart in consumer trust. The brand has bagged Thailand’s Most Admired Brand award for six years in a row in the Vehicle Title Loans category, as bestowed by BrandAge magazine. This consistent recognition speaks volumes about the brand’s dedication and the unwavering confidence consumers place in it.

For further insights and updates about Ngern Tidlor, visit their official website at, stay connected through their Ngern Tidlor Facebook Fan page, or reach out to their 24-hour call centre at +66 88-088-0880.


  1. Marie C. July 26, 2024

    I find it fascinating that Ngern Tid Lor keeps winning awards. Must be doing something right!

    • Eco-Warrior77 July 26, 2024

      Or they’re just really good at marketing. Awards don’t always reflect true value.

    • Marie C. July 26, 2024

      Good point, but consistent wins suggest some level of genuine accomplishment. They can’t all be fluff.

      • GreenThumb July 26, 2024

        Awards are often bought! The real impact of their services on people’s financial health is what matters.

    • Blake July 26, 2024

      I’ve used their service and it’s actually pretty solid. Interest rates are reasonable.

  2. Kevin J. July 26, 2024

    It’s amazing how much recognition a company can get just by making people feel ‘safe’ financially.

    • Sue M. July 26, 2024

      Safety is relative. How safe can a vehicle title loan really be?

    • Kevin J. July 26, 2024

      Sure, but for some, it’s better than getting ripped off by less reputable lenders.

  3. Tracy Lee July 26, 2024

    Couldn’t agree more. Transparency and fairness are crucial!

  4. BigJohn1945 July 26, 2024

    People need to stop relying on loans and learn to manage their money better.

    • Smartie_L July 26, 2024

      Not everyone has the same opportunities, BigJohn. Sometimes loans are the only option.

    • BigJohn1945 July 26, 2024

      You’re probably right, but financial education is still a must.

  5. Lisa M. July 26, 2024

    I’ve heard mixed reviews about Ngern Tid Lor. Some good experiences, some bad.

  6. SkepticalSam July 26, 2024

    Isn’t it weird how these big corporations always win awards? It’s like they control the narrative.

    • B. Sanchez July 26, 2024

      Agreed. They have the resources to sway public perception.

    • Alice T. July 26, 2024

      If they have the resources to help customers too, does it matter? People are getting the service they need.

  7. JonnyP July 26, 2024

    If Ngern Tidlor is so great, why do I keep hearing stories of people losing their cars over small loans?

    • Megan H. July 26, 2024

      That’s the risk of vehicle title loans everywhere. It’s unfortunate but sometimes necessary.

    • Linda July 26, 2024

      That’s why it’s important to have financial literacy before taking any loan.

  8. Helena July 26, 2024

    Congrats to Ngern Tid Lor! Well-deserved.

  9. Dean Y. July 26, 2024

    This is just a ploy to make Ngern Tidlor more appealing. It’s all about money.

  10. Anna N. July 26, 2024

    As a customer, I appreciate the transparency they’ve always shown me.

    • Paul Z. July 26, 2024

      How long have you been with them, Anna? Curious to know your experience.

  11. TigerMom72 July 26, 2024

    Can we talk about how these loans often target the vulnerable?

  12. Jake July 26, 2024

    Much respect for the consistent awards. They’re clearly doing something right.

    • Contrarian98 July 26, 2024

      Or they’re just really good at playing the system.

  13. SecretNinja July 26, 2024

    Why aren’t they focusing on offering more sustainable financial solutions?

  14. Joe July 26, 2024

    Awards are nice and all, but what’s their customer satisfaction rate? That’s what really matters.

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